Reviews from

in the past

Rudimentary as FUUUU-(dge). Generally, I've been enjoying going back and trying out these old school Prince of Persia J2ME games, which have run the gamut from amusing novelties to genuinely great for me so far. This oldest outing however? Yeesh, painful. Very basic level designs filled with only a handful of repetitive obstacles that always seem to be placed in ways that frustrate and annoy rather than legitimately challenge you with your limited range of stiff abilities and pitiful sword swipes. Also, who's idea was it to put in lives and a stamina bar? I made it to the last stage before my typically completionist self just couldn't take it anymore, walked away, and looked up the ending on YouTube (the unrewarding wall of text that it was). Oddly enough, there's a Symbian/N-Gage version out there that features actual storytelling with Farah (neither of which are present here), a slightly wider array of obstacles to overcome, and even a final boss battle! So needless to say, if you're digging through these more obscure corners of the series like I am currently, that's the way you'll want to go. This Java version though? Skip it.


The biggest problem I have with it is that I just found it boring. The movement is comfortable enough, the wall running is cool I guess, the stamina bar is rather pointless, but I didn't mind it that much. Some parts are somewhat challenging, especially this one moment in level 8 when you have to deflect arrows while having to stand really close to the guy shooting them, so it's hard to time it. There is a bare bones story, but there's nothing to care about. I don't know, nothing really felt fun to me, especially the platforming which is the point of the game.