Reviews from

in the past

I went through puberty when I first played this game. One day my chihuahua didn't respond to my commands because my voice changed.

all my dogs are probably dead now

A solid game with a ton of items to unlock and many skills to progress.
Never understood why a Nintendogs never came to switch.

Nintendogs. A simple yet intricate game that shaped an entire generation of kids to want a little pet of their own. what i personally love about this game is not the awesome gameplay of throwing frisbees and teaching my dog emerald how to bark, no, what i cherished the most from this wonderful masterpiece is the bonds i made with these fake coded animals, it's a borderline parasocial relationship this game made millions of children form. But what's the difference you might ask ? These pets live forever, they are perpetually stuck in that game cartridge and you abandoned them. How does that make you feel? Probably like a piece of shit huh. Your dog is hungry and starving and you chose to leave them. Overall I'd say this game is pretty alright, not the greatest but it made me get up every single day at 7 to take my fake lifeless chihuahua on a walk in the shape of a heart.

I’m incredibly biased but despite how cute this game was, I felt the gameplay was lacking and frustrating to me when I was a kid.

This game has about an 85% chance of making you want to adopt a real dog.

This was the game to fully imerse myself in as a child. Always loved animals and couldn't have as much as I wanted....because obvious reasons!

As an adult; can't fully enjoy it as much as I used to because I have other games to play. When put into comparison with the plethora of other pet simulators out there; this is the most solid.

my dog broke and it ruined my life

This was my heart, this was my soul

I have so much nostalgia for Nintendogs. Yeah, it seems very limited by today's standards, but back in the day, Nintendogs was an amazing pet sim. I grew so attached to my doggos! And it was a social experience as well, since everyone and their mom owned this game, so you could play together and compare your beloved dogs.

I used to abuse my dogs in this game as punishment for losing tournaments.



chihuahuas are fucking weird dude

When i was a young child, i wasnt really normal, i got this game with the release of the Nintendo DS, i got a pink one, because you know, i love pink. nevertheless i got a stupid chihuahua as my very first dog, Her name was Sparkle (i was young please dont forget it). I use to put this tiny useless thing in the Disc Competition, This thing could not catch a damn frisbee when its life - or in other words my life - depended on it. Got to the final competition, was doing so well up to this point, but no.. Sparkle had failed me, or i had failed her. I was so, so, SO mad. I got so angry, and so upset, i started to bite the corner of my Nintendo DS out of sheer rage for my stupid dog, once again i wasn't normal. I then sold my dog after weeks of trying, and having to replace my DS shell. RIP pink DS and Sparkle, thank you for your service.

anyway, it was an ok game.

I don't know what else you would expect from a Nintendogs game, good

animations are impressive for 2005. I give it a Residentsleeper out of 5

I think… this is the one I had. Doesn’t really matter but I wish I had the Shiba.

Es un juego entrañable y perfecto para aquellos que no pueden tener a un perro en casa, pues te hace vivir la experiencia de tener uno y tener que cuidarlo. Pero llega un punto en el que se vuelve repetitivo debido a que tampoco hay tantas actividades por hacer a largo plazo.

i thought it was the funniest thing as a kid to teach my pixel chihuahua to sit and hear 'shit' in playback