Reviews from

in the past

A promising proposal for a dungeon crawler with rhythm gameplay, but it is completely destroyed by lazy and poorly executed implementation.

In it, we play as one of the 5 characters who are teleported to a world where we have to end the present dissonance and thus return to the harmony of music. It's a standard premise that initially manages to hold up, but it becomes increasingly tedious as we progress through its monotonous story.

The game is phased, with 10 available worlds, each having 10 levels to explore (in addition to their bonus stages), which may seem like a lot of content at first, but soon becomes one of its biggest flaws, as the developers prioritized quantity over quality. All its worlds feature identical enemies and scenarios, only with reused templates and skins with different colors, as there is no variety whatsoever in the level design / gameplay. There are only 2 Boss Fights for over 100 repeated stages that will take some exhausting hours to complete, and even in its multiplayer mode, they are not enjoyable. Furthermore, with a huge number of stages and various music tracks, we encounter the game's biggest flaw, the note mapping. In some levels, this might be forgivable, however, in the majority, it has become a problem that ruins the immersion and the main element of this type of game: the rhythm. When the key mechanic is broken in this way, we get the product that is Soundfall.

Another glaring mistake is the issue of BPM, as in the various musical styles applied, there is a variation in the BPM of the stages, which is not necessarily bad, the problem arises when in some levels we have a BPM below 160, causing not only the shots of your character and their dodges to come out at delayed intervals, but also affecting the duration of the stage and the fight against enemies, as fewer shots mean lower DPS, hindering the fun with the game.

I believe that if the game were shorter and had minimal variety in mechanics, it could be decent. But, in a general assessment, Soundfall is one of the worst games I've ever played, being in my view a disaster in everything it tried to propose.

Completely forgot to log this game. Its woefully generic, with a bad tracklist of cheesy no name producer pop and typical bland EDM. The game also just refused to play nice with the Switch. It was totally unresponsive, and sluggish which is a killer for a rhythm action game.

It has potential on PC with custom tracks, but 2 stars is fair for the equally priced Switch version.

A serviceable twin-stick shooter both improved and let down by its musical focus.
+ remarkable diversity in music genres (even if most individual songs are rather generic and some unsuitable for a rhythm game)
+ clean art style featuring short but well-animated cutscenes
+ very slick UI that looks modern and is generally efficient to use
+ satisfying combat hit effects
+ straightforward co-op feature
+ functional song import (which isn't impressive however, considering it only takes BPM)
- mediocre equipment system for player customization
- simplistic campaign structure with 10 themed locations of 10 stages each and no real climax
- boring story told by embarrassingly written dialogue between shallow characters
- monotonous rhythm gameplay unaffected by difficulty settings
- too many copy-pasted environments with low enemy variety

This is one of those rhythm games that's too easy on the easy difficulty and too hard on anything else. It needs more granularity.

It's also WAY too long at 100 levels for the main campaign, especially as most of the maps are copypaste and there's very little enemy variety throughout.

Not bad by any means, but pretty lightweight.

While the story isn't anything to write home about, the gameplay and the tunes are top notch

The RPG elements are welcome, but the choice of tracks is so poor and unvaried it's such a shame, at least you can import your own tracks (mp3 only, FLAC owners can copium)

i imported my j-pop mp3s and every single one used the volcano level, truly taking idol hell to a new level

The combination of rhythm game and twin-stick shooter is a great idea, and the game plays well and looks great. The OST is amazing, with songs ranging from R&B, over Classical, to EMD and Rock, so there is something for everyone here.

However, it is unacceptable that - in certain songs - the metronome is wrong. It's a rhythm game, that's the one thing that you need to get right!

That's why while going for Multiplatinum, where you have to beat all stages on the highest difficulty doing all actions perfectly on-beat and whithout taking damage, I had to lower the music volume and have the metronome very loud, so that I could hear when it would go off-sync.
On Playstation, we didn't get the balance patch that released on steam, so doing Multiplatinum requires you to play with a specific character and kill everything with her special weapon, as regular weapons don't deal enough damage and stages can't be completed in time. That's a shame.

Melody is funny, hi rec to play multiplayer and do character voices very fun

Gameplay is very good, but you only play different songs separetly on similar maps, which is kind of repetitive.