Reviews from

in the past

I know a lot of people were kinda soft on it but I really loved the story mode for the base game so I found this DLC to be a bit frustrating. Its good, expected comic book-y stuff like the rest of Mortal Kombat but I don't know. My favorite part of the base game was the mom-daughter stuff with Cassie and Sonya. So of course this DLC focused a lot on the worst mother character of all time, Sindel. It does make for an interesting contrast and the focus on villains is cool but I just am not sure the ending is satisfying enough to make up for how it felt like all my favorite characters got done dirty. The most frustrating aspect of this DLC is that my opinion on it entirely depends on what happens in the next two Mortal Kombat games lol.

Other than that I like the three new characters (Fujin the most) and having Robocop is sweet but I already had my mains so wasn't too interested in trying them out.

Overall Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath is a pretty solid expansion with a good if somewhat frustrating conclusion to the story and good new character additions. I do think the original 40 dollar price tag for it is positively ridiculous but thankfully you can get it for much cheaper on sale. Its a solid add-on to my favorite fighting game and I can't ask for too much more than that.

Just wanted to leave this little mini review. I also recently got the platinum for both the PS4 and PS5 version of the basegame if that doesn't tell you how much I enjoyed it. I currently have MK1 installed and I def need a bit of a fighting game break but I am very eager to play it nonetheless, will definitely be reviewing that as well 😌

+ Good new additions to the roster
+ Interesting set up for the future of MK
- Too many of my characters got disrespected in story mode lol

Nancymeter - 70/100
Trophy Completion - N/A
Time Played: 2-4 hours
DLC Completion #2 of November
DLC Completion #35 of 2023

Ironicamente tem partes que são fenomais a ponto de passar o jogo principal, considero fácil uma das maiores expansões que temos.

bok gibi beyler.

Shang Tsung'u Moğol bir looksmaxxera benzetmisler bu yuzden bakilir

A fun continuation of probably the best single player fighting game campaign I've ever played, but just falls short of MK11's great story. More repetition of the main story and less than half the chapters left me feeling a tad short changed.

Hikayeyi ikiye bölerek asıl sonu *seçerek görebildiğiniz mk11 in expansion paketi.Öncelikle oldukça gerekli bir dlc olduğunu ve oyunu bitirdim demek için oynamanız gerektiğini söylemeliyim.Hikayeye gelirsek bazı karakterlerin eklendiği ve daha çok kötü adamın ön planda olduğu bir hikaye ve oldukça mantıklı.İlk bölümde daha çok iyilerle oynuyorduk çünkü.Klişeler ve ihanetlerle dolu ama sonu şaşırtan bir hikaye genişletmesi olmuş kısaca.Tatmin edici fakat aşırı iyi diyemem.4 puan kafidir.

Fire God Liu Kang can [REDACTED] my [REDACTED] and also [REDACTED] my other [REDACTED] until [REDACTED] and til the paint peels off the walls.

“Aftermath” is just as confident in telling a grand adventure as MK11’s story mode was. I loved seeing Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa return to the franchise, reprising his role as Shang Tsung. He truly steals the show. There’s also some fairly entertaining moments and the way it wraps up made me excited for Mortal Kombat 1. Adding Sheeva and Fujin to the roster was a nice touch. With all that said, this chapter did feel superfluous. It didn’t really add much other than getting to hang with some MK favorites who didn’t factor into the main story of 11. At 40 bucks, this feels like a rip off, but if you get the Ultimate version of MK11 which comes with it then it’s worth playing thru. However, you could also just watch it on YouTube and get everything there was to get.

Boa DLC, bons conteúdos e boa jogabilidade dos personagens novos. Porém, senti falta de uma história mais coesa

Finally got around to playing through the DLC. Just a treat of the highest order, strangely as a player lacking much quality I tend to bump my head on a couple fights, this one might swing a little too hard in the easy direction.

It was super polished, and a high quality story mode, but I have my gripes about the direction that was locked-in, in terms of which ending was canon.

The story continues in this expansion, and I really recommend it, but only buy it in sales! Its original price is too high. We also get to play the evil side and can choose between two endings.

Please Sindel just kill me already, why are you so hot even being so evil?

Honestly I fuck with story DLC for Mortal Kombat

I don't understand it; games like this and Lost Judgement prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that plentiful and creative single player story DLC can exist and be successful in the modern climate, yet 80% of companies sit there and tell us that it's counter-intuitive to budget and that instead of giving us a season pass with something genuinely special to (as well as optionally) actually be excited for, because naturally the course of time to be as profitable as possible is to drown every aspect of a SECONDARY online experience with micro-transactions, treat the main game like trash in hindsight and forget what the campaign meant to begin with.

Absolute praise to Netherrealm Studios for presenting not only an alternate timeline to the events of the main game, but making it simultaneously optional while also maintaining a "true ending" canon. Let this be the common practice of season pass story DLC moving forward; fuck weapon skins, cosmetics, digital art and soundtracks filling up space for actually meaningful content.

2 hours of Shang Tsung trolling the entire cast

A bit on the short side, but if you’re a fan of MK lore, you’ll likely find this conclusion to 11 more satisfying than the original game’s.

é maneiro apesar de curto e a possibilidade de escolher o final é legal

shang tsung really fucked up a timeline just cause he felt like it lol

surprised Story DLC even exists in a Mortal Kombat game but its appreciated. Kinda funny considering its ending is the same exact thing as the base game though but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to milk out shock value out of us in the meantime. i do like that they simplified the fights that happen in the story by making us fight two characters at once instead of having us go through 2 different best of 3 matches in one scenario but honestly now i kind of want to play a MK game that just lets you play 2v2 fights again

Played from – to: (2023-08-13 – 2023-08-15) – PC controller.
‣ 8/10 – Prime Shang Tsung is chiseled.
‣ Thoughts: Aftermath offers what I feel like is an alternative ending to the main story of Mortal Kombat 11. Here you get to play with many new characters that are absent from the main story. Sadly, I didn’t really like playing the villain and I hoped there would be more choices to make besides the very ending. In any case, this is a great expansion, but I still don’t feel like a 40$ price tag would ever be worth it compared to any other great expansion. Luckily, the sales for this game leading up to the new release were very generous and I got this DLC for just 5 schmeckles. With that in mind, this was a great deal and a worthwhile experience. However, the story here also suffers from believability issues and plot holes. When you are dealing with multiple timelines and characters from them it can get hard to track established rules of the clashing timeline characters. Secondly most characters who fight each other are super powered godlike killing machines, but for some reason they only use 5% of their powers while fighting each other. Only when the story feels quirky do these characters unleash more power and completely overpower anyone in their path because - writing. The best example I could give to illustrate this power believability issue is Thanos fist fighting every Avenger alone without using any of the power stones while wielding all of them on his glove. It is illogical and only done, because the writers could never justify Shang Tsung losing early since he’s set up to dominate everyone. Overall, I still think Kronika is a joke, and the story takes massive wrong leaps in power and who has the most of it, but I do respect the writers for giving us, the players, an option to choose who wins control over the New Era. I just can’t get over the fact how this New Era is like a fancy toy in a sandbox filled with kids who fight each other for a chance to have it.

felt like putting my head through a cheese grater

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is one of the best DLC's I have ever seen. The 5 chapter, 2.5 hour story mode here is just incredible. It is the next essential chapter in the Mortal Kombat franchise. It also goes deep on character development and elevates Shang Tsung from a mediocre villain to the most complex character of the franchise. It has to be seen to be believed. So while the full price of it is too much for a 2.5 hour DLC, definitely grab this on a sale and prepare to be mind blown.

The Full Review(No Spoilers for the DLC, Spoilers for the Main Game):

Netherrealm's Best Work Yet
Oh my, wow! I really did not expect to see this. Netherrealm blew my mind with Mortal Kombat 11's Aftermath DLC. Because this 2.5 hour, 5 chapter DLC is the best story content they have ever created. So many interesting story decisions, so many crazy moments I thought I would never see and at the middle of it all, a fantastic character study for Mortal Kombat's original villain Shang Tsung.

Our story is set right after the ending of Mortal Kombat 11. We literally see the ending cutscene of 11 again. Liu Kang and Raiden begins working on the Hourglass but they are interrupted by Shang Tsung, Nightwolf and Fujin.

The trio says that they have been imprisoned by Kronika when they refused to join her but with her dead, they were able to come back. If Liu Kang continues to tinker with the hourglass without Kronika's Crown which is currently destroyed, Hourglass will explode. So Shang Tsung offers help, the trio will go back in time and they will steal the crown.

Liu Kang accepts but he is of course suspicious of him. And our story follows this time heist. I basically told you the opening cutscene of Aftermath and can't tell you anything else because the story here is just a masterpiece. Similar to 11's main storyline, there are some really good moments between characters and their different versions but those are mostly used in the first half of the DLC.

The first 3 chapters of this feels like your typical Netherrealm story mode. But, the last 2 chapters which is the final hour of the DLC goes crazy. Like wow. Not in the gameplay sense, this is a DLC after all and the gameplay did not change much.

But the story? It's so bold, so creative, so exciting and so interesting that I really couldn't take my eyes away from it. This is not just a DLC, this is definitely the next major moment in the continuing story of the Mortal Kombat franchise.

IMDB has Dominic Cianciolo and Shawn Kittelsen as the writers, the same duo from the main game. I hope that information is true because I want to credit the right people for this incredible story.

I also want to credit Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, the voice actor behind Shang Tsung. I never particularly cared for the character or though him more than just a villain. But this DLC manages to add so much to his character, my brain hurts thinking how good the character has become with this DLC.

This DLC not only introduces this new 5 chapter story mode but it also includes 3 new characters. Fujin, Sheeva and RoboCop. As well as 3 skin packs and a special Johnny Cage skin. For all of this, the price was 39.99 US Dollars.

That is definitely the biggest problem with this DLC. It is too expensive for what is included here. Yes, the story is the best Netherrealm story yet, there is a fantastic performance by Tagawa here but it's not that long. 2.5 hours. The other thing you get is 3 characters. And that's it. On sale, this DLC is definitely worth it but the full price of it is too expensive for what's on offer.

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is one of the best DLC's I have ever seen. The 5 chapter, 2.5 hour story mode here is just incredible. It is the next essential chapter in the Mortal Kombat franchise. It also goes deep on character development and elevates Shang Tsung from a mediocre villain to the most complex character of the franchise. It has to be seen to be believed. So while the full price of it is too much for a 2.5 hour DLC, definitely grab this on a sale and prepare to be mind blown.

I just love how goofy these Mortal Kombat stories are. Great presentation, okay gameplay (kinda bad for a fighting game for my taste), but it makes me cheer, care and go along with it every single time so far.

This is a nice dlc that follows the end of mk 11s story and leads up to what mk11 was supposed to be I liked the selection of new characters you can play as and the story that surrounds them although I did get a little bored by the end

essa dlc é o pior conteúdo de mortal kombat que eu já joguei

ela consegue piorar a história do jogo original (que já é ruim) e ainda não faz sentido nenhum existir:
traz personagens antigos só pra vender dlc;
os diálogos são podres e eles destroem completamente alguns personagens ou deixam eles burros pra conveniência do plot;
a kronika fica o jogo todo sendo tratada como uma ameaça suprema mas toma uma surra de qualquer personagem facilmente (além do plano dela ser burro e não fazer sentido nenhum);
a história começa num lugar e termina do exato mesmo jeito que começou, não fazendo sentido a existência dessa merda;
tem dois finais sendo que só um é canonico.

resumindo: essa dlc é ruim demais meu deus do ceu

nota: 4

Definitely a better story than the base story mode, but goddamn did they do Sindel dirty

Cool expansion!

However, I must give this DLC, mere 3 stars out of 5. Simply because it pretty much retconned my beloved Cassie Cage out of existence, and that simply won't do.

Great DLC addition that wraps up the story nicely. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa carries with his performance, he's a real treat