Reviews from

in the past

I don't have much to say on this game other than yeah I had childhood nostalgia for this one. I would play this over and over on the computer, exploring every little itty bit of this stylish and downbeat world. What really sold the replayability was the world was full of interactible doodads. Click a baseball and a bat, and they could start playing a game with each other. Click on a tree, and it might wag its finger for bothering it. It's all so imaginative and I enter a dreamlike mood whenever I reminisce about this game.

Not to mention, the game changes slightly every time you play it so there are different side content that you may unlock per playthrough, also adding to the additional challenge of finding socks and finding every piece of equipment.

Replaying this as an adult, I was able to beat this game within 45 minutes. It's so tailor made for kids but that's what made it perfect. Pajama Sam not only rewards you for your puzzle-solving, but also rewards you for being curious. For being thorough. For being able to slow down and enjoy the nighttime and the simple beauty it brings you.

This game will ALWAYS be a gem from my childhood. So many hours were melted away on it playing on the computer at the YMCA waiting for my mom to finish her Zumba lessons at 1:30pm on a chilly Saturday. It's such a specific vibe, I know, but I think that checks out for such a distinct game like this.

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The hardest Pajama Sam game by far, even though you have one fewer item to collect. If your flashlight is in the mines, best of luck to you, you're going to need it

I miss the days where point and click games had this kind of energy. They were quirky, but rewarded people who explored, who clicked on everything just to see what happens. This was a staple game from when I was a kid and it has held up all these years later. Great game for anyone who loves a silly, good time.

It's a testament to Ron Gilbert's insurmountable ability to create compelling, entertaining content that he managed to make these sorts of edutainment games fun. Pajama Sam, and by extent Humongous games in general, are some of the few PC experiences that still hang with me from when I was extremely young.

One of the many Humongous Entertainment classics. The PJ Sam games are all about a superhero-loving kid using his imagination to turn something as mundane as a bedroom closet or a food pantry into a wild & detailed landscape to explore & this game delivers well in that regard. Decent puzzles, fun characters, cool environments ---- it's well done.

what else can i say its a masterpiece

Back when white people knew how the fuck to cook.

I'm worried there might be a contingent of secret pedophiles playing this game these days

I played this one later on in life only having played 2 and 3

Its alright, especially for a first one in the series. Good life lessons to be had in this.

Sam came to my house and touch all my shit. And when he did, my fucking possession fucking twirled around and said a fucking one liner. I don't want this toothpaste fuck ANYWHERE near my house

An absolute classic, potentially the most iconic game by Humongous Entertainment. While my soft spot is for the sequel, having played this only later, this is the perfect kids point and click adventure.

fun characterization and picture book-esque framing make for a top-tier kid's game and really solid point-and-click overall. Visual humor's really well done and there's a LOT of animation and voices for the time. Definitely too short though, it ends a fair bit before I was anticipating it would.

playing cheese and crackers with darkness was the shit

OH BABY these adorable little games.

I grew up with the 3rd one for some reason and only played this one as an adult when they first got ported to ios.

These games are adorable. Tiny point-and-click adventures full of cutesy characters.
The story s straight forward, you'll beat it in one sitting. These were meant to teach insanely simple lessons to kids on the PC.

Should you play these as an adult? absolutely.
It's more than just nostalgia. these games have so much charm.

Everything you click comes to life in fun ways, it's such a treat to just boot these up and click around.

They randomize a bunch so it's worth replaying as well.

Legitimately fantastic kids game that still holds up for embarrassing adults

From Start to finish, this is the ultimate point-and-click adventure game for kids that features well written dialogue, fun problem solving puzzles and an absolutely gorgeous neo-gothic art style that can't be praised enough.

I'm giving this a solid 5 stars due to it being the first game I ever played. Without Pajama Sam I would probably be collecting baseball cards or some shit. Who knew this little blue man would spawn such an addiction?

First game I ever played as a kid, and you know what? It still holds up. Even now, as an adult working to create my own games, I look back and can see how much this game has influenced me creatively. I only hope the current generation of kids can have something like that.

This game series was my favorite game to play on the computer growing up, and even though I am 21 years old now I still find a little enjoyment in replaying these games. The story of this game is great, the dialogue is also great, and it is very relatable especially for kids.

I remember loving this game as a child!

these were the best when i was a kid! i was obsessed with them. the first video games i remember loving.

he so brave he so cool pajama sam is no fool

I love Steam sometimes. Like it's so neat that so many of these old games are just up for sale and I get to experience some HE games that I somehow missed out on when I was a child.

This is a strangely cozy setting for something called The Land of Darkness. It has all the usuals with HE, a simple point and click adventure for children that has a lot of silly animations and is actually kinda funny a few times. Cute and wholesome!

Samuel, my parasocial brethren