Reviews from

in the past

Good but incredibly sweaty but not as bad as call of duty vanguard

Hi Rez is very good at making games with a decent level of polish and absolutely zero charm. Gameplay is serviceable solely because it liberally lifts from other shooters. This game takes no risks and treads no new ground. It has no compelling story, characters, gameplay mechanics, maps, or even weapons. It's entirely possible I've played a game that's more aggressively bland than this one, and if that's the case then I'm at least lucky enough to have forgotten it.

This game had crazy potential to be something big when it first dropped. It still kinda does but the the playerbase did this game in. There’s just simply not enough players on this game currently and the queue times are frustrating bc of that when it comes to ranked game modes. Casual play becomes a lobby full of bots. Every time I come back around to this game it gets worse and worse with the lobbies.

It sucks that not many people are on this game. Gun play is smooth, the Rogues are all unique in appearance and are surprisingly balanced(though there could be some tweaks with who gets some perks), almost every map is designed well, and the game can get addictive if you manage to string together full lobbies. The character models and skins is what initially drew me in with this game and I got invested with them in a similar way to Overwatch’s heroes.

But again, the playerbase is almost non-existent and HiRez seems to not care about this game enough to improve on it. It’s really fun and I hope some popular streamer can potentially revive this gem of a game.

Great fun with friends - in a very rough early state, with a lot of visual glitches on the Series X at the time of writing.

Great diversity in the character abilities and what looks to be constant support for the game so far.

About half as enjoyable if you are queueing solo.

with all the 8 billion other team shooters out there, why should you play this one? well, you shouldn't. its your run-of-the-mill multiplayer shooter that borrows features from several other games with varying degrees of quality but instead its in third person.

great cover shooter multiplayer

It tried too hard to be a mainstream hit and failed

Fun times but like R6 goes away when the friend group crumbles

Acho que isso foi um surto da pandemia ne

was kind of alright until it wasn't and left my brain forever.

Estranhamente bom, mas não tenho tempo pra jogar

Esse jogo é muito divertido, ele tem uma pegada CS com Rainbow Six muito boa, ele é divertido ,tem uma gameplay rápida, é viciante, só que eu acho meio repetitivo e enjoativo, mas é só minha opinião.

I played this game back when it was in Beta in 2020.
All the comparisons to Valorant are a bit unfortunate as RoCo entered beta just a couple months after Valorant came out. So inevitably it lived in the game's shadow.

This was a really fun game for a bit until the player base dwindled to just the sweats and it got a bit too competitive to be fun. But before that, I had a real good time playing this with a fairly normal crew.
It's not perfect but it's still a pretty fun class-based shooter that they've been doing a decent job of supporting.

i did audio programming on this game. it's okay

Decently fun to play with friends.

I'm looking at Ronin respectfully.
Her fat ass respectfully.

Too much Jom, not enough porkins namsayin?

this was the last game I played before I lost the PlayStation account I had since 2017. Needless to say, I'm pissed to this day, how is this related to rogue company? it's not.

solid shooter game but didnt live long enough.

You know what I really really fucking rate this highly I love the charcters especially Phantom I love the guns I love the maps its top 5 as an online shooting game for sure unfortunately my friends don't play this much it really should be more popular because its fun and i can't even get mad playing this its like playing cod or warface you die a lot but you also kill a lot and thats FUN

Hard to write a review for this one. Third person hero based shooter, it's fun, its polished, but it feels like an early access/beta product, for the price of 20 dollars MINIMUM. It feels like a free to play, which definitely doesnt inspire me to keep at it for long.

Its like if hi rez made valorant.

Rogue Company can be a really difficult game to love at some points. The matchmaking is abysmal, it’s full of bugs and gameplay imbalances, you get fragged way too easily. The thing that keeps me hanging on, however, is the fantastic map design, great graphics, awesome fluid gameplay and the addictive nature of its Strikeout and Deathmatch game modes. I haven’t been this into a F2P game since the golden days of Fortnite and for a $40 AUD investment so far for all of the rogues and the battle pass, it’s already given me all that and more in game time and enjoyment.

I love this one, played with friends and can be very competitive, hard to find good opponents, but when you do, they are really good and can be tough to win.

Its a pretty ok team based shooter