Reviews from

in the past

Something I am obligated to state at the beginning of any Picross game I ever review, is that I am very, very, VERY, bias. I love Picross puzzles to death and THIS GAME FROM 1995, does the puzzles, aesthetics, and difficulty progression better then a lot of the more recent games in its genre. The issue that I have with it however, is in the fact that it doesn't really feel as if this is "Mario's" Picross; instead being simply a very good "Anyone's" Picross. As in, I would have been happier if the puzzles where more related to the Mario IP, such as characters or items from Mario games showing up as solutions to the puzzles. Because as it is, this is really just a generic picross game, with the side note that YOU are playing as Mario, a fact that is easy to forget. Regardless however, this is still a very well made Picross game, and great for individuals like me looking for more puzzles to quell the addiction.

Well it's picross so it scratches that itch with it's typical addicting gameplay, but the rest is quite underwhelming. I prefer the sleek and clean look of Picross 3D and the cutesy Kemono Friends picross over this game's drab stone aesthetic. Also despite being called "Mario's Super Picross", pretty much none of the pictures you complete are related to mario in any way. It's nice that a few of the pictures are animated at least. It's unrelated to the game's quality but it surprised me that nintendo was too lazy to translate the tiny amount of japanese dialogue in this game, meaning any english-speaker playing this as their first picross will be unable to learn the rules. It's not a bad game by any means, but without the style to back it up I don't have the motivation to go through more than the 100+ puzzles I completed to sate my picross craving.

Has an insane amount of puzzles from a wide range of difficulties. Sadly I had to stop when they became 20x20, since at that point they stopped being entertaining or fun for me. Even counting those out, the game has more content than I would have expected. Would have liked if they actually had anything to do with Mario though.

I finally finished this one. There were 300 puzzles total, and it just kept going and going and going, far more than I expected, but hey! It was 300 picross puzzles, so, great.

There were ones in the last few sets that were actually hard, where you have to start trying to predict, and that's not my favorite. Picross should never have guessing involved.

But! In the Wario puzzles, the last option in the menu yellows out blocks, like using a pencil, and if you select the left option when you are done, it completes them for you. Select the right option, it'll undo all your moves.

Hard to go wrong with Picross. Once they added this to the Nintendo Switch Online library I enjoyed sinking a couple hours into it

A game I don't know how to play in a language I don't understand.

this is worse than the gameboy mario's picross. visibility is so much worse (i am COLORBLIND and am squinting my eyes to see this on a TV SCREEN several feet away). adding wario puzzles, aka the definitive picross format, is nice but i still CANNOT SEE THE GAME. you will never live up to the catharsis of solving a game boy puzzle and seeing the words "back hoe" on my screen.

I mean, it's Picross, that's for sure.

Mario throws absolute shade towards Wario's puzzles which is wild considering how much of a strickler Mario feels with his time limit and sad sound effect when you break a wrong tile whereas Wario's just here to chill out with a hard-as-nails puzzle that you can accidentally mark a piece you didn't mean to as much as you like. chalk another one up for Mario being the worst character in his own universe

The game that lit a Picross fire in me. I love this game's OST and the co-op puzzle aspect was a nifty idea for someone that, at the time, was looking for games to play with their partner. I'm not crazy about the time penalty, but it also makes you consider your moves more carefully.

This was my first picross game. I still don't get it. I honestly feel like a damn idiot!

This game was very fun. It's a shame Nintendo didn't translate the game, but it was really fun either way.

i came into this hoping it would contain mario-themed puzzles

it did not and if the lategame does i don't care to find out

All things considered, this is actually a really bad picross game.

Of course, we need to remember that it was released on SNES. Butttttttt it just didn't age well.
It lacks most of quality of life features.

I like the whole "theme" of archeology, but it gets boring really quickly, it's literally the only thing there is.
There is a couple of tracks in the game, all of them are okay, but once again they are way too short of a loop to not go insane after a while.
Why exactly is it MARIO's picross? There is no nintendo/gaming/mario related puzzles, they all are just random which is really wasted opportunity.

Deeply dislike the effect this game has on my brain. I’ll start playing it and look up and it will be an hour later and I’ll have no real concept of what I’ve even done within that hour other than check boxes, and I will just have lost all sense of time passing. The way in which this game just destroys any concept of time is kind of a horrifying sensation.

I used to play a ton of Picross years ago, and wonder if my relationship with it was maybe addiction-adjacent. I don’t find these games particularly fun, mentally engaging, challenging or nourishing, but my brain is drawn to them and struggles to put them down anyways. Had to force myself to stop playing this game, and I suspect I'll be avoiding other Picross games from now on now I'm more aware of the effect it has on me.

That said, even outside of how much it kind of breaks me, I don't even think this is a particularly good Picross game. It lacks a lot of quality of life features found in more modern iterations, some of the music is pretty irritating, and in the half of the game I completed it didn't provide a single puzzle that actually took advantage of the Mario IP.

There's not even any fucking Mario themed puzzles in this game what makes the bastard think he has any right to call it HIS picross.

The game boy game Mario's Picross was what got me into these types of puzzles games in the first place, and as a sequel that was never released in America I was interested to see what it had to offer. What I got was effectively some Japanese I couldn't understand, and a fairly mild game that honestly didn't do a whole lot different from it's predecessor.

In essence, Mario's Super Picross is just more Picross with Mario characters that sometimes tell you what to do or congratulate you on finishing a puzzle. I really wish there was more to it, and even with my small understanding of Japanese, I could tell it was just a bare bones tutorial talk and little flavor text. It's honestly shocking they didn't just translate the game over here anyway as there just wasn't a lot to change, but I suppose the '90s had a deep hatred for foreign letters that would hurt American kids eyes. Add that to small returns and an upcoming N64, and I guess I get why they didn't do it. Not to mention, it just doesn't have a lot going for it to catch anyone's eye.

Really you should just think of Mario's Super Picross as an enhanced port of the original Mario Picross. The game has a lot more puzzles, and a new mode attached to it, but that's really all we got. There really isn't any bells and whistles here that you wouldn't get from the game boy version aside from color. Even the new mode featuring Wario is just the opposite version of the usual Mario puzzles where you don't have a timer to race against, but also the game doesn't correct your mistakes. All the picross puzzles are just a random assortment of things, and occasionally something more specific to Japanese culture. Again there is plenty of fun with the way the game is structured, but next to nothing when it comes to Nintendo presence or charm. Heck, even the visuals and music is kept to a very lackluster arrangement. Either having tracks blend together too much or having very little of them to begin with.

Sadly,Mario's Super Picross just doesn't do anything interesting to play this over some more modern Picross games. There is next to no presentation, and everything else we get feels consistently recycled. I don't think anything is wrong with the core gameplay of Picross, but considering how many more we have got since this game came out, just makes it feel bare bones to every degree. You're not going to have a bad time with Mario's Super Picross, but you certainly can have a better time with any other Picross game out there.

There were a couple puzzles at the end there that were literally impossible to figure out without looking it up, but besides that, love Picross and was impressed by how much they Jampacked into a SNES game

Played on an emulator on my phone, as well as Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online. I like nonogram puzzles, and there's nothing wrong with this game, but with the large number of Picross titles available on Switch, I have no reason to return to this specific version of it.

This game is digital perfection

Perfect little time-killer for so many consecutive late nights of paternity leave. Just wish it had ben up front with me about how many puzzles it had in store for me. Starts out too easy to be worth your time, then hits a sweet spot of monotonous levels requiring straightforward brainwork. And then the end is loaded with some ridiculous guess-and-check nightmares. So really at no point was this, you know, a "fun game," but at least it stayed interesting long after it had worn out its welcome.

A decent and very lengthy picross game with two modes. The standard mode, with Mario, has you trying to figure out the puzzles within a time limit. The hard mode, with Wario, has you trying to figure out the puzzles with no hints are errors when you are are wrong. The puzzles are definitely challenging, with more advanced play introducing more complex boards and varied pictures to solve.

It's Picross. There's nothing much to say about the game itself. I personally think it's a timeless puzzle design comparable to something like Tetris.

I'm more surprised at how much content is here for a Super Famicom game. I solved all 132 main puzzles (not the Wario ones), and I clocked in at least 9 hours.
The one thing that really bugged me about this was the repetitive music. For a game that involves staring at the same screen for about 10 minutes, it's kinda annoying to have only 3 different music tracks playing on loop. This is one of those games that I would always keep muted or listen to a podcast on the side.

Otherwise, it's solid.

It's Picross with Mario in the title but barely in the game.

For the most part its a decent Picross game, you quite a lot of puzzles in it to do so it should keep you plenty busy if you're in love with Picross. The difficulty and size of the puzzle ranges from low to high and don't seem to go past 25x20 board sizes. I will mention that I typically don't care much for large boards, and do think this had a bit too many for my taste, so I stopped for now at 230 boards finished. It's worth noting there is also 2 types of boards, the first comes with time limits and allows you to spend some of it to activate a full and column, as well penalizes some time if you make a mistake. The other set does not come with a time limit, but it also does not inform you of mistakes so they take longer and are measurably harder.

A big thing though that disappoints a bit about the game is that despite being called Mario Picross, almost none of the boards are actually images related to the Mario series. This was a bit odd given what the game is titled and that it even features in the game as he congratulates you for solving puzzles. That said, some of the images feature animations when you solve them so they are still pretty neat.

Overall, if you like Picross, you'll surely like this game and it's free on Switch's SNES library if you have a Nintendo Online membership, but don't really expect it to do much with mario.