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Have you ever wanted to play Mario Party but all the boards are squares and really bad? Play Super Mario Party.
Want to do it with a lower resolution? Play Mario party 4.

mini mushroom is skeleton key but bad

A fairly solid entry in the series for the gamecube. But the system feels fairly stale and a step down from 3.

Another nice installment in the Mario Party series, that however is extremely series to its predecessor.

Formerly my favorite in the series. I just haven't played this in so long that I don't feel right putting it up any higher, but I do know it's deserving of this score at least. This game is in that awkward phase between the N64 Mario aesthetic and GameCube aesthetic which gives this one such a unique feel that I really like. Also gave us Dungeon Duos. Hell, that might be four stars on its own.

Tiene muy buenos y variados minijuegos (aunque si que hay unos de machacar el boton bastante jodidillos) y le sienta bien a los personajes la potencia que supuso la gamecube en su momento.

Pero mi principal queja viene de los mapas, se sienten todos muy parecidos entre si, literalmente todos son, algo de fondillo que nisiquiera se aprecia del todo bien, mientras vamos en casillas en una especia de pizo flotante que tiene el mismo color en todos los mapas, solo cambiando ciertas mecanicas (una ruleta, una especie de vagoneta de ataudes, etc, siendo la unica diferencia notable).

Indiferentemente de eso, pues, me gusto, en general, tiene buen equilibrio en general, pero si los mapas fueran mas como los de 64, mas unicos, seria posiblemente el mejor mario party a mi parecer, cosa que el 3 sigue, posicionandoce como el mejor de la saga bajo mi criterio (aunque el 1 tiene un sentimiento onirico en sus mapas que es el mas ambiental) en fin.

PD: ¿Porque coño reciclan bowser big blast? TODOS ODIAN BIG BLAST!!!

I want to like this game but I always find myself playing any other Mario Party I own.
The mini games are great! But it has some of the most boring maps in the entire series. I also don't like the abundance of mini and mega mushrooms you get compared to Mario Party 3's fantastic item selection.

I know it's a good game but I perfer most other Mario Party's.

i struggle to find things objectively WRONG with this one compared to the other gamecube mario parties but honestly? it’s just kinda ugly

Fun game in a time in which couch gaming was king

Beside the godawfully aged intro of the game: pretty gut. Not as much as the incoming GC ones, but still fun stuff.

Probably one of my least favorite Mario Party games, especially when the GOAT Mario Party Gamecube game, Mario Party 6 is also on the same console.

Suffers from being the first Mario Party on the GameCube, and thus the first in its graphical style. Has fantastic minigames, and mediocre boards because they hadn't yet worked out how to have the character models interact with a real 3D space. Still fun, but probably play one of the others if you're only going to play 1

should really just be called "the one with booksquirm and domination in it"

Outside some stand-out minigames (like the page turning one) there is really not a lot memorable here. The maps are either bland or bad and the mega mini gimmick really doesn't help.

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Ok, this was… a interesting game. I’m just going to get straight to the point. The boards were pretty bad, the characters moved around the board way to slow, and the mini games had some of my favorites, like Booksquirm. But the others in my opinion we’re still really good, but not as good as the ones in the others games. But this game is still a good game overall. The character selection was fine with me. As long as it has Luigi, I’m fine with it. Although, I think that could have at least added Toad, that would make the game a little better because Toad is amazing. Anyway, that’s one good thing about it. The graphics are also pretty decent as well, being one of the early GameCube games. There was also good comics and the story was hilarious with “The Party Cube”. Overall, this game was good, had many flaws that could be way better, and definitely wasn’t as good as any of the later ones or early ones, like 2, but also had good and funny things in it, so I personally enjoyed playing this game.

i dont remember this one but its Mario party so its good

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this game made me a gambling addict after playing goombas greedy gala

aayyyy another 4 for another great Mario Party. I probably played this one the second most of any MP game. Good times.

If I ever have to play Toad’s Midway Madness again, I might just end it all

This Mario Party is a mixed bag of things. I like the birthday theme (especially with the presents in story mode), the minigames are some of the best in the series with all time greats like Booksquirm and Dungeon Duos, I love how battle minigames work in the game with letting the person who landed on it to choose between 2 minigames, custom Minigame selection is really awesome and should come back, and last 5 turns has a chance to be a lot more chaotic which I like! That being said I don’t like how reversal of fortune (chance time) defaults to swap coins so often, the item system isn’t great, and most importantly: the board selection isn’t good overall. The standout board of this pack is probably Shy Guys Jungle Jam with has a cool gimick but is pretty standard overall but the boards overall aren’t great such as to Toads Midway Madness which I hate with a burning passion and isn’t even the worst board in this game. The game is good overall and I don’t mind going back to it, but the gameplay has glaring flaws.

Played this for 5 minutes of kirby air ride and had fun

i dont care that the boards are kinda lame, this game has Booksquirm and Dungeon Duos, aka the two best mario party minigames Of All Time

This is genuinely the worst mario party game of all time and its not close. Garbage items, garbage maps (that are almost all the same), mediocre minigames at best and absolutely soulless. Quite literally has nothing going for it

Don't think there's anything standout in this MP compared to the others. Even more flat/bland minigames here, and the whole Mega/Mini mechanic didn't do anything for me. Being Mega, you just bypass everything so there's little interaction other than stomping on people for a measly 10 coins. And being Mini, there's a solid chance you're not going to roll enough to reach the given Mini Pipe or event you're aiming for.

This is the official point where Mario Party devolved into generic sludge. There is nothing explicitly wrong with Mario Party 4, or 5 for that matter, but my god were they boring compared to previous games.