Reviews from

in the past

this game was so unfathomably based, oh my god Capcom can I have a HD remaster pls bro

pule todo lo que sus anteriores entregas ya ofrecían dando un resultado excelente

Still amazing! But the black vest makes the game too easy, and you can obtain it pretty early. A nice game overall, but it's story looks like an action movie from the 90'

Played this before in my childhood on PS2. Still one of my absolute favorites.

Первая мной пройденная игра в принципе, и до сих пор считаю ее прекрасной. Думаю дело в сильной ностальгии. Музыка, персонажи ( тут есть жан рено!) Катсцена в париже, когда с неба падают какие то крякозябры и вырезают французов - мое почтение ( я играл в это в 11 лет) Очень нравится в ней боевая система, есть небольшие головоломки на уровнях. Из минусов возможно, оч странный сюжет категории б, но мне в кайф было.

This game goes insanely hard. The weapons are super cool and the combat smooth and fun.
The protagonist switching is a good change of pace to vary things a bit.

Um jogo muito melhor que o primeiro, gameplay bom, uma historia boa e graficos otimos pro ps2. A mecanica que mais curti foi a interação dos dois personagens no passado e no presente, aonde os dois interagem com itens e puzzles. Unico defeito pra mim é o combate que é bom, mas podia ser um pouco mais refinado, com golpes diferentes, se esse game tivesse um estilo de combate um pouco mais similar com god of war ou dmc, seria muito melhor.


It's a bit better than I remembered. Group combat still isn't great.

WORST FUCKING BOSS EVER. I can't say how annoyed and pissed that I wasted time fighting this shitty boss in Onimusha 3.

This time travel shit is retarded too. How the hell can you fight a boss that was killed in 1490s and he wakes up in 2004 after he was killed? How the hell is our main character on an island in 2004 that was blown up in the 1490s?

El juego no es la gran cosa (no hay gran innovación de gameplay entre Onimusha 1 y 3), y lo peor es que se enfoca más en el combate que en la exploración. Tiene la mejor intro cinemática de todos los tiempos.

Not as good as 2, but a cool story and style carry this one.

This was my first Onimusha game. Jean Reno is in it. Why? Because if you can put Jean Reno in your video game, you do it!

Jugué creo que las primeras 2-3 horas. Le vi potencial a su combate pero invierte bastante en una historia que no me atrapó, utilizando muchas cinemáticas que hasta llegan a ser intrusivas en momentos y su progresión a lo RE de buscar items y hacer backtracking hizo que sintiera sus horas iniciales bastante lentas.

Remember having a great time playing this one back in the day, never beat it though. I've got a feeling it was kinda hard, and I was more into a DMC style of action game at that time. Think I would have a lot of fun with this one if I picked it up today.

Привычная прикольная японщина с хорошей боёвкой, аляповатым неплохим сюжетом, лвл-дизайном в духе Резиков и ЖАНОМ РЕНО.

Great action-adventure game with a great premise. I remembered playing this for a couple of hours when I was a kid and I giggled at the fact of this French guy from modern times goes to Feudal Japan.

Tbh i was not an onimusha fans before, but this 3rd game is so fun. Randomly we got a french guy who work together with our japanese mc. A realy weird but fun combination

Having Jean Reno in this game was so random. I love it