Reviews from

in the past

Genuinely one of the most underrated competitive games in modern gaming.

Omega Strikers has an extremely unique gameplay, I can only describe it as MOBA Air Hockey and it is addicting. The OSTs and artstyle of this game are immaculate!

In terms of criticism, I can only really say there is this lack of depth in the fun gameplay, I wish there was a much deeper mechanic to it that'll promote player skill expression more, in fighting game terms it's what players call the "sauce".

I am looking forward to what Odyssey Interactive is cooking, they've already announced that they're working on a new game set in the same Omega Strikers universe, I will be there day 1!

Honestly a very solid game that you can easily hop on everyday and play a few matches and enjoy yourself.

Think Rocket league mixed with a top down hero based action game that is how I would very much describe and if that sounds fun to you I 100% recommend giving this game a shot because the best part is ITS FREE TO PLAY.

Hoping this game continues to succeed as they update it further down the line !

Its league but air hockey and easily one of the most annoying games i've played because the goalies do not understand the concept of defending a goal.

Played 4 games total. 3 with bots and one with actual players (took ages to find and the players were so high level). Dead game with terrible controls, small maps and eye watering action that leaves you confused. Maybe if I could find a game I could get better and provide a more positive review.

I'm too gay to care about sports

The most entertaining and gripping game I've ever played. Met a lot of people, made a ton of friends, got to compete in fun tournaments and spent the best time of my life playing it.

was in the closed alpha this game's hella fun

this is the closest ill ever get to associating with league and that's okay :)

genuinely tho im surprised i like this as much as i do since its slow to start, but getting used to everything and i........... like it :) findoing out the dev team was ex riot explains so fucking much lmao

mãe, o meu main foi banido de novo :(

bien muerto como tiene que ser, sigan tratando de hacer esports boludos

Omega Strikers is a F2P Sports game and can be described as a 3v3 air hockey game with abilities.

The main objective of the game is to outsmart your rivals and score a certain amount of points to win the match. The amount of points to score differs from gamemode. Before scoring a point, there are some parts of the arena where the ball must hit first, after doing that, the gate which defends the goal opens and makes the opponents more vulnerable. At the beginning of each match, you choose your character with certain abilities. Each character's ability adds variety to each game. Before the match, after choosing your character, you also choose a buff, adding an additional bonus to the role you play. There are two roles, two forward players and one goalie. Choosing the right character for each role can be crucial to the outcome of the match.
Apart from abilities, you have different arenas, which differs by only the parts which must be hit before the goal become defenceless. Apart from that, you only have three gamemodes.
There are not many obligatory microtransactions for a F2P game to be honest, which is good, mostly fashion items, but the important thing are the characters, who can be bought with currency earned by simply playing the game.

Szkoda, że mało graczy, gameplay gituwa

I'm kinda hooked on this game.

Haxball trifft League of Legends. Die Formel geht auf und macht Spaß. Allerdings ist es auch ganz schön chaotisch und mir fällt es schwer einzuschätzen ob ich, wenn ich gewinne, besonders gut oder die Gegner besonders schlecht sind.

Diese "Standortbestimmung" ist für mich in kompetitiven Spielen sehr wichtig und wenn sie fehlt, dann motivieren mich solche Spiele deutlich weniger. Außerdem werde ich leicht frustriert, wenn ich verliere und kein Gefühl dafür habe woran das liegt. Das kommunizieren andere Spiele deutlich besser.
Insgesamt für ein paar Runden mit Freunden sehr spaßig, aber langfristig packt es mich nicht genug um mehr Zeit zu investieren.

if you haven't played this game i beg you to

The curse of truly unique multiplayer games is their short lifespans

I played with my friends and played solo, and had quite a lot of fun for a while. The issue is that I felt very little reason to go play it again after I stopped. There was just some intangible thing missing that didn't ever get me hooked on the game, despite the fact I thought it was really fun from when I started playing to when I finished.

Only problem is everyone else is really good at this game and I suck

The moment competitive mode drops there's suddenly toxicity and a teammate who helps the opposing team. 10/10!!!

I'd like this game a lot more if my friends didn't make me play goalie every time :(

It's literally just top-down soccer with some fun twists, it's some nice and clean fun but the balancing isn't perfect. It's a new game though so, I hope over time it gets worked out through updates.

The characters and general artstyle look nice but idk got really repetitive real quick and I would prefer if it was a paid game without a shop.

Really fun to play with friends. It doesn't have much replayability in my opinion. Gameplay is fun though a bit bottle-necky at times, it mostly feels like you score out of luck or unbalanced abilities rather than skills. Solid game.

I like beating the living shit out of people with the default girl and making Dubu cartoonishly large, what can I say?

we do the scoring of goals, perhaps.

Pretty fun with friends but fell off quick sadly