Reviews from

in the past

Wasn't really sure how they could top the story from the first game, but they did a pretty great job! Season 2 is a huge improvement over Season 1 but it keeps all of the things that made Season 1 so great.

It’s good. Less good than season 1, but still really good.

I don’t like how rarely Axel and Olivia show up, and now Lukas barely appears after like half of the game too. At least Petra is always with us.

The ending is really good tho.

It's more MCSM. The narrative is compelling, the characters are all interesting, and the world-BUILDING is nop notch. I really love this setting. I would totally be down for another season.

Not as good as season one but still fun. A tear shed for the third season of Minecraft Story Mode that will never happen. 😢

Came with low expectations about this game tbh. Surprised me how good this is. Miles better than the first.

Igual de bueno que el primero, y hasta un poco mejor. La historia está bastante bien y los personajes nuevos son bastante entrañables. Me gusta que las decisiones sean mucho más difíciles que en la primer entrega.

this one is okay but like kinda neat i think

I was kinda hoping you'd interested in a race

Both seasons of Minecraft Story Mode kind of blend together for me, but from what I remember, this was an upgrade from its predecessor. It capitalises on what the first game established in all the right ways and is steeped further into its own new and refreshing Minecraft lore. It's not as strong as Batman or GOTG, but still very fun in its own right.

Great potential with cool ideas, terrible writing with awful jokes every 5 seconds, takes you out of the scene's feeling

Vaguely remember feeling sad about a llama trapped in hell

defs better than the first, i felt like the storyline was more memorable. New characters are much fun here.

Where is season three we all are waiting go on make it I’m not in denial you are in denial DO ITAASTGGHV

Was it as good as the first one? Definitely no. Is it good? Yeah, I'd say so. I still enjoyed it honestly

a bit more over the top
but honestly really proves to me that tell tale should stop making mature stories because they got lucky twice and then never made anything good again... and focus on kids games

thought the 24 hour long sex scene between jesse and lukas was a bit much

its not a joke when i say this is one of my favorite games ever made

Simplón as fuck, pero tiene mucho carisma y eso me hace feliz

i adore playing bad games but like, this one aint it chief, this is TOO bad for me sorry yeah just no

I've played so many games that are way better than this, but this game just has an inexplicable charm to it. It's not as good as the first one, but for the most part, it's a pretty solid game. Although the ending was pretty lame, I want to believe that there were plans for extra episodes down the line which fixed some of the story problems.

The thing I disliked the most is that unlike the first one, there's really no consequence depending on your actions in this one since in the last chapter everyone just happens to be alright except maybe just 1 character.

Even with all the cheesy dialogue and inconsequential decisions, the game was pretty fun to play, especially after having played the first one when it came out which made the game just that more relatable with its themes like feeling that you're growing apart from your friends since you don't get to see them as often.

In short, it's a fun game that although it doesn't do anything to set itself apart from the first one, it still manages to captivate your heart.

Wayy better than season 1. Episode 3 and 4 are highlights and am surprised this was in a Minecraft game aimed at 10 year olds.

Petra was cool :)
But the story was so insufferable