Reviews from

in the past

Sir Whoopass is a parody with, I presume, Unity flipped assets. The parody jokes are super tame and unoffensive, like I dont see how someone could go "these jokes SUCK!!!!".

The gameplay actually does "whoop ass". I like games where I can move fast, and this game lets you run pretty damn fast. It honestly just feels like a 3rd person ARPG(diablo style) kind of. It also has the Bethesda Dungeon loop so that is pleasing to the brain.

I was kind of thinking that comedy games don't have to chain themselves down with keeping grounded. It's kind of refreshing when to play a game that just goes yeah, fuck it, give this "fantasy" knight guy a jetpack, its fun! You also get a MMO style mount (press a button and its on) and thats cool. There are just fucking jetpack flying missions to do. Just the freedom to do whatever you think is cool, so freeing.

Barely playable with puerile humor. I cannot even count how many times I got locked by some game breaking bug, and even when it was working, it wasn't worth the effort.

It was fine. Started off great but started to get very repetitive with samey feeling dungeons and very little humor. Also it was unbelievably buggy and a few puzzles were way too obtuse for what it was going for. Overall kinda fun though. Check this out if you have nothing better to play.

A piada desse jogo é você jogar ele.

Um senso de humor que equivale a assistir um show de standup feito por um adolescente memeiro norte americano fã de piewdiepie (2016).
Esse jogo é "Engraçado". Não no sentido de me fazer rir, no sentido de tentar muito forte te fazer rir , mas com piadas nivel Whilhelm scream, som_de_alerta_mgs.mp3 e uma escrita de humor nickelodeon kids.

O nivel de humor desse jogo é terrivel. Eu até gostaria de ter esse senso de humor para rir de qualquer besteira que tenha som de meme.

Esse seria um jogo poop. mas eu fico por ver um jogo com tão pouca substancia em sua "sátira" que foge drasticamente de qualquer ponto. Não satiriza absolutamente nada e acaba sendo ele mesmo a piada. Com decisões de design qeu só se justificariam se fosse abertamente satirica, mas não acontec. Claramente o jogo tenta ser bom e acredita que só pela piada vai conseguri superar sua gameplay absolutamente insuportável e de mal gosto. Para ser um jogo contra design pelo menos carregue esse tópico em seu tema, mesmo que pela sátira ou comédia. Quando temos algo feito do jeito que esse jogo foi feioto só temos um "jogo meme" com o senso de humor de web 2012.

Vazio absoluto esse jogo. não encontrei valor algum ao jogar.

Fun parody game, kinda janky but i liked it. There's a flappy bird minigame, last time i played (months ago) i got second place in the online leaderboard.
I recommend putting all your level ups into speed, it's fun as fuck running like Sonic around the entire map and dungeons.

It's obviously not a high quality game, and if you've taken one look at it you already know that. It gives off a very asset flipped vibe too with just random contrasting looking models and terrain strewn throughout the world. It controls like ass, there's no lock on for fighting enemies, the effect of an attack may happen before the animation, the hovercraft is nearly useless, it's just all over the shop.

However it's a joke game that doesn't take itself seriously, it's filled with just random funny actions, items and activities to keep it amusing, plus it's very short. I did it within 8 hours but if you made a beeline to each dungeon and just stuck to the main objectives you can finish it way faster. I also appreciated how fast and freely (thanks to the jetpack) you can get to each objective and along with the teleportation it didn't waste my time with traversal which is a big deal in games for me.

I got it on sale for real cheap and given that it's short and fairly amusing I can tolerate the jankiness. It's obviously not a great game but it's fun for what it is.