Reviews from

in the past

“Are you ready for your gameplay lessons?”
Ninja Gaiden Black gulps
God Hand breathes heavily
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix nods nervously
Devil May Cry 5 sighs
“Yes, Samurai Warriors 2” they say in unison

There is an alternative timeline where Musou is just as popular as SMT and Yakuza and we would have hours long video essays about how great this game is.

I really loved this game and its story mode. It's a ton of content for such an old game. Warriors gameplay has always been such a satisfying thing to me and the system they've got here works very well. Despite these games always having a terrible dub, I've gotten used to it to a point where I find it charming. The vibes this game gives in its story are exactly what I like from this comical historic interpretations. Magoichi's friendship with Hideyoshi, Tokugawa's guilt after his loss at Mikatagahara, Nobunaga's dynamic discussion of destiny with Mitsuhide, there's some incredibly creative writing choices here that worked great even despite a mediocre translation.

Don't even get me started on Nagamasa. Thought his story was gonna be a rehash of Oichi (or really the other way around) but it turned out to be a much more compelling tale. His contemplation over honor and love was brilliant, despite triumphing over his enemies and his wife's embrace of his choice, he's unsatisfied with the outcome, even after conquering Japan. He desires a better world where he wasn't forced into battle against his former friends within the Oda, with the final level revealing the tale to be a dream and giving him a second chance to rejoin his sworn brother Nobunaga and give him the unified Japan that he believed in, while also fulfilling his duty to the Asakura. But man was this is where I wish there was an improved English translation. I can only imagine how this tale was written in the Japanese version, without the cheesy dub and sometimes strange dialogue.

I guess the most noticeable problem this game had is when they include stories for characters like No and Ina then do absolutely nothing to distinguish them from the near identical story modes of Nobunaga and Tokugawa. At least Honda and Sakon, while also having near identical stories to Tokugawa and Mitsunari, had trade-offs to still make their campaigns enjoyable. Honda is basically the Lu Bu of Samurai Warriors and Sakon is given unique cutscenes/interactions to pull together a unique narrative. But for characters like No, they fill in gaps with reused levels, the stupid village missions, or just straight up don't change the campaigns at all. This is where I appreciate the more modern format of multiple characters in one campaign. Ranmaru Mori doesn't even get one, so I'm not quite sure why they just didn't omit certain characters they knew they couldn't give an entire tale. I just wish they shook things up a bit when they had to reuse levels instead of giving identical objectives. For example, Shimazu surprised me with his final level, where he turns on Mitsunari and then takes out both him and the Tokugawa, finally ending the battle by getting his well earned duel with Tachibana. If they had done stuff like that more often I feel like it could justify having so many levels with identical battles.

My first entry in the series and in the musou genre. I like it , it was actually good. The five scenarios for each character and short duration keep a repetitive gameplay fresh to follow a very good story based on important period on the Japanese era (Sengoku Period). Each character plays differently from one another and the soundtrack is very good. The last entry before they go to a more fan-fiction approach.

Samurai Warriors 2 for me is the peak of what classic Warriors is. By that im incorporating all of Dynasty Warriors 2-5 and Samurai Warriors 1 & 2. Built more off the back of the Dynasty Warriors 5 engine, this builds off the original in so many ways. The colours are brighter, the plotlines are more detailed. Stages are cleaner and more fun to roam through and the sheer amount of content on disc is staggering thanks to every character getting their own mode, an expanded tower survival mode and a board-game mode to boot.

Sure, not everything works, the board-game feels at odds with everything else and the less said about the online multiplayer modes on the xbox360 the better, but as a whole this is classic dynasty warriors just done right.

Even then, this is classic dynasty warriors so its still not perfect. Grind is still a large issue and while every character does have their own level set, you will see a few repeated levels as you go through, the most noticeable being the bandit raid levels which seem to be thrown at characters who dont have quite as much to do. Also again: This is a warriors game so if you dont care for the other entries, this isnt going to win you over as in many ways it is more of the same. Still. For those who do love Warriors, this is peak-classic era.

it's like the first game but i like it less, WOW!!!

A minha história com esse é inusitada. Pois comprei um mortal Kombat naquelas clássicas vendinhas de esquina eita como pirateia, daí veio esse aqui dentro e eu simplesmente me apaixonei pelo jogo e aprendi MUITO com ele.

When Koei Temco realised people were getting bored of the repetitiveness of the dynasty warriors games, they sat down in a board meeting to brainstorm how to make the game interesting again. Good ideas like improving the combat or adding some form of tactics to the game were ignored in favour of making the same game in Japan. Well this is the 2nd one, and as far as I can tell, nothing has changed. You can imagine exactly how this is going to play out without me telling you. Smash X a million times then frisbee the disk out the window.

I had played the first one and decided to pick up the second as I enjoyed the first.

Man did this game blow me out of the water. I don't think I've ever put more hours into a MUSOU game than this one. The fact that every single character had their own "story mode" was incredible. Sengoku was also such a GOATED mini-game that could have been it's own game. Edo Castle by far was my favorite map.

Kotarō Fūma had the best Musuo but I still stand by Magoichi Saika even though his move set sucked.


All I ever wanted is a unified Japan

Stories intertwined by fate, war, and death feels fully realized in Samurai Warriors 2. This game has to have one of the better and more detailed story modes in any musou I've played so far with how detailed and personal each story seem to be. The color palette matches up more to the traditional Warriors standard along with much more refined gameplay, progression system, and content that really puts it up there with its sister series and then some.

Probably the first time where I really felt invested in the story mode of a musou game. The CGI cutscenes are amazing and each character has a lot to say for any and each situation. Given a bit more insight during this period, it definitely is not pretty compared to Dynasty Warriors which kinda shy away from death involving the player itself at this point. Some of the endings are pretty depressing in their own part and it just all compasses into how this period was actually like. Some character deliver some nice brevity like doing Magoichi Saika's story where he was almost making fun of it all for a bit.

I think I had way more fun mowing down mobs here more than Dynasty Warriors 5 of all things here. I feel like Samurai Warriors actually kept constantly trying to improve and provide variety on the traditional formula instead of resting on its laurels for a bit but not completely changing the wheel that might ruin what's already good here. There's three main move sets: Charge that makes use of a shorter normal combo but provides more charge depth into each charge finisher, Normal which provides the standard formula but a total of twelve normal inputs with only one charge finisher in each branch and Special is kinda of a mix of both which provides more reliant on the special abilities used with the bumper buttons. A cool important addition I really like is the special abilities and skills that each character has using the bumper button. I really like this addition since it provides more tools to use and makes each character more unique in gameplay. Character level progression is something I actually like that I failed to mention in the previous game but here it feels a little more streamlined and fleshed out. It beats going for stat drops and trying to find health and musou upgrades in specific spots and lets you get stronger from just playing the game itself.

The soundtrack is great but that's kind of to be expected at this point with the use of japanese instruments taking complete focus with a guitar and tiny specks of electronic sound still remaining. A stand out track would have to be Tedorigawa due to how energetic and ridiculous this track is in a good way. The survival mode makes a return along with the standard free mode but the most surprising addition is Sugoroku which kind acts like a monopoly clone which kinda feels like the most random addition but it's actually pretty fun and you actually unlock a character for winning once which is a cool touch.

A very huge improvement over the original in general. More characters, more stages, much more detailed stories and better action in general. Samurai Warriors 2 is a by the book sequel that improves on almost everything. If you enjoy mowing down mobs of soldiers as a cool samurai with a katana, gun or even some random abomination of a spear and cannon then Samurai Warriors 2 can fill that niche perfectly.

liguei o 360 dps de 6 anos so pra jogar esse jogo vsf mt foda te amo hanzo hattori e keiji maeda

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Samurai Warriors 2 literally made me spend hours looking up sengoku jidai stuff online to see how the historical versions of the characters compare to the ones from the game. I had no idea those characters and battles actually existed in real life, so it was pretty fascinating.

There is a pretty obvious bias towards the Toyotomi side here, given how a lot of the more developed characters (Mitsunari, Yukimura, Sakon, Ginchiyo) are in it during the Sekigahara campaign, while the Tokugawa side is mostly composed of boring one-note characters aside from Ieyasu himself. Still, I think SW2 (Xtreme Legends expansion included) does a pretty decent job at covering the general story of the Sengoku Jidai and presenting it as a complex war story with multiple perspectives. While the first game was mostly focused on Oda Nobunaga's conquest, this one goes from that all the way to the Siege of Osaka, with a bigger emphasis being put in the Sekigahara campaign, which is understandable since it was the most climactic part of the period.

That's not to say other characters and parts of the period don't get to shine, the way Koei handled the tragedy surrounding Azai Nagamasa and Oichi, Shibata Katsuie's relationship with Maeda Toshiie and the theme of passing the torch their story tackled, the build up to Akechi Mitsuhide's rebellion against Nobunaga... And many other stories, it's all pretty fantastic. There are just some liberties taken with the characters and historical events that felt weird, like Saika Magoichi being the one who kills Nobunaga, and Fuuma Kotaro being this cartoony-as-fuck villain who's evil because he likes chaos and randomly appears in battles that have nothing to do with him saying "PEACE BAD, CHAOS GOOD" for no reason, and Date Masamune is portrayed as an unlikeable spoiled brat, these two characters would thankfully see a lot of improvement in future SW games, at least.

As for the gameplay... Well, it's a musou game, you know what you're getting into if you played even one of them. This one does shake things up a little by having characters with different styles of combos, but ultimately it's still very much a musou game where you fight hordes of enemies, most of them don't present much of a challenge besides some officers and other main characters.

That being said, this is probably the musou game with the best use of the morale system, as it really seems to make a big difference when you complete the objectives in the battles that make it unfold in your army's favor. When your army's morale outweights the enemies' morale, your soldiers and officers actually start to fight better, I've seen multiple instances of allied officers and main characters holding themselves pretty well during the battle and defeating enemy officers/main characters without me having to come in and do all the work for them. I swear to God, when I played the Battle of Sekigahara in the Western Army's side and managed to thwart the Eastern Army's plan of getting Kobayakawa Hideaki to betray me, as well as completing all the previous missions, my allies were able to defeat Honda Tadakatsu by themselves. Honda Motherfucking Tadakatsu, basically the Lu Bu of this series, and they kicked his ass on their own! This would never happen in any modern musou game, or even some of the older Dynsaty Warriors titles, your allies always have to rely on you to do everything in these games and it can be annoying sometimes. In Samurai Warriors 2, though? Your army can hold their own against the enemy just fine, provided that you complete the missions in order to raise their morale, which feels a lot more like participating in a war, I love this.

What else is there to talk about? The graphics won't blow anyone away, but they look good enough, especially for a late PS2 game. The soundtrack is fucking fire, but that's a given with most musou games, even the shittier ones have some great music at the very least, so no surprises here.

So... Yeah, Samurai Warriors 2 is one of my favorite PS2 games of all time, I spent hundreds of hours playing, experiencing all the different character stories and the ways battles can unfold depending on what missions I complete or fail to complete. It was a great time by itself, but it also led me to have an equally amazing time reading about the Sengoku Jidai as it was historically. Game journalists don't like this or musou games in general, but they can all go suck a big fat wiener because my opinion is superior to theirs.

This game is certainly an improvement on the first in every way, with a lot more variety in play styles with the expansive cast. I just kinda wish I could switch from the english dub to japanese dub since the English dub is a MASSIVE downgrade from the first. It's so bad that it prevented me from playing a lot more of the game.

That castle has Sakon written alllll over it.
That castle has Sakon written alllll over it.
That castle has Sakon written alllll over it.
That castle has Sakon written alllll over it.

Loved the characters, wished there was some character customization though like the dynasty warriors games.

The pinnacle of Dynasty Warriors gameplay, tied with its sibling Warriors Orochi for the best of these games that there are. Almost certainly 750+ hours on this game alone.

I played SW 1 and I quite enjoyed it. This game surpasses it in every way.

Gonna need to give it more time as I progress through the DW series, but so far I've enjoyed this FAR more than DW 3 and 4. This game has been mad fun and I know my friend isn't crazy about it since he loves DW 4 lmao

Lots of nostalgia for this game. Fuma being on the cover is perfect

A marked improvement over the original in gameplay, style, and content. Minoru Mukaiya's music is a treasure.

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Tadakatsu Honda has entered the battle