Reviews from

in the past

I'm ending the South Park binge.

this makes Sonic R look like citizen kane

admittedly a pretty lame cash grab and way too frustrating to sink any actual time into but that 3D render of the show’s original theme song is so cute.

One thing that becomes abundently clear early on is that this kart racer is not a Mario Kart clone. I only managed to get to stage 7, but in that time I only had a single race. In fact every single stage is a different type of game, and honestly I respect it for that. They make these wide open stages to accommodate the playstyle too.

And then there's the items which they didn't just paint over the standard MK items like a lot of Kart Racers, these items feel truly unique. I didn't even learn what every one of them did.

And the roster is massive and each has fun voicelines that add personality to them. The fanservice in this game is insane.

So why the low rating? It's the damn physics. Nothing feels good in this game. Whenever you get hit your kart reacts as if it's made of cardboard. The irony is if this was a straight kart racer it'd probably get a bare pass as a PS1 game because the controls themselves are fair for the era, but the type of gameplay here involves way too many precise movements.

And unlike the standard cup format of Mario Kart, or any racing game, this game has you try to win all 14 stages in a row, with only 5 continues. Honestly I could probably even let the game slide if it just separated into cups of 3-4 stages, but the difficulty of the physics, combined with the fact you need to learn a new gameplay objective every single stage makes getting 14 wins in a row pretty damn hard. Like I said I only got up to stage 7 so I can't say what the last half of the game is like. And it's such a shame because they really tried so hard to make this game stand out from the competition and went full force with the South Park brand.

this game is so frustrating fuck yew

Game is very funny and enjoyable

em um momento que eu tava jogando minha namorada falou: "isso realmente não parece um jogo de verdade." aí um ônibus atingiu meu personagem, o que inexplicavelmente fez com que um png do rosto do saddam hussein aparecesse na tela falando alguma coisa. eu ri por cinco minutos inteiros e perdi a corrida. jogo miserável

god only knows why this was on my backlog.
yknow at first i thought this was gonna be neat. a kart racing game based more on objectives than straight racing? sounded cool, like a weird racing/battle hybrid. but then the game started playing and it handles like absolute ass. if theres any kind of drift or decent reverse i never found it, every item does basically the exact same thing, most of the objectives basically devolve to "crash into each other", and the stages are poop-shittingly bad!
Absolutely insane the sheer amount of fanservice in this tho, for a game released in the midst of season two, it has more racers than most cart racing games. i mean, we got starvin marvin and scuzzlebutt for gods sake. real memorable great iconic characters. also it was kinda funny so i cant say its the worst thing

I did it brian! I played South Park Rally!

I hold no nostalgia for this game and i think its awesome. Such a fun time with friends.

What a shitty way to start the millennium, the worst ""racing game""" I've played.

ok so whats here is a pretty acceptable kart racer, there's a nice bit of content with how many items arent just mario kart reskins or anything like that
like genuinely trying to be their own thing
the models are also.. as you would expect a 3d model of the characters to look like in this era..
And all in all I like how crunchy the game can look
I also think its impressive how there's so many characters here like mr mackey, jesus, chef, so many
There's probably more that i didnt even give much of a shit about unlocking tbh

The real thing that Absolutely kills it isnt the sound design, or the character selection (Bc even if it was just the four boys, i dont think anyone would really give a shit That much)
its these courses holy fuck lmao
each course is like a different kart mission based thing where you gotta actually go on the pad to verify youve gotten through a certain area
the starting one fucking sucks and some of the other tracks arent much better, at first i was being easy on it because if you know a lot about the series like me youd have a lot to "oo" and "aa" at but it unfortunately does wear off
maybe if i was drunk and or drunk with a friend or my honey playing this itd be more fun but as it standssss yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you can play much less frustrating licensed kart racers out there

To start off, I don’t particularly know much or care about the source material and my friend bet me to beat the main mode; Championship Mode in under five days without losing credit. Despite my frustration over the game's mechanics and difficulty curve, I found the challenges in Championship mode to be hard enough to motivate me oddly but I guess that is just a me thing because I like a good retro challenge. Compared to other traditional racing games, this one is definitely not one so don’t poke your head into this one if you don’t like weird design decisions or don't like South Park. While the game has apparent flaws, I believe for an attempt to avoid being another Mario Kart is a unique approach you don’t really expect from an era where mascot kart racers were everywhere all mimicing the same game. I don’t think I will pick this game up again anytime soon but it is cool to unlock every single character I don’t know or care about lmao.

Given this was my very first introduction to South Park, i'm guessing my age was still in the single digits.

Weirdly remember playing this a decent amount. I didn't have a Nintendo console until I had a DS so this may even have been my Mario Kart. I'm not sure if that is tragic or hilarious.

I now this game had it's version of the Balloon Battles. Except with Butts. Butts floating around your car.


Might be the weirdest nostalgia I've ever had.

Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)
Shimmy shimmy yay, shimmy yay, shimmy ya (drank)
Swalla-la-la (drank)
Swalla-la-la (swalla-la-la)