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Mario Party peaked with this one

A Hollywood Video rental classic. I liked being cowboy Mario

Nunca joguei um mario party multiplayer 😔

Jogo bom ❀

this game makes me angry but nostalgia and when you play it with friends it funnie

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Ok, this game was a great game for it’s time and I personally think they did there very best on this game. As usual, it has it’s ups and downs. The downs are that you can only hold one item and that the CPUs can really destroy you even if there just on easy or normal. In the other Mario Party games, I either got second but mostly first against the CPUs, and I don’t know why they were so difficult in this one. But the game is good in total. It has good graphics, boards, mini games, and the costumes I love and think are the best. The costumes, like the pirate outfit, cowboy outfit, spaceship outfit, etc. the mini games, like the one where you pull down one of the colored levers and a giant Bowser head either explodes on you or you survive and go to the end of the line and then the next person goes, that one was good, the one where it’s basically tug of war and either one, two, or three people on one side (that includes yourself and CPUs or yourself and real people) are doing tug of war against a player or CPU In a Bowser suit. And finally, the old classic graphics are great. Overall, this game had it’s ups and downs, as most games do, and was a great game for its time back then.

Best set of boards in the series.

Pese a reciclar minijuegos del primer Mario party, agrega varios nuevos, pero como todos los Mario party, existen minijuegos desbalanceados, si bien le dan esa magia de destruye amistades, no hay que negar que muchos de estos suelen tener problemas notorios.

Desde los puñeteros machaca botones que duran mucho y que te dejan sin extremidades o dañar mandos, hasta los minijuegos azarosos donde puedes perder grandes cantidades de dinero. Juegos como el de hacer volar el fly Guy, donde es fåcil perder si no compites con otras personas ya que competir contra CPU en niveles de dificultad incluso normal, en muchos juegos al no tener ellos que precionar botones, no se cansan, a diferencia de un ser humano de carne y hueso.

Juegos los cuales no estĂĄn nivelados en cuanto a quien gana o no, la mayorĂ­a de 1 contra 3, o los infames juegos como Day yo de RACE donde apuestas dinero a unos monigotes pero como incluso el turno de elecciones es completamente al azar.

Dejando de lado eso, los mapas de este Mario party son bastante buenos y variados, temĂĄticamente, quisas no tiene esa onda mĂĄs atmosfĂ©rica del primer Mario party que se sentĂ­a mĂĄs onĂ­rico, entre la mĂșsica, los trajes y esa secuencia final, los hace bastante memorables, y los minijuegos dejando de lado los cĂĄnceres anteriormente mencionados, hay muchos muy divertidos y desafiantes. Aunque me parece un poco molesto el hecho de haber removido los de un solo jugador que habĂ­a en el primero, pero gracias a Dios que se fueron esas mierdas de rotar el stick, que causaban un daño fĂ­sico aĂșn mayor que los machaca botones.

they really peaked early but ya know what thats okay

the best mario party on the n64 for at least a year

MUCH better than MP1, minigames are better and much more balance, However it still has it fair share of issues in those department (crane game in particular) and boo taking coins is more of RNG then actually pressing the button. Western, Space, and Horror Land got introduced here which is GREAT. other boards are nothing to write home about or just “Why?”. The controls much tighter. Otherwise Its a good, perhaps great game, but I don’t see the appeal everyone gives it, I didn’t grew up on this game so perhaps i just don’t see it the same way everyone does.

It kickstarted the Mario Party games we have nowadays, but the more I play this one, the less I start to like it.

I honestly don't see this as the best Mario Party game, compared to the majority of people out there. It certainly gave a few more things to the Mario Party formula, but a lot of this was added more so to the single player experience than the multi-player one. Still though, its Mario Party, even if it does borrow heavily from the first, its still a wonderfully horrible game to play with friends.

Easily my favorite Mario Party. Really cool themes, really fun minigames, nice music, nice gimmicky boards without getting too gimmicky.

My first experience with this game was a kiddie ride at the mall which had Cowboy Mario jailed in a van. 4/5.

they call it 2 cuz it’s the 2nd best one

I think it's easy to say this is one of the best Mario Party games especially thanks to its boards and minigames, that definitely should be taken as an inspiration for future titles, while obviously still lacking in content because of the N64 power and short time between the first and second title.

The quality compared to the original is noticably better. Items, 2v2 mini games, more type of events in each board, and every character having a unique costume of each board are all amazing additions. I would still rather play newer entries but I can definitely see why this is a beloved classic.

via Nintendo Switch Online Nintendo 64

The cut scenes at the end of each game are literally cinematic ngl

This is a great time but honestly I don't see it as "the best" in the series personally.
Has some fun mini games, but several are reused from Mario Party 1. Half the maps are great, but the other half are bad. Item were introduced but you can only carry one so there's hardly any room for strategizing.

Mario Party 2 is good but was still at that phase of trying to perfect the formula that Mario Party 3 achieved later on.

Nothing will ever top Western Land. You can run over other players with a train and throw a Hootenanny for 20 coins that fucks up everyone's spaces.

O Mario Party que mais joguei na infĂąncia, e o meu favorito da trilogia de 64.

I'm pretty sure this was the first Mario game ever translated in italian. Which shocked me since I was sure it was Luigi's Mansion (no, not even the Super Mario Advance until Yoshi's Island).

Anyways: I really like what it tries to do to differentiate itself already by the predecessor.
Have to play it better, but sequels that take some variety are always interesting and deserves to be praised just for that (ofc if it is a good idea, this was definitely is).

This is in my opinion my favorite of all the Mario party games, it retained a lot of the classic charm that the original game had but also added some new aspects. Old mini games were improved, new mini games were overall a lot of fun and the boards were much better designed this time. Plus how could you not love all the little outfits the characters would wear on each one? I mean obviously Pirate land was the best one but that's beside the point. This one also removed the single player aspect of the first one but again I don't think that's really a bad thing.

Possibly the best Mario Party game while still housing quite a few bad minigames. Different worlds and costume changes are fun.