Reviews from

in the past

When i was younger i remember starting many videogames that i have never finished because i used to really suck at videogames, and i always gave up very easily. Sonic 1 is one of those games, so i decided to grow a pair of dingleberries and actually finish the game.

I was actually quite surprised to learn that sonic 1 is considered a mid game, because i remember having a lot of fun with it, even tho my younger self never got past marble zone.

Sonic 1 has a total of 7 zones that each has 3 acts except for the final zone. The game throws you the best zone right at the start, which is the one and only green hill zone, and why is it the best? Well its because sonic gets the chance to go fast which is yk the main gimmick of the game?

Marble zone and spring yard zone are pretty decent, sonic isn't very fast here but that's my only complaint about these 2 zones.

Labyrinth zone fucking sucks

Star light zone: wow going through this zone right after labyrinth is like eating a 5 star meal after eating school food. Sonic isn't always slow in this zone and all the acts are fun as hell. Ths is on par with green hill zone in my opinion.

Scrap brain zone: pretty fun! Honestly this zone is very underrated, and it's the 3rd best zone in the game for me.

The bosses are very very very ok, except the one in labyrinth zone fuck that one.

The graphics are very awesome and brightly coloured.

The music is obviously great as hell, like cmon is there a single person in the world who hasn't listened to green hill zone? There's other great tracks aswell such as spring yard zone and scrap brain zone.

Sonic 1 has without a doubt many problems, but i got some nostalgia for this game so i can't help but like it a lot, and it still does many things right.

You know what's hilarious? While trying the free mobile version, I died (which quickly became a common occurrence through the game itself, but I digress) and then the game basically said ''Hey ol' buddy ol' pal, you seem to be sucking balls at this game, would you like to watch an ad to revive immediately and to not lose any progress?'' and it was one of the first stages so I didn't mind re-trying from the beginning, so I promptly said no... and then it showed me the ad anyway. I could be fuming or complain to no-end at the fact that’s even a thing that is allowed to happen, but I'm simply in awe, truly yet another amazing mobile gaming moment, just unbelievable.

I’ve been through a little bit of a Sonic phase this year, and by ‘’Sonic phase’’ I mean I’ve beaten two games like 5 months apart from each other… which it’s still far more consistent than the past 5 years so hey, it is a faster pace! The first that I beat was of course Sonic 2, I talked about it and said my piece on it just after beating it, and even tho I still pretty much agree with everything I wrote on there, there was one thing that was echoed through my review and a topic of discussion in the comments: What it’s, at its core, the design that makes a Sonic game? To me, I always saw Sonic as a series that invited you to go fast, that encouraged you to replay it over and over, taking and discovering different paths, and the level design reflects that with interesting, momentum based mechanics that even when they slow you down, you always keep moving forward. That view of course is highly influenced by my experience with Sonic Mania, my favorite game on the series so far, and now I realize that it may have been a bit dumb of me to reduce the series to what that game did; some people thing that these games are also about screwing up and learning from those mistakes to the point of going through the stages seamlessly, others might enjoy its more linear aspect and enjoy reaching absurd levels of speed while grabbing some collectables, and I know that there must be some sick fucks out there that considers Sonic Spinball to be the gameplay style that suits Sonic the best. All of these are completely fair and in their own way correct views, each player prefers a certain design philosophy, and many groups of players gravitate towards different games within the franchise because of that; but even with these many differences, they still have a ton in common, especially in the 2D side and the games released in the ‘’Boost’’ era, and universally there are some aspects in which pretty much everyone agrees upon on what a Sonic game should have… but then we have Sonic 1!

Look, I didn’t want to be known as the ‘’has beaten Sonic 2 but never played Sonic 1’’ guy, I wanted to be the ‘’has beaten Sonic 1 after Sonic 2’’ guy; it was a matter of time that I’d eventually play this, like a hedgehog shaped Damocles’ sword. It seems to be like chickenpox, many people go through it and for some it fucking sucks, but putting aside terrible unfunny jokes at the moment, the truth is that I was extremely interested going into this. Sonic the Hedgehog was not only the first step for the series, it was a massive cultural phenomenon, it’s an incredibly piece of history directly tied to the success of Sega during the 16-bit era, the marketing during the console wars, and a direct competitor to the juggernaut that Nintendo what was seen as. Sonic was born because of that, to have a mascot that could look at Mario directly to the eye, and it took a ton of work and time before the Sonic we know became what it is, and it was a success… oh sorry no, I’m sorry, I meant to say it was a MASSIVE, GIGANTIC success. Sonic became a 90’s icon, a brand so important that even after 32 years it won’t die. Despite my cheeky remark at the end of the last paragraph, I fully expected this to be different to other Sonic games; despite its commercial and critical success, nowadays Sonic 1 is referred to as the one that set everything in place for the other games to happen, a basis if you will… but still, I expected this to still have what it was marketed as: a fast paced, more open 2D platformer that would make look like Mario moved at snail’s pace. This is what Sonic was made out to be, a direct competitor to the plumber, but also the antithesis of it, and Sonic itself was designed as such, both it looks and in the way it controlled, and… yeah, during the first zone, it definitely is that!... is anyone else getting a ‘’Déjà vu’’?

I’d argue that at this point all three acts of Green Hill Zone are as iconic as the likes of 1-1 from the original Super Mario Bros., and it sets the tone perfectly; the visuals and music are simply stellar, a true showcase of what the Genesis could do what also managing to look amazing on its own right (and that’s the case during the whole game, this time around I consider the OST an absolute home run, what an amazing collection of pieces, it introduces the fairly simple premise of ‘’Pissed off mammal’’ against ‘’Five Below Evil Mario’’, it introduces the enemies and small power-ups perfectly, and it shows the potential of this more open level design; all paths lead to the same ending (with some exceptions), but each may hold different secrets and surprises that make you want to see everything possible, to see if you can go faster and more cleanly than last time; and the momentum based movement is a blessing, Sonic’s more slippery traction makes reaching high speeds so fun, and Green Hill teaches you the basics of this and Sonic’s whole move set masterfully, going from small slopes to entire loops, and it’s so satisfying. This, this, right here, is the Sonic that I love, the Sonic I didn’t expect to see so early, but here it is, and it’s wonderful, it is exciting, it actually feels so good to play-HOW DID THEY FUCK IT UP?

Marble Zone is infamous at this point, it sets a complete change in the way the levels are designed, and one the game never recovers from, at least not consistently, but I think people just don’t realize why is that many hate these stages so much so much. You see, Marble Zone isn’t bad because it’s slow and sloppily designed, Marble Zone is bad because it goes fundamentally against what it was taught to you during the last stage, it’s a complete diversion from what was presented to you at the beginning and it actively punishes you NOT for going recklessly fast, but for going fast in general when the character you are playing as is basically forced to either go really fast or have zero momentum in its jumps, as the act goes along the bullshit just keeps piling up and it comes to a point you realize later acts are basically remixed versions of what precedes it with the only thing that changes is that now it has more cruel and utterly unfun level design that, again, doesn’t fit Sonic in the slightest simply because doing precise platforming as this fucker is worse that having your hands tied down to an electric fence AND it’s also slow and sloppily designed. It’s just so… weird, it’s like they attempted something different and cool, but then became scared that players might not liked so they decided to design stages as you would do for any other platformer (minus the branching paths of course) and decided to make that the bulk of the game. Worst part is that Marble Zone is not terrible, not even that bad, it, along as the rest of the levels, have a interesting thematic that connects with one another really well, and it has some interesting ideas like moving blocks around to activate switches, but it’s the repetition its Acts (something that even affects Green Hill Zone) and just how painful it is to traverse what make it so jarring and a huge let down, ann it’s not like it gets much better, the downward spiral is just beginning!

Spring Yard Zone is marginally better, it has some cool ideas, but it still can’t reach the same highs as the game did at the beginning, and then Act 3 comes around and it felt like being put through a time loop of repeating stuff over and over; it wasn’t fun, the boss was a buggy mess, and it didn’t feel like it offered any kind of interesting challenges. Then after that hell I arrived at Labyrinth Zone and not gonna lie the thought of ending it right there crossed my mind for a second; just a barrage of nonsense and unpredictable physics made it so fucking miserable, if the previous levels really loved to stop you on you tracks, this right here is the prime example of the worse result possible of that idea, and the chasing Robotnik at the end made me yearn for the sweet release, just… why? It took more attempts that I’d like to admit, but I don’t care, it was DONE, and I don’t have to see that place ever again! And next it was Star Light Zone and… it was my favorite part of the game by a wide margin: it was like the second zone should have been, more opportunities to fail that still feel fair, super interesting ideas that I didn’t expect to see in this game, and capped by far my favorite, most creative and open fight against Robotnik in the entire game. I… really didn’t expect this, and it game me hope, hope that Scrap Brain Zone would keep up this and turn into a fantastic end- it was instant game over hell, there’s no other way to put it. Nothing was as bad as some stuff as the such of Marble purgatory, but still, the cool visuals and some excellent ideas really save this one… until Act 3 where it BECOMES FUCKING LABYRINTH ZONE AGAIN WHAT THE ACTUAL LIVING FU- ok, I’ll give it this tho; it has the most interesting different path and secrets of the entire game for me, and it at least was shorter than anything in the zone that shall not be named. It was tolerable, the final boss was tolerable. I. Was. Done.

It's funny though, the last two zones were far better than the Sonic 2 ones-

Sonic the Hedgehog is an actual mess, the difficulty spikes are as random as the ones in quality, it has some fantastic ideas that for some unholy reason decides to use as a hinderance instead of its basis, it lacks the speed, the urge to explore, and the fun in learning that the other games have in some way or another… and yet I can’t fully blame the game itself for any of those. There’s a clear vision behind all of this, one that it just got lost along the way, like it was still scared to not be what it wanted to defy, like the sloppy first steps in a long marathon; it’s frustrating, but it’s the perfect showcase of a bright future and so, so much potential. Maybe it’s because I know can fully see it like that that I.. actually don’t really dislike it as much as I was expecting, specially during some sections; I for sure didn’t enjoy it all the way, but it had fun parts, and sometimes, even at its most bullshit, it’s hard to ignore the passion and craft that was put into all of this. It’s a commendable effort that I wish I could say I enjoyed, but ultimately was more preoccupied with giving something that may have been more familiar instead of giving us something different, something that embraced its spirit, something that was Sonic.

Also I would like to add that I beat the game with what it was one life in each level, which meant absolutely zero checkpoints. Did that happen because of my stupidity? That’s irrelevant, what’s important is that I did it, I beat Sonic the Hedgehog… What’s that? What do you mean there’s a 2006 gam-

Sonic Origins Plus bundle: Finished the story and it's a good game, but obstacle placement in Labyrinth and Scrap Brain Zone disrupts the flow of speed for me (god I hate to lose all my rings), stages to get Chaos Emeralds are super fun, wanted to rate this higher but it's a short experience, after playing Mania some years ago.

Marathonned the whole Sonic series in a year for the 30th anniversary.
Started with the mobile remake. 16:9 screen space really helps with seeing what's coming up ahead of you. Various bugs, such as the spike glitch (spikes damaged you in the Genesis version even if you had invincibility frames active) were fixed. Really cool that they added in Tails, Knuckles, the Spin Dash, and a seventh Special Stage to go Super Sonic.

I think this game gets a lot of unnecessary hate for "being too slow", when I find it incredibly easy to go fast. There is less spectacle behind the level design in terms of just holding right and seeing Sonic go through a roller coaster. You should go into this game with an arcade philosophy of "get as many points as possible, I know I won't be good my first time playing, but with practice I can do it better the next time".

This game is incredibly fun to speedrun BECAUSE it's not traditionally a fast Sonic game the same way Sonic 2 is. The level design asks you to stop and start often if you're taking things slow, but you can skip a lot of platforming by utilizing your skill by controlling your momentum. Learn the level layouts, learn how Sonic controls, and this game is way better to play than people make it out to be.

After the deluge of bullshit I just went through with 06, Rivals and Secret Rings, I needed to regain my footing with this blue fucker.

Damn good port! Really affordable, too. (Ultra)Widescreen support, Tails & Knuckles are playable, solid framerate, special stages are cheesable, spindash is here, and the touchscreen controls felt surprisingly accurate. Right up there with Symphony of the Night's Android port for me, this was a great time.

ft @cellerepe (PC, port da versão mobile) [Minha bilionésima vez, primeira dela]

Chega quebrando as pernas da Nintendo e iniciando a era mais importante dos games, apesar de apenas a Green Hill, uma das melhores 1ªs fases da história, entregar o que prometia. Esse é QUASE um jogo de plataforma normal, mas tudo que o envolve ajudou a definir o futuro da mídia.

As someone who played both Mario and Sonic games in my childhood, I feel really sorry for those who grew up with Sonic and not Mario. The game's clearly designed for it to look better than Mario in any possible way, but it ends up being a shallow shell of what it could have been, and that's so sad, as both the characters and the game's concept are so good for them to be wasted in such a way.

classic game. pretty fun (especially the mobile port with the spin dashes). very basic and fundamental but it’s still a good time. Sega does what Nintendon’t

Just finished this game as part of Sonic Origins which I'm gamesharing with a friend. This game is horrible. Every little bit of it feels so frustratingly designed on purpose. This game punishes you for even having a bit of speed, making it simply a very slippery feeling platformer at most times. It also feels like they know that parts of the game suck because act 3 of the final zone is literally just Labyrinth zone again because eggman put you back to fuck with you. They knew what they were doing, I don't know if it was some sick way of making more replayability to make you wanna get the chaos emeralds, but forcing you to go back and redo stages because they're bullshit or what. I only enjoyed green hill and some small bits of scrap yard and a bit of starlight. I must also say, I would never have finished this game if this version didn't have lives. Otherwise it would've just been impossible for me. Onto Sonic CD now as that's chronological order.

I have really mixed feelings on this game. On the one hand, it was the begging of this franchise (which may also be considered as the sin) and I respect it for it, on the other... there's no big reason to play this game unless you really like Sonic, because the next classic games just did that better - Sonic 2, 3&K (Hydro City is probably one of the most awesome Sonic levels there, much better than Labyrinth Zone) even CD to a lesser extent. Especially if you played later games at first, like me, you're gonna feel a little underwhelmed.

What makes this version better than the others though is extented screen, remastered special stages. However the quick save is gone (I mean it's not Steam version we talking about anyway), and I really miss it because of how it helped me in other classic Sonic games.

So overall, I enjoyed this game most of times (I even started to appreciate Marble and Spring Yard zones little more), but I don't really feel need to come back to this one, unless for Green Hill and Final zone

Also, I strongly dislike how I didn't have the possibility to play Sonic + Tails or other characters from begging, why would you Sega do this to me :|

I have an S22 Ultra which is possibly the widest screen known to man, and while this game supports that and looks very nice, it messes with the fire projectiles in Labyrinth and makes it much harder to not get hit in some sections. Kinda lame.

So glad to finally be able to play this game on a platform I actually enjoy playing games on. Fantastic remake that saves an already pretty enjoyable game. Fans have fixed the definitive fan remake.

The one that started it all!! Overall, it’s a very solid Sonic game if a little boring at times. It’s no where near as dated or bad as people say but it does have a heavy case of first game syndrome even with this 2013 remake.

Green Hill is still one of the greatest beginning levels in all of gaming but the way the game falls off after that is quite noticeably. It peaks again with Starlight Zone but everything inbetween (and after) is just good to ok.
Playing the original version definitely does show a lot more of it’s age in terms of design (thanks to the lack of a spindash) but even with the 2013 remake, the level design is still a bit unrefined and is nowhere near the peak of the series or the formula.

The overall aesthetic, controls, music, and gameplay is still very solid; it’s really just the unrefined gameplay that brings the game down. Being the first game in the series, it’s to be expected.


This game is so fun for the first level before becoming a boring difficult slog. It must have been revolutionary for its time and i understand why it's loved, but as someone with no nostalgia for it I can't have fun playing it now and i will probably never beat it.

when you make sonic 1 control like sonic 2 with no consideration for the level design it's no wonder why so many people think this game sucks. what christian whitehead did for CD was a miracle, but for this game it was damnation.

This is the white head version i forgot its better than og still age like poop butni like christin white head

The definitive version of the classic platformer, but Labyrinth Zone still sucks and they didn't add the extra ring in Act 1, yet the rest of the game is based off the Japanese revision.

Levels like Green Hill Zone and Star Light Zone are real treats, but Sonic 1 overall is a rollercoaster between pretty fun high-speed action and really slow, boring and frustrating platforming. Maybe if I put more time into it I'd get more enjoyment out of it, but I think I'll just stick to Sonic 2 and 3. This game just feels like a bit of a chore to get through.

Better version of Sonic 1 with added screen space, consistent 60fps, smooth rotation effects, Spin-Dash, many fixes to the game's collision issues and bugs, and extras like Tails, Knuckles, Super Sonic and Sonic 3&K power-ups. Made by part of the same team that worked on Sonic Mania, uses older version of the Sonic Mania engine. If you can play with a controller, I highly recommend it. Touch controls take a lot of getting used to, but it works perfectly when you do. I can play this game on touch nowadays as perfectly as I can on controller.

The only viable way to play the first Sonic nowadays. The decompilation on PC makes the experience even better.

This game's fine, but my biggest surprise is how well this game functions on mobile. Impressive

Please play the remaster over the OG. I recommend it just for the added moves and removing notable bugs. You can also just play Sonic 1 Forever which adds the drop dash though it modifies the sprites so keep that in mind.

This is my first time actually completing the first Sonic the Hedgehog as usually I give up around Labyrinth Zone. This game is far from great, lots of weird design choices which go against the core ideas of Sonic going fast, but I still think it's a decent platformer and I'll always weirdly respect it for getting the designs and music of Sonic pretty nailed down on the first try. The features that Sonic Origins has such as saving at checkpoints, unlimited lives and the spin-dash gets rid of all the annoyances I have with the old Sonic games, and whilst I always prefer any other 2D game to play if I'm in the mood to mindlessly play Sonic, this version has more of a chance than Sonic 1 usually would due to its better quality of life features.

Amazing remake of a pretty good game!

Best way to play Sonic 1, só não dou nota mais alta porque ainda é Sonic 1, porem com 16:9 resolution 60fps, leve melhorias nos sprites, Knuckles e Tails jogaveis, time attack, save files e até mesmo tem a opção de por 7 esmeraldas do chaos.

Recomendo. Depois que joga essa versão voce nem quer saber mais da versão de mega drive.

Sonic 1 is a game I like but I have to admit it sucks.This port just makes it playable.

This review contains spoilers

The beginning of the journey, huh? (Even though my first finished Sonic game was CD). Let's see what you've got in you, Sega.

Green Hill Zone. I'll just say it, it's a perfect zone. Amazing soundtrack, looks amazing, good enemies, it's just fitting for the first ever Sonic zone in history. The bright and cheerful atmosphere, as you zoom through the level bouncing on enemies, it's a good zone. The boss is also everything a Sonic boss should be. Unique, challenging, but not too hard to get the hang of.

Marble Zone. This is also a pretty well made zone but I will never see this zone in a good light. It is a very well designed zone, but it's just not the zone you'd place as the second zone in a game. A new player will not be able to get the hang of Sonic easily. I will forever stand by the statement that Marble Zone should have been pushed back to be a late-game zone, as we can all agree it was torturous for people like us who just began our Sonic journey. The boss was also a good, challenging, appreciatable boss just like Green Hill Zone.

Spring Yard Zone. This zone is a unique case. This zone looks like a dream I'd have as I fall asleep to a high fever. Fever dream, to summarize. It's just so... it's trying so hard to be an aesthetic and quirky zone but I just see it as "Batshit Dream Zone" because of the theme of the zone. "Spring Yard" is also not a fitting name for this zone. HOW IS A ZONE WITH A COTTON CANDY LOOKIN SKY A SPRING YARD?? Really just, its a weird zone, I don't have any good or bad thoughts towards it. It has good level-design, and the boss is just like the other 2 ; unique, challenging, but you'll eventually get it.

Labrinyth Zone. What the fuck? To clear it up, I had barely any problems with traversing through this zone. It was pretty goddamn easy for me, but what troubled me and what makes this a horrible zone is that it's a water level, and that how it looks is just not my type. Water levels are so anxiety inducing, slow paced and torturous, but the zone itself looks like something from an ancient mummy movie. I'm good. The boss fight was hell in the first few attempts, but it's actually quite easy to get the hang of. You just need to be patient, and you'll zoom right through.

Star Light Zone. I'm gonna say this outright ; P.E.A.K. The zone has a banger soundtrack, the zone itself looks so unique and fun, and the level design is just perfect. In the words of Homelander, "It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last, minute, details." The unique enemies you can't kill, the gimmicks these enemies have, like the bombs, the mechanics, like those rising and falling cubes, all combined with the beautiful combination of a technological look for the zone, while there's a natural look at the same time. This zone's looks and its soundtrack make you feel nostalgia for something that never happened. Come on, you must appreciate it to some level. After the painful Labrinyth Zone, you relax to the starry night sky, zooming through as a fast hedgehog, while also being vigilant for the enemies, just an enjoyable experience as a whole. The boss was also peak like the rest of the zone. It sets a role model for all Sonic bossfights to follow. It should be somewhat challenging, but fun, and most importantly, unique, not some crushing robot chasing you, destroying everything in its past. The difficulty may have been toned down for the boss, but it will always be appreciatable for me.

Scrap Brain Zone. This zone had some good level design. It also looks really good, really good as in accurate to a 'Scrap Brain'. I love the implication of ACT 1 being the outskirts, and ACT 2 being the actual facility. It's something unique that Sonic 1 did not hesitate to experiment on, and it somewhat worked!....Until they brought back Labrinyth Zone for ACT 3, but I will not burn down Sega Headquarters, as they gave us a shortcut for trying to zoom through the level and finding an opening.

The Final Boss Zone. Okay, first of all, the soundtrack is just so fitting to the atmosphere. It sounds hopeless and hopeful at the same time, giving us the feeling that if we don't defeat Eggman once and for all ('once and for all' haha, I wish), then several beautiful landscapes will be doomed and animals will completely bent to his will. Nobody can stand between you and Eggman now. It's time to settle the score. The boss fight was quite literally a quick reaction time thing, which is, something unique in gaming boss fight history. It's testing if your reaction senses had some improvement from all the sudden obstacles through your journey. Good job, Sega.

As for the Chaos Emeralds, they....the minigames aren't too hard, but I don't think I have the motivation to do it all over again, just for some stones and the 'good ending'. What even changes, Eggman's coming back next game anyway. Review end.

Final rating : 3 stars.