Reviews from

in the past

This game has my all time favorite combat. I've always been a person that cares most about gameplay and that's why I rate this so highly. This game is not easy, but I never stopped having fun playing it.

Frankly, it is too long. Felt burnt out at the end of main story and didn't even get to the DLCs because, well, after "farming" some gear my save literally disappeared.

Sinceramente, a comparação de Nioh com dark souls é uma das coisas mais bestas que se tem no mundo dos games, depois de zerar esse jogo, fica evidente que ele se dispôs a pegar a base que dark souls se sustenta e cria algo muito diferente, nioh não é um dark souls com samurais, é um ninja gaiden dos tempos atuais, seu ritmo rápido de hack and slash e diferentes estilos de combate, são muito interessantes de se explorar, o sistema de loot incentiva o jogador a testar as varias possibilidades que ele tem com uma build, o combate é tão amplo que você pode executar combos com movimentos desbloqueados e armas diferentes, em geral é um jogo muito bom que tem seu próprio mérito.

Outstanding combat with a immense attention to weapon/skill/magic builds and crazy intense boss battles. Challenging but never unfair or cruel!

Voltei a jogar depois de anos com ajuda do meu namorado nahaha
Não joguem ele pensando que é um dark souls é bem diferente
tinha coisas que eu não sabia antigamente que hoje estão me ajudando a aprender a joga-lo melhor

Being someone who is deeply invested in From Software's work in the Soulsbourne genre, you hear a lot of reasons why their games just don't click for people. The one statement that every fan will defend is that "Souls games are unfair". Move in a little closer to read this next part. THIS GAME is unfair.

This game feels like everything that people who don't play Souls games complain about all packed into one game. Truly one of the most bullshit video game experiences I've ever had. But for some reason, I sunk 33 hours into this game. 33 hours of pushing a boulder up a cliff just to watch it roll back down. But at a certain point, when the stars align and when you finally understand. It clicks. The weapons, the timing, the mechanics, they all make sense and the game starts to give. suddenly it feels amazing. That anger and frustration stays now as fuel to kick the boss's ass. To show the game that you're in charge. The experience that you get from this game is Player Vs. Designers and it's unlike anything I have ever played. A game that actively wants you to fail. Fighting against the game and getting your teeth kicked in for 30+ hours. Did I enjoy my time in Nioh and would I recommend it? I really don't know. But did I beat it? No. I conquered it.

Such a great game. I was hesitant in picking it up but I'm glad I did. Had a blast playing through it with the lance build.

nioh me la counter strike souls 2

Kinda got repetitive really fast.

I LOVED this game. I remember when this game first came out I forced myself to play it and thus didn't enjoy it at all. But I sat on this game and many years later I actually had interest in giving this game a real try and this time around I fell in love with Nioh. The core gameplay is just so much fun and there is so much to do with the combat it might be some of my favorite combat in souls game period. Sadly didn't really go into the DLCs as the game pretty much makes you replay through the main campaign again due to a huge difficulty spike just to get ready to even attempt the DLC and that is really a deal breaker for me. But that is 100% okay with as beating the main campaign was very fulfilling so I don't feel left out by not playing the DLC.

Highly recommend.

This game's combat is so fun that I can forgive the lack of enemy variety and poor level design.

Actually insane how much of an improvement Nioh 2 is in every way, this feels so bad to go back to holy crap the enemy variety sucks and the double bosses the devs lazily throw at you after the main story??? Fuck right off with that. Thankfully they binned that idea for Nioh 2. Still fun until then though

Two playthroughs:
- 1st on a p-worded copy in November 2018 long before touching Nioh 2, dropped after beating the Ogress
- 2nd with legal Epic version in December 2021, cleared main story

Putting soulslike levels into a monster hunter structure works very well! That said, the game gets a bit stale in the latter half. Also holy shit this game's tough!

I came into Nioh expecting it to be a kind of decent dark souls game with not much worth noting, considering I've been recommended to skip this title and head towards the supposedly better sequel. Much to my surprise though, it turned out to be an excellent action game with a lot to differentiate itself from dark souls, so much so that I don't see the comparison when this game launched initially.

For being an action game, it has an incredible amount of depth in its gameplay. At first I imagined that the stance switching mechanic wasn't going to be all that impactful. All it did was switch your moveset, so why not just se the high stance so I can get the most damage output? After getting my shit stomped in the first area by common enemies, I learned that different stances have different dodges, which I couldn't see how impactful that was; I'd just stay in mid stance all the time since it seemed to have the most iframe-distance-endlag ratio. After dying to the first boss multiple times, I'd found myself switching my stances all the time to avoid certain attack patterns. That stayed true for the entirety off the bosses later in the game and even when they started introducing tougher enemies. I could talk about my discoveries using all the mechanics this game gives you, but the review would go on forever, so just know: This game does give you more depth that what you will ever need.

The level designs in this game are nothing to write home about. I don't dread going into a level, in fact its kind of easy to navigate, but they do nothing interesting in the levels that they all blend in together. They're not quite hallway-to-hallway linear though, so there is some exploration to be done. But to be honest, I'd probably prefer hallway levels over what the game have.

There's a lot of loot in this game, but my god is there not a good inventory system. You have to painstakingly sort your equipment while deciding which weapons you want to keep and discard while also comparing it to your own equipment and other similar equipment to keep track of the skills. That would be fine, I don't mind spending ten minutes of my time managing my inventory every so often. After finding 100-200 pieces of loot per level, it becomes a major flaw in this game, especially without an auto-discard option.

Finally, the last point I'd like to touch on: As you get towards the end of the game, its becomes a button masher rather than playing it carefully aggressive. It becomes a matter of "how good your equipment is" than "how good your skills are". In the last 1/3rd of the game, I've probably died twice to bosses. I'd go in there, use my guardian spirit and wipe out 1/2 or sometimes 2/3rds of their HP and usually beat them on my first try. Not saying I completely shut my brain off when fighting bosses, but they've become quite significantly easier.

Though in this review I've mainly talked about the negatives about this game, it goes to show how good the actual gameplay is. It hard carries the mediocre level designs, the lackluster music, and the frankly boring story.

Not sure why but every time I ever tried playing this game something bad would happen in my life. After my wife left me I said screw it, instead of getting money to pay for child support, I'll finally muster up the courage to beat this cursed game. I did it and my wife came back to me a week later. (true story)

Um daqueles puramente carregado pelo combate. Olha, é bonito, o voice acting é bom, e o level design é maneiro, mas nada se compara ao estrondoso combate insano desse jogo, super complexo e a melhor aproximação de um jogo de UFC em formato de soulslike.

Sistema de loot é horroroso, uma pena que infectou essa obra.

fun enough but its more frustrating then anything. Feels like its missing a personality, levels are too linear, enemy design can be a bit samey, and not a fan of the art direction. Under all of that is a great combat system that can be almost as fast paced as the ninja gaiden based, but can also be the typical methodical soulslike type of combat, with a somewhat alright story. None of that was enough to let me go through all of the boring levels to fight somewhat mediocre boss fights half of the time.

review portuguese/english

nioh agradou meus olhos a princípio, seu combate com modos de postura foi um diferencial incrível para mim e percebi que era uma alma fora da curva. infelizmente por estar tão fora da curva me perdi em algumas funções do jogo que fica complexo com construção de builds e progressão correta do seu personagem de acordo com a arma que usa, ter pouca experiência me fez recomeçar algumas vezes até aprender e mesmo assim virou algo que não dava para continuar , 20 horas jogadas no pc via epic + 10 ou 15 no ps4 ficou impossivel continuar mas posso julgar como um jogo excelente mesmo não tendo acabado , os contras que achei em relação aos chefes alguns são muito medianos não seguem a mesma qualidade do jogo, o nivel de exploração é bom a nivel souls porem as fases muito das vezes são pequenas .infelizmente meu backlog me chamae não darei continuidade mas super recomendo.

nioh pleased my eyes at first, his combat with posture modes was an incredible differentiator for me and I realized that he was a soul outside the curve. Unfortunately, because I was so out of line, I got lost in some game functions that are complex with building builds and correct progression of your character according to the weapon you use, having little experience made me start over a few times until I learned and even then it became something that I couldn't continue, 20 hours played on the pc via epic + 10 or 15 on the ps4 it was impossible to continue but I can judge it as an excellent game even though it's not over, the cons that I found in relation to the bosses, some are very average, they don't follow the same quality of the game, the level of exploration is good at a souls level, but the stages are often small. unfortunately my backlog calls me and I will not continue but I highly recommend

I don't like Nioh, this game is jank and unfair and not fun.

O jogo tem um combate divertido e diferente, mas a repetição de inimigos e dificuldade extremamente fácil acabam com esse jogo pra mim.

Nioh é muito bom, podia ser ''perfeito'', se não fosse a repetição de inimigos exageradas, alguns saltos de dificuldades estranhos, e as vezes um level design nem sempre tão bom, porém toda temática, seu excelente combate, é algo que aprecio muito nesse jogo, o que mesmo com seus defeitos ainda faz ser um dos jogos Souls mais sólidos que joguei.

Complexo, difícil, inteligente...
Somente com disciplina você termina esse jogo.

As good as I remembered. I like everything on it, the loot system, the gameplay, the builds, the char design, the level design, the boss. Wouldn't change much in a sequel. The Odachi and Tonfa are great additions. And the Abyss although hard can be really fun.

its not that good,just go play sekiro is probably better

The only good thing about this game was that i got it for free.

i want to use heavy armor and axe/hammer because they look cool
i spend every single fucking level up on the stats that allows me to carry heavy armor
by endgame i almost cap the damn stat
still can't midroll with full heavy
i have to do a garbage gacha game hoping for weight reduction on every piece of equipment
not even worth trying because every mission drops the same fucking armor with a better number
there's barley any heavy/axe user revenants to get cool drops from

What the fuck. I never felt a game that hated me so much for my build, shit was hostile and i didn't like it AT ALL. The game wasn't even that hard, the only thing i feared was those fucking Tengus.
I hate this game.

This review contains spoilers

De longe o jogo da série "soulslike" mais chatos que eu joguei na minha vida, uma história chata com fases tão repetidas é tão sem graças que quase me deu vontade de desinstalar, piadas sem graças de anime, um vilão meia boca, monstro tão chatos, nenhuma trilha é marcante é o dublado do william parece que tá lendo um texto poha, os boss não são legais, parabéns nioh quebrou todas as minhas expectativas 👍

Isso até que é bom, gosto de um bom souls like, e como outros do gênero, esse me fez passar raiva, até mais que Dark Souls 3, malditos sejam os criadores.

detesto este juego con toda mi alma, peeero es probablemente el mejor soulslike no hecho por fromsoftware que hay