Reviews from

in the past

Pure bloatware for trophies. It's close but not quite the very bottom of the barrel

Forgive me, for I have sinned.

Its just a cheap Platinium grab....and i hate myself for it XD

There are worse games that exist.

I feel like a prostitute for buying it just to go platinum.

played this game just for the easy plat

Did I buy a game for a cheap plat? Yes.
Am I ashamed? Yes.

i need to kill myself for allowing me to get this many junk platinums

100%ed it and got the platinum

Road Bustle (2020): Un frogger simplón, que cuesta un euro, y puedes platinar en menos de 10 minutos. Tampoco puedo añadir mucho más. Un timo estándar de los que había por la época (1,90)

Não tem muito oq comentar a respeito, apenas que ajuda a subir porcentagem de troféus (platina extremamente fácil) kkkk.

Ein Spiel mit 3 Tasten kann tatsächlich verbuggt sein..