Reviews from

in the past

the game is fun . a lot with friends

this game is just league of legends

also juno is insane

Good game, pretty addicting. Fun characters and mechanics

muito divertido!! mas é bemm melhor quando voce já tem um time com amigos
além que sou burra e lerda nao consegui jogar nem uma horakk

The characters and general artstyle look nice but idk got really repetitive real quick and I would prefer if it was a paid game without a shop.

It's a unique gameplay idea, but I can't point to anything fun or memorable about it besides the initial idea.

Rating: 7.6/10 - Pretty Good

Despite the overall weak character design and lack of content, this game managed to grab me with good gameplay. It can get repetitive after some time and I can already see that the player is expected to grind for levels for a while before being able to get enough money to buy more than a few heroes, but a steady stream of content can fix that.

Lol pero sin Chat. Eso lo hace mejor porque es menos tóxico.

pretty fun, too bad the dev's can't afford to keep supporting it.

fell off soo quick, it was pretty fun for a few matches but other then that there wasnt much reason to play this again

bien muerto como tiene que ser, sigan tratando de hacer esports boludos

É divertidinho, honestamente. É um bom jogo pra se jogar no co-op mas acaba se tornando enjoativo em menos de 4 horas pela falta de modos diferentes.

Definitivamente não é um jogo para se jogar sozinho, quem tiver depressão e poucos amigos nem precisa baixar!

fun fast gameplay, i like playing with a team, just got too stale for me and didnt have a reason to keep playing. Didn't have a team tho, just played autoqueue by myself

I'd like this game a lot more if my friends didn't make me play goalie every time :(

It's literally just top-down soccer with some fun twists, it's some nice and clean fun but the balancing isn't perfect. It's a new game though so, I hope over time it gets worked out through updates.

I have played like 8 matches in this game and it's pretty fun. The lack of option to ad friends via steam is kinda annoying but nothing awful. The lack of a training mode is very confusing and from what i can tell there is no way to test characters you don't own, making reading and hoping the only way to tell.

Played up until my first ranked match.
Was very fun. Got the adrenaline pumping.
However it doesn't seem very easy to contribute and it's hard to see what's going on sometimes. Seems like an early iteration of whatever kind of future games could truly polish this kind of gameplay.



Starts off a bit slow, but real good fun when you start learning the ins and outs of the game. (also when you actually unlock the characters you want to play as)

love the concept but i need a team lmfao

Pretty fun with friends but fell off quick sadly

fun for a bit, suffers from the typical multiplayer MUST be an esport problem

Casually, a fun little game without any big issues.
The problem is that the devs struggle to find ways to retain player interest and end up adding bloat meant to introduce complexity, but all of the mechanics they've tried adding to the base formula have only ever taken away from the gameplay.