Reviews from

in the past

I watched this video earlier and saw this game and the guy called it a hidden gem for the console. I thought to myself ok maybe I'll like it. This was Vic Tokai and I'm like the only person to love the first Battle Mania so maybe I'll love this too. Nope I didn't.

I don't know if I'm just bad or something but I find the controls to be not good. I might just be spoiled by how much Sonic I play but it just never feels all that good. The game loves to either put you into autopilot or do platforming that never feels substantial or fulfilling. It doesn't help when every last level in a world is a labyrinth which makes it even worse.

I really wanted to come out liking this game but besides some of the nice tunes and visuals, Time Dominator 1st is just one of those games I can't recommend. It is at least playable but that really isn't a compliment. I think I'm just gonna stick to Battle Mania 1 and 2. Now I think about it, I really should play Decap Attack someday...

In all vgm circles I go in online, I have always championed this OST as one of the greatest of its era. You know what? Everyone I've introduced this to is of similar opinion. It's easy to see why, the FM Synth sound, the drums, the energy, the melodies, it captures all the best aspects of platformers for the generation into a concise well executed package.

Treasure Castle" blows my fucking mind:

Too bad the game is nowhere near as good lol.

I don't know if I'm crazy but i really like Socket. Maybe I need to play it again because everyone else seems to hate it. I thought the level design was solid and the gameplay was fun. The score may change in the future but for as of now I do think this game is good.

This is the closest a japanese developer has ever gotten to making an amiga game and it's somehow still better than 95% of amiga games

Outside of the God tier OST, everything about socket is just sort of "okay". Perfectly playable and far better than Bubsy or Aero the Acrobat in terms of Sonic knockoffs, but still quite a few steps behind the hedgehog in terms of physics and level design. Inclines and the few attempts at loops in this game are super awkward, and some levels are far too labyrinthine for their own good. It's worth playing through at least once if you're a fan of these kinds of games and have exhausted everything else.

Fun fact- Time Dominator (his name actually isn't socket like you'd think) appears in the train stage of Battle Mania 2 as an enemy along with several other clones. I guess Vic Tokai realized he wasn't going to be a sonic killer by this point, lol.