Reviews from

in the past

i love Ecolo he's a funny little guy

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I got a whole new appreciation for this game after playing it on Wii. I really love the aesthetic of the game and it's 15th style sprites. The story starts off pretty fun but ends pretty clumsy though... It feels very rushed and we really get no explanation on what or who Ecolo really IS until 20th. The character choices for some of the main protagonists are also so odd, but I like it for that. Suketoudara being a story option in a main Puyo game is funny. The main game mode for this one that they like to use is Transformation. Which I can't say I prefer over a similar mode like Fever honestly... they're both pretty alike. Instead of giving you normal sized Puyo chains to set off during a Fever, Transformation lets you decide whether you want Mega Puyo, Mini Puyo, or both. I tend to prefer Mini though cause it's more like Fever. It's a lot more satisfying than Mega. Stay tuned for Saetta's patch soon. Nenilein's translation is a treat.

not so bad! took a little time to win me over. I'm unsure how I feel about the transformation gimmick... mostly, I'm not sure it was needed. fever still exists here too. it's only used once in the story mode, but it's there.
story mode is... fine. nothing really special. the sort of thing one should expect from these games. I dunno. but this was a fun little romp. I'm glad I played it.

I respect this game for attempting something bigger near the end of the story but I think there's a sign of low confidence when most of the cast of this new universe is old characters and the new gameplay style is used for only portion of the game. A gameplay style that sucks by the way.

i love the frutiger metro artstyle and this game also introduces some of my favorite characters in the franchise! but sadly i think the game by itself is not that good. it is overall very easy and the story is a bit boring too. the ending is so abrupt too and ecolo doesn't even have that much of a role in it. i think the later games introduce these characters much better the pp7, especially ecolo and risukuma

puyo is good, game is like 2 minutes long which kinda sucks

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The game's story was kinda incomplete, and the game may reuse most assets from earlier, but the game itself is good as hell. Dark Arle is cool btw

Yep its a puyo game. has all the bells and whistles of puyo games, and another fun lighthearted lil story mode with some new characters. puyo good, not much else to really say

i wish i lived in a world where i could take a train from japan directly to the himalayas

(Completed using fan translation patch).

A very enjoyable Puyo experience. If you're a fan of the story modes in both Puyo Tetris game, you'll get a lot of milage from this one, even if you're missing out on a lot of gameplay variety compared to that title and others in the series.

Nice and short, but doesn't overstay its welcome or become repetitive as a result. The fan translation maintains the level of humour and gags found in the official translation nowadays which was much appreciated as it got quite a few laughs from me, and it also helps to make this title more accessible to those who've only played the PuyoTet titles.

Would highly recommend giving this one a whirl.

this game has tiny/giant puyo so it deserves to be this high for that alone

this game would be better if ringo was allowed to say fuck

Would be a 4.5 if I knew how to play the new mode better. The music is fantastic, the presentation is fantastic, the story is the best I've experienced in a Puyo game. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it.

The story's fun but I'm no good at the gameplay.

A rushed storymode obsessed with 7, a poorly thought out transformation gimmick, but it gives us Ringo and more Asami Imai in the world is absolutely welcome.

A downgrade from 15th outside the new characters.