Reviews from

in the past

The art team carried this game

The artwork and designs made specifically for this game are really impressive but that's about all this game has going for it. Like every game of this genre it quickly reaches a point of no return where grinding is eternal and paying is inevitable. No thank you. You know something's wrong when having the game play itself on auto mode is more rewarding than actually playing it.

Game was fine and fairly generous for gacha, and the art is awesome.

But someone up there didn't care much and the game died twice as a result.

I am a huge fan of the new designs a lot of the Skylanders have but, otherwise, this is just a really generic mobile game.

The revamp of the game is fun. Not the best Skylanders adventure but enough to hold me over for now.

fun fact: this was the last bit of skylanders media before it got the axe last year, officially making skylanders 110% dead forever after six years of life support