Reviews from

in the past

After getting a clutch goal playing as the slime girl in a funny bee costume on a team with my friends over voice chat, I've turned around a little bit on this game.

It's alright.

The emotes that are just jpegs of people's faces zoomed in are hilarious.

League of Legends soccer might not be my thing, but it's not bad.

jovem tem derrame ao abrir um jogo no computador que tem interface de mobile

the only esports game that doesn't invoke a disgust response when i hear somebody plays it

DAMN fine little anime air hockey thing. Feels great in the moment just wackin the ball around all MOBA game/arcade like, but its ALSO got cool PROGRESSION MINUTIA to think about for upgrades and blocking guys off from getting the things they want type fun. Good, simple fun!!! We like it.

Oh HMMM IT DOES have your token, 'FUNBUCKS' ridden microtransaction shit for outfits and other superfluous things that IS deserving of being made fun of though. Let's go over that for a bit:

I TOTALLY GET IT like - I'm sure these teeeny tiny little indie devs or whoever wanna easily keep their lights on and pay for their COOL ANIME OP BY STUDIO TRIGGER™ that you only ever watch once. I GET IT! ...But I don't like it >;)

Like - $10+ for a single skin tho? ALONGSIDE that BATTLE STRIKER PASS you can already buy??? AND you can't even just buy the outfits outright, you have to buy higher priced SET AMOUNTS OF FUN BUCKS FIRST?? What is WRONG with video games these days...... Those beach outfits they made don't even play the 'BEACH MUSIC' variants of each character's theme song they bothered to make for the summer event when you wear them! What a WASTE..... WHO IS ACTUALLY GONNA FEEL INCLINED TO BUY ANY OF THIS SHIT IF IT AINT IN A MEGA GAME LIKE FORTNITE. WHY IS IT LIKE THIS??? ARE THEY STUPID????

ehem ah I JEST. It's CORNY, but I'm at at least thankful the bulk of that stuff is obviously just for silly cosmetics you don't need. In the beta you had to buy the GEAR UPGRADES for your characters, and there was this overcomplicated 'deck-building before a match' aspect to it all.
Good riddance I say! The way things turned out ended up being faaar more intuitive and naturally engaging.

For giving me a smart grind-y game to get absorbed in and for getting me to finally quit what remains of fuckin OVERWATCH, I give this one crazy props!! And also for the lack of voice chat! Surprising props for that too! I LOVE not having to talk to bratty people in my competitive video game settings, yepyep! A thumbs up emoji to project my sportsmanship is ALL I NEED..

OOHH~ It's COOL to appreciate corny live-service moba things when you know they're not super popular and are as good as DEAD cuz the devs are bouncing off to other things~~ We had a good run!!

I haven't had this much fun with a competitive multiplayer game in actual years. Holy shit man, I love this game so much.

They have a few rough edges here and there that need a bit of smoothing, but I can tell the developers genuinely want this game to be as great as it could possibly be, so I do feel very hopeful for the future of it. It's fun, unique, feels very good to play and improve at, and has a good group of people behind it, what more could you want?

Putting a anime smackdown on these chumps

One of those games that you play every day for a week then never again

I'm too gay to care about sports

The most entertaining and gripping game I've ever played. Met a lot of people, made a ton of friends, got to compete in fun tournaments and spent the best time of my life playing it.

Only problem is everyone else is really good at this game and I suck

if you haven't played this game i beg you to

Genuinely one of the most underrated competitive games in modern gaming.

Omega Strikers has an extremely unique gameplay, I can only describe it as MOBA Air Hockey and it is addicting. The OSTs and artstyle of this game are immaculate!

In terms of criticism, I can only really say there is this lack of depth in the fun gameplay, I wish there was a much deeper mechanic to it that'll promote player skill expression more, in fighting game terms it's what players call the "sauce".

I am looking forward to what Odyssey Interactive is cooking, they've already announced that they're working on a new game set in the same Omega Strikers universe, I will be there day 1!

Played 4 games total. 3 with bots and one with actual players (took ages to find and the players were so high level). Dead game with terrible controls, small maps and eye watering action that leaves you confused. Maybe if I could find a game I could get better and provide a more positive review.

Dubu is an absolute brick wall of an individual.

I really enjoyed this game. It just sucks that it doesn't have a bigger playerbase. The idea has potential for sure.

I played the tutorial and after the game told me that there's equippable gear I uninstalled it

I was not convinced at first seeing people talking about it, and most of the time, they were sponsored to play it, so I did not get any interest and just skipped. Now that I have played the game, it is actually very good. I see how it can be addictive, and the characters all look and work well. The mechanics are very simple, so you just need to know when to use them. I recommend it, and it can run on a potato, so that is + a half star.

I'm so grateful for being part of the competitive scene of this game in south america, even got paid for playing it, had a good time in all tournaments I participated, made a bunch of friends, so I'll never forget this game <3

MOBA air hockey is neat but I hate how WASD and controller controls feel so idk. this game's community is based solely around rule 34 of the women getting ass blasted and nothing else. Kind of a floperino if you ask me.

Fun F2P team-based game that isn't a shooter for once. The main thing I dislike is how much emphasis they put on knocking out other players, the goal is to score so I prefer controlling the core. I main Rune and Atlas btw.

I played with my friends and played solo, and had quite a lot of fun for a while. The issue is that I felt very little reason to go play it again after I stopped. There was just some intangible thing missing that didn't ever get me hooked on the game, despite the fact I thought it was really fun from when I started playing to when I finished.

Excelente artisticamente. Tiene una propuesta de gameplay interesante, pero siento que podría haberse ejecutado mejor. Las partidas no se me hacen muy comodas o precisas de jugar que digamos. Actualmente el online está muertisimo

Tons of fun with friends, just wish they were able to keep players interested

Its league but air hockey and easily one of the most annoying games i've played because the goalies do not understand the concept of defending a goal.

liked it a lot better in the beta

É legal mas tem cara que enjoa rápido

The curse of truly unique multiplayer games is their short lifespans