Reviews from

in the past

Was this game an unoptimized mess that validated your frustrations/concerns of Game Freak being unable to create a high quality 3D game due to some combination of being lazy, incompetent, time-crunched, and/or simply mismanaged?
Yes: ☑️ No: 🔲

Did you allow yourself to have fun after accepting that it will never get better?
Yes: ☑️ No: 🔲

i'm a sucker..
the game is astoundingly rough! even when excusing the poor performance and issues, things like cutscenes that should-100%-be-voiced simply being silent is WILD for a franchise that makes this much money
oooo game make me feel like a kid again.
it's equally as charming as it is rough and i couldn't help myself from smiling for most of my playthrough.
the characters are really fun, new structure and open world/no random battles is a fantastic step forward and overall the story was interesting enough and well written.
shoutout to larry, i love you man.
even the silly teraforming thing reminds me of those fake shiny sticker pokemon cards you would get when you went on holiday to turkey.
music is fantastic.
got online with the lads, trading, running about doing goofy shit and taking on raids.
tinkaton is a new fav mon.
yeah. POKEMON!

Ya solo juego esto por infancia y compromiso, y porque me gusta curiosear viendo los nuevos Pokémon y eso aún me diviérte, es algo muy mi pedo, pero desde quita, solo soy capaz de disfrutar la primera partida de las gens posteriores a la quinta por los nuevos pokes y me gusta formas mis equipos y hacerlos evolucionar. Nada más, en todo lo demás realmente no tendría motivos porque jugar.

No tengo mucho que aportar aparte de lo que todos han dicho ya. Juego flojo, feo, impresentable, etc, ya es perder el tiempo esperar algo de esta saga, así que solo me dedico a piratearla y a jugar competitivos en showdown, que es lo único que creo que vale la pena en si mismo. Aparte de diseños de nuevos Pokémon, pero nada más.

En fin. Que triste. Triste porque desde quinta. Pokémon a crecido demasiado para su propio bien. Tener que tener fechas ajustadas y sacar constantemente cosas sin necesidad, para estar al día con peluches, sacar dinero, anime, etc, la juega en contra.

Si técnicamente Pokémon siempre fue una saga anual en la corriente principal, entre secuelas, partes terceras y remakes, quisas algún año de descanso en el pasado, pero hemos llegado al punto de sacar 2 juegos grandes (arceus y estos) en el mismo año, bajan el presupuesto de los juegos, etc etc. No me imagino el crunh que deben de tener los trabajadores, dios que horrible. Ah este punto dudo tener salvación, aunque un juego venda menos, aquí donde más se gana es en cosas alejadas de los juegos de videos, llendo más al merchandaising, así que genuinamente no sé qué decir. Por mi parte, ya dije que hare, piratear y jugar showdown hasta el fin de los tiempos. Me cuesta dejar algo, una saga que tengo desde que era chiquito, pero prefiero no apoyar prácticas predatorias, y jugar solo si mi dinero no llega a Pokémon company.

This is really weird because I didn’t feel like I had as much fun with this game as I have with other Pokemon games, but this was the one I was the most willing to go through. Even with games I love there are points where I dont want to play it either for a while or at all but that did not happen with this game. My metric for reviews up until this point has been that if I wanted to finish a game all the way through throughout every moment I played it it was at least a 9/10, so I give it that. This game is absolutely wretched and is emblematic of all the problems with crunch and overworking employees but I still had fun with it and supported the problem by buying it. Im a terrible person.

the glitches & performance issues.. yeah, they suck. but they're not as big of a deal as twitter (& some reviews here) make it out to be.

i have 22 hours already (shh leave me alone) & it's crashed once while walking into a building. the frame lags aren't as often as you think- many 'open world' games on the switch (yes, very much even BOTW- blood moons are literally just resets to the world to 'fix' the memory leak) have memory leaks. if the lag is getting too bad, a simple close & reopen will fix it right up.

the amount of fun this game is, is way over the smol headache some lag gets you. you can do anything in any order you want- it feels so good, even if i just spend it all out in the fields. i'd much rather have a game with lots of fun stuff to do, than have some trees render in a little better & being stuck to routes. the story so far is so CUTE! i have a feeling some of these stories will be more memorable than past ones! you can play the entire story while online with friends- that's awesome! being online does seem to cause more lag; maybe that's how people are getting a lot more problems than me. the QOL in this game is just fantastic. i got a shiny an hour in, & making eggs seems like you can just afk & they go straight into your box, also eating sandwiches (or other snacks) make eggs pop out so, so fast.

please, if you enjoy pokemon, just try it out. it's honestly addicting & i can't pull myself away from it. even if you've skipped a few of the last games, this one feels so good to play through. i'll make a better review when i finish the game, but for now, i'm having an absolute blast!

edit: finished the story. literally better than b/w. best story ever, not even joking. holy shit.

I'm 35 at time of writing this which means one can make some fairly reasonable assumptions about my video game history. Chief amongst them that I was the exact perfect age to become deeply obsessed with Pokemon when it was brand new.

And I absolutely did. This series had me hooked from the very, very beginning. Over the years I've assembled a living dex and I've bought both version of every single release and I've loved them all very, very much (I love Black/White and Black 2/White 2 the most very much though).

Anywho, this one was no different. I love the new formula, I love the world, I love them cute new friends, and I loved the story.

No notes, all vibes and love.

Omg having fun with Pokemon, again, in the year of our lord 2023??

(Winner of "Seal of Quality Award" for biggest technical blunder, speech below:)

As of this writing, Pokemon as a franchise has grossed $71 Billion dollars. That's somehow what you get for releasing a game like this in such a ramshackle state. Pokemon's been on a downward spiral ever since it left the 3DS. Let's Go was a red flag, followed by the fiasco that was Sword and Shield. Disregarding Arceus, Scarlet and Violet continue this trend by becoming one of the the best selling console exclusive video games; of ALL. TIME. It didn't just sell 10 million copies; it sold 10 million copies in three days. Because pokemon fans, young and old, keep eating this garbage no matter how bad it tastes. This kind of busted launch is the new normal for overhyped money-printers, but unlike Cyberpunk or No Man's Sky, there's little hope of a patch coming to fix things

/v/ was flooded with gifs and clips of the game's many, many glitches. Some of which managed to make Sword and Shield look stable.

Taking into account that they churned out three major releases in a year's time, we can see why the quality from Game Freak has become so staggeringly bad. Pokemon games with explorable 3d worlds have existed as far back as Pokemon Colosseum, and despite barely upgrading the models or textures in 20 years, suddenly the game is twisting and morphing into eldritch forms, begging to be released from its painful existence. When catching pokemon, the camera may choose to look away entirely. Maybe because it really enjoys a low-rez tree that just popped into the distance, or maybe because it can't live with itself, the weight of its expectations, and the weight of its failures. We, too, can only ponder what brought us here to the downward spiral of Game Freak, and of Pokemon entirely.

Sinceramente o que eu senti jogando isso foi uma sensação diferente, não me entenda mal esse jogo é longe de ser algo revolucionário é só uma grande experiência e um grande passo pra franquia pokémon e também um passo que gostaria que ele nunca mais descem , o porque?(imagino que vc se pergunte) enfim é um grande jogo mas que rezo que não se torne uma fórmula recorrente franquia e se torne só um molde de open worlds genéricos.
Enfim mudando de assunto pra falar mais do jogo em si, com um combate bem parecido com outros da franquia típico de pokémon e acho que a nova mecânica terastyle é muito legal e adiciona uma grande camada pro combate e te faz querer explorar o mundo pra ver que tipos legais de tera vc consegue achar.
As mains quests apesar de boas divertidas e carismáticas acabam tendo um problemão que é a falta do level cap pros ginásios e mesmo que não obrigatória gostaria de uma ordem pra seguir , porque em vários momentos ia pra ginásios com desafios quase nulos de tão fáceis e outros muito difíceis que ganhava por um tris e dava aquele boost de adrenalina divertido, e os fáceis eu obliterava em um segundo e destruia todo o ânimo que tava sendo construído.
Enfim apesar dos problemas de performance gritantes a falta de balanceamento e level cap, definitivamente (apesar dos problemas) um jogo engajante algo legal de explorar e ficar perdido e imerso por horas.
Se precisa de uma nota eu botaria entre um 7/10 ou 8/10.
Ps: se vc se pergunta como estou logando o jogo quando lançou é pq terminei antes dele sequer lançar

This is without a doubt one of the most fun Pokémon games since the release of Black/White or Sun/Moon. Some of the greatest characters in the series mixed with some of the most fun and creative designs in my opinion makes for a very good time for someone who plays the game like me, catching them all and rotating my team before finally choosing a final team. For once, a region's gimmick actually adds a lot of depth not only to the multiplayer but singleplayer as well.

What this game lacks, however, really does impact my overall opinion of the games and the region as a whole. They put a lot of character into the characters and Pokémon, but forgot to put some into the rest of the region. Only a handful of small towns with next to nothing to rememeber them for. Barely any memorable landmarks or areas to explore. Very little postgame content that isn't just what the past few Pokémon games have had for "postgame". A pitiful selection of customization despite the removal of gender locked clothing. Frankly inexcusable glitches and performance issues. The game is balanced around a very odd path that GameFreak expects you to take for some reason. A new regional mechanic with a lot of depth that simply just isn't explored by the rest of the important trainers that aren't Gym Leaders

Much like how I feel about my favorite Pokémon game, Platinum, I believe that Pokémon Scarlet is one of the best Pokémon games made, even through its flaws.

I'm not the first and won't be the last to say that there is an exciting and enjoyable game underneath all the bugs and glitches.

But those issues aside, this game still insisted on holding my hand as much as possible while introducing a world where you should be able to roam free to do whatever you want.

The npc's never shut up, I found myself mashing the a-button just to get through the cringy and god awful dialogue.

I really think Pokémon games would benefit from some sort of slider to indicate how familiar you are with the games because I don't need some forced 'rival' to tell me that water moves are strong against fire types.

The school was a fun idea, but I never bothered to fully explore it because I did not see the point of it and because the classes were boring.

The open world is great and fun to explore, but after playing for a while, you'll soon find out it's a little to big for its britches. At first you'll see a great variety of Pokémon, but you'll soon encounter the same ones over and over again. Or you won't encounter any at all because they're just not spawning. Areas like the desert and the lake felt too vast to even bother exploring them to their fullest.

Lastly, a lot of the new Pokémon are very lame. Just very uninspired, plain ugly or their evolution is just the same thing but on two legs instead of four

Having said that:
I really liked the three seperated quests throughout the game and hope they'll continue doing stuff like that because it kept the game from feeling linear and kept me wanting to do more.

Arven's story is great and an example of what coming stories should be like.

Battling Pokémon can be fast and snappy if you want them to be, but they don't have to. I think it's great you're given that choice.

I did not like the look of most of the terastallized Pokémon, but I did end up really liking the mechanic.

All in all, there is a good game here, but it's unfortunately covered in a lot of Relor "mud balls"

Got emotional at the ending and then Ed Sheeran immediately started playing during the credits and gave me whiplash

First things first. The launch state is inexcusable and all parties involved should feel great shame that they allowed the game to launch like this.

Now that that's out of the way, I am utterly surprised about the extent to which I enjoyed Pokemon Scarlet. I hadn't finished a Pokemon game since Fire Red and every time I tried one since, I have not vibed with it. I vibed with this game HARD.

There are so many great QoL things that just made this not as tedious as the pokemon games I played. EXP share is awesome. So is the lack of random battles. I loved seeing the pokemon in the overworld and choosing when to fight them. HMs are gone and replaced with a metroidvania progression that's tied to your mount!! I also loved how i could quickly heal up my pokemon with the press of a button instead of having to manually apply potions individually. All these small things add up to a game that feels GREAT to play.

Especially since I'm a bit of a collectathon nut. I went for full living regional dex and had a blast the entire time. The map is really conductive to just venturing off and exploring. The majority of the fun in this game for me, was just roaming and catching pokemon. The gym/raid/titan stuff is all fine but that's not really why I was here. I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed the semi-open "do the objectives in whatever order you want" thing they were going for. That kind of progression is really fun to me in open games.

I'll also quickly touch on a few more things. The story is good and so is the OST. I caught myself humming the overworld theme more times than I can count. And Larry/Rika/Clive are all just the absolute BEST. There's a fun story here that, despite the clear budgetary constraints, they pull off well. It would definitely be made better with voice acting. Just throwing that out there.

So yeah, Pokemon Scarlet is a really fun game. Especially if, like me, you were tired of the Pokemon formula. If you can look past the fact that graphics are kind of shit, the game is buggy and the framerate is abysmal, there is a good time here. And lots of really good ideas too. I hope they continue to improve on what they have here. If Gamefreak is somehow able to build on these games in the right ways, I really think they're onto something real special.

Played 85 hours on Switch while catching all 400 Pokemon and filling out the Regional Dex

The performance is absolutley criminal jesus christ.
I would lie if I said this isn´t the most fun I've had in a pokemon game in years tho. Really good ideas for the series, great designs and fun multiplayer.

This review contains spoilers

- 75 Hours Played
- Pokédex completed

I really enjoyed my time spent in Pokémon Scarlet. In fact it’s the first mainline Pokémon game I have enjoyed in ages and it’s the first one on Nintendo Switch. Despite how much I enjoyed it, I am not blind to its faults. And there’s a lot of them, some of them being downright awful. But I had an absolute blast traversing this janky ass world, catching Pokémon and surprisingly getting invested in a pretty decent story.

I say pretty decent because that’s exactly what it is. Some may say it’s some of the best story content we have ever had but Pokémon has always set a low bar story wise. There’s some really surprising emotional beats in here, Arvin’s story especially. And I did get goosebumps at the end when Koraidon stood up in battle form after our journey together. But the presentation of the story and it’s simplicity fail to elevate itself. The lack of voice acting really stings and the constant fade outs during cutscenes fail to hide a lack of animations. The game constantly fades out when characters move to a different spot. Or release a Pokémon from a Pokéball. For an IP this profitable, it’s shocking.

The game is split into 3 distinct gameplay avenues. This really helps with variety as it’s not just more of the same yet again. The 8 gym path is still here but it’s one piece of the pie instead of the whole pie. The Titan Path was pretty fun if short but I found the Team Star path to be more experimental yet it seemed unrefined. Running around a base spamming attack against 30 overworld sprites didn’t really do much for me. But thankfully the Team Star boss battles made up for this.

The game is open world so you can go almost anywhere from the start. But the game doesn’t level along with you. It’s levels are set so doing a gym in the wrong order will sometimes mean you get slapped silly. Which then incentivises you do them in order, eliminating the open world freedom aspect of the game. In terms of environments there’s the usual biomes. Snow, sand, mountains, fields. I still think Pokémon has lost a lot of its soul moving towards realistic biomes instead of the artistically designed areas we got in the pixelated games but it’s good enough to run around in. But my god does the game chug.

The game runs like horseshit. Countless times my frames dropped. This can be an ugly game. The game has you climb a tower and then it shows you the scenery as if it’s a work of art. But all this does is highlight this games visual problems. Bad textures, bad frame rate. The towns have also seen a massive downgrade. Shops are now only menu screens and I can’t enter and run around peoples houses. This stopped any exploration when I entered a new town. I headed for the gym then left. The camera is also an issue, your Pokémon will sometimes disappear during battle as the camera is too close to them or move animations take them out of the frame.

But I would sit there playing this game whilst it was chugging along at no frames per second and not once did I want to switch it off out of frustration. In fact performance that would usually make me abandon a game didn’t matter here at all. Because I am a sucker for Pokémon. I loved this game.

I have been playing this game on and off ever since beating it. And on the 27th August 2023 I managed to finally get the 400th Pokémon I needed and complete this games Pokédex. The first ever time I have ever completed the dex despite playing Pokémon since Pokémon Yellow released. It felt amazing.

Gameplay is absolutely phenomenal, until you try swimming and you’re watching a slideshow. the game is very fun and addicting but the tech issues keep it from being my favorite Pokemon game. The story was surprisingly very cool, it drags in the beginning but they really did make it feel like an adventure. I liked Arven’s story and Nemona is the only rival post-asshole era that feels like a genuine and good character. The end of the game was definitely a massive lore dump, but it was genuinely really pretty and probably where all the graphics budget went. I would recommend this to any Pokemon fan, but for anyone that’s still not decided, I would wait until a patch to fix performance issues. Otherwise, a very fun and enjoyable Pokemon game. I will probably bump up the score if they ever do fix performance.


But they were cooking with the story, designs, everything

They gave us the best set of side characters the series has seen in Nemona, Arven, and Penny

Story was real clean, too, top stuff for the series. Strong gen. Just needed more time in the oven.

I think this is the hardest thing Iv ever had to rate. The performance should make it a 0 but the fun that is buried under the metric ton of jank and just pure garbage, broken elements is so enjoyable that I have to rate it more. This is the future of the series. It needs so much more polish and time but this is what the series should be. It takes the old things and polished them and shaped them into a fresh style. Gyms are still gyms but they have small twists, they are not the life blood anymore.

The story is actually quite touching, following the pattern of the odd number gens. It is leaps and bounds over sword and shields story, in large part to the fact that unfortunately swsh didn’t actually have a story. But there is a heart to this game. I just really wish that it didn’t play like pure garbage.

My issues with performance:
•Crashing multiple times when trying to load gym challenges
•1-5 frames per second
•Battles loading incorrectly
•general overworld jank

My other small issue is the none existent postgame. Sure we get more story this time but a battle tower and some other things to do would have been welcome. It’s completely obvious why post game was emitted, DLC…I’ll save my opinions for when that releases.

Genuinely the worst Pokemon game of all time and it's not close. The frame rate hovers around 10 for the majority of the overworld, Pokemon clip through the world and the world itself is completely bare. The new Pokemon designs are uninspired and boring outside of the starters and regional forms. If the game had a stable framerate it would still be garbage, just functional.

Extremely disappointed and this should be the hint to fans to never buy from this series again until Gamefreak guts the entire department and hires competent programmers, animators and designers.

I don't care what glitches and bugs are still in the game at the time of writing. This was everything I hoped it would be and more. The open world and playing with your friends is everything I wished SwSh would do with the Wild Area. Obviously the game points you in the intended directions, but otherwise you can explore to your discretion. The Tera Raids feel more fun and fast-paced than in SwSh as well, always enjoyable. If you can look past the obvious flaws, you'll find something amazing. Super cliché to word it this way, but this game is a treasure.

While there are technical issues and it runs kinda weird, this is easily the best Pokémon has been in terms of gameplay and story since Gen V.

i haven't played a modern mainline pokemon game since X and the last pokemon game i ever beat in full (and sank a lot of hours into) was emerald. gen 6 was the point where i basically fell out of pokemon because i felt like the formula just wasn't being shaken up enough for me to keep interest, even with sun/moon and sword/shield trying their best.

but dang, they took a gamble with scarlet esp with the rushed dev time, and even with a pokemon game destined to print money regardless, there's a whole lot that caught my interest in the release months enough for me to actually WANT a copy.

the open world isn't visually great, but it's a blast to explore with your bike lizard. not too fussed about the open world not scaling since i just approached it like morrowind in the case of "maybe don't come here unless you're properly prepared". like dang, i actually had a use for pokedolls this time around!

picnics are fun, autobattling is handy, story's fantastic for once, music goes hard, i'm bad at raids but they're fun, there's a whole lot of QOL stuff in terms of EV training and other stuff, but the big grab for me is tera types. teras feel like a drastic step up from the previous games in terms of gimmicks, since it doesn't just feel like "uhhhh pokemon/move but stronger" but actually has some interesting utility potential. you want a huge STAB bonus or a pure type change? maybe both? maybe neither but a different use? it's a fantastic game-changer which makes me angry that it's not going to be brought back for future gens.

obviously the game's not without it's flaws, but i'm sure everyone's brought up how the performance sucks and the stability ain't all that great. i'm just gonna say the "musou" segments for team star kinda suck, but at least the presentation for the bosses makes up for them. honestly the gyms are also pretty lacking, especially when compared to the FANTASTIC gym presentation in sw/sh. but sw/sh also didn't have a rapping gym leader with a dancing ghost dog, so that's one thing s/v has over sw/sh.

all in all, to me, scarlet and violet feel like coming home after a long break from pokemon. again, i haven't played a mainlike pokemon game in nearly a decade, but i sure wasn't expecting to sink as much time as i did, especially considering i never beat pokemon X back then. but man if this isn't a comfy time and i'm genuinely hype for future content for scarlet/violet.

man though can you imagine how even greater this game would be if gamefreak had an extra year of devtime on it

This game is perfect in literally every aspect but it runs like shit. Still giving it a 5. Heavily prefer this over every other main series game ive played. The characters and writing is so absurdly good, never in a million years did I think a mainline Pokemon game would bring me on the verge of tears EVER. Fuck me, this is one of my favorite games ever made. I really really wish this didnt run so bad but I cant say that brings it down for me at all.

great game released about a full year too early to hit that sweet q4 holiday earnings report

very much the right direction for the series to take, and yet, one still feels an urge to perhaps do a little graffiti on a building owned by gamefreak

you have to look past 8 layers of crunch, but if you do that, you will notice that the developers (note: not the people in charge) actually cared about this game, which is a first for pokemon on the switch

I reviewed this game with a code provided by the publisher. You can find the full review at The following is a summary:

The frame rate is constantly dropping, the visuals are abysmal, and there is no excuse for the unfinished state of the game. But underneath the hood are the best characters the franchise has ever had, an adventure you can tackle your own way, and the best mainline Pokemon game in decades.

Okay massive mixed feelings on this. I really like the direction Pokemon is taking. Sword and Shield DLC was amazing. Arceus introduced an super fun new gameplay loop. This game expands on some of that stuff but also takes steps backs on some ideas. I still need to keep playing and fill out my Pokedex because I love doing that. However I think so many Pokemon games (and how much I played Go..) in quick succession. Really makes these feel less special. In the last 12 months we had Diamond, Arceus and this. Mental. Also for me the performance issues really did dampen my enjoyment. I am still having fun with the game. It doesnt stop the fun (and sometimes the bugs are super funny). But it does dampen the expierence. I like this game. I guess its just too much Pokemon too quickly (and bugs)

This game is okay. I don't really have anything overwhelmingly positive to say nor anything negative. This game was fun for what it was but the performance issues can really bog down your experience.

In regards to the story though, there are three different quest lines and while I felt that each individual quest line wasn't all too great, the finale chapter was surprisingly pretty good. Most of the characters felt forgettable but there were a few which did stick out. OST was largely okay. Paldea was alright, I do wish the devs made more memorable locations to explore seeing as this is an "open world" experience because once again, a large portion of this world is just forgettable. The only location which felt even remotely inspired was the final dungeon which is unsurprising given how good the finale was. Pokemon selection in this game was amazing though, you can make pretty much any team you want right out the gate and I appreciate that a lot. The new Pokemon in this region are also alright. Pokemon starters, save for Quaxly, are really good. Sprigatito and Fuecoco both have really good evolution lines. Charcadet absolutely stole my heart this generation and is by far my favorite Pokemon in such a long time. Additionally, while the Pokemon designs are appreciable, the character designs are just horrid this generation. I am not a fan of 99% of the character designs in this game, they're all just.. not good at all.

That's about it though, I don't think I've felt this neutral about a game in so long.

11/29/22: I finished the Pokedex and 100% this game literal moments ago and I can say none of my thoughts have changed whatsoever.

Potentially one of the best Pokemon games with many great steps in the right direction. Inside you have a 8 or even a 9/10 game but given the technical issues it's more of a 6 or 7/10 game which is very frustrating. The most significant issues related to performance, glitches and removed features such as set mode could be patched but knowing Nintendo/Game Freak I doubt that a sufficient patch will be released

I tend to defend Pokémon games because the big argument I hear often is that "you don't really like Pokémon, it's just nostalgia", and no I just sincerely like discovering and catching these new little creatures and completing the pokédex ( that's one aspect I like in this game actually, the way the pokédex is designed like a shelf and you actually see it being filled)
But I'm getting tired of the games not being polished; the art direction is a bit uninspired (don't really know how to explain that but, the way the light and colors look ?); combat was never my favorite part of the game but the gyms have never been this boring; I felt like the world was not particularly fun to explore ...
I did like the soundtrack, story was nice, and the final act was pretty cool

This game has the meat of the best pokemon game to ever exist hidden in here somewhere. The new pokemon designs keep being amazing. That being said, I have never played even a Pokemon fan game that runs like the pile of gravel this game runs like and its frankly embarrassing. I really hope the patch starts to fix some of the problems with this but it wouldn't fix everything. Nintendo finally had a chance to do a legit open world style game but nope, its pretty much do it in somewhat linear order or you will either be pounded into mulch or be super over leveled. All I wanted was a Skyrim like leveling system in a Pokemon game if they were going to do open world traditional pokemon. PLA failed for me in the same ways and was a technical mess as well but not anywhere near this bad.