Reviews from

in the past

Pô, chatão, sei lá, nada me pegou nessa DLC de verdade.

O que é estranho, porque gosto muito dos personagens envolvidos, mas não sei dizer, só não teve graça. As missões são meio chatas e algo menos direto que a DLC da Casabonita, é como que se quisessem fazer todo um jogo nesse cenário, mas tudo foi limitado de mais.

Pessoalmente não curti o final, não achei a surpresa do escalonamento padrão de South Park algo engraçado, nesse caso foi só algo chatinho para colocar uma luta a mais no jogo.

Resumidamente, acho que só vale a pena se você for tryharder de jogo single player, já que a melhor classe do jogo tá nessa DLC.

Sure South Park, that was "milk"

Maybe one of the weaker dlcs, still fun, mint berry crunch is fucking cool tho, would also recommend once you finish every other thing

Mintberry Crunch is really situational and hard to learn how to use properly, but when you manage to, he’s good. And his Ultimate is really good too. It’s a pretty funny and good expansion with a good atmosphere and vibe and i would recommend it.

Es como un capitulo malito de la serie.

took 3 and half hours to 100% this DLC it was okay the last fight was kinda a let down tho

Fun addition that really added to the story.

Just barely like it less than the other DLC only because I fucking hate Butter's as a team member, and Fastpass is fine but I would rather most other people. Mintberry Crunch is cool I guess, and the Ult on the Last Girl class seems overpowered. Also the solo Crab People fight seems like horseshit on higher difficulties, or I just got unlucky because they were my kryptonite (therefore making them bullshit).

Felt more like another version of the special needs camp episode but not as funny. It's fine just not as good as I hoped

Better than the Casa Bonita DLC, and I love Jimmy, Timmy, and Butters. Just wish that some of the fights weren't so bullshit cuz it took ages for the final boss fight.

Not as good as Casa Blanca in terms of fights but holy SHIT the Final Girl class is much better than the one from Casa Blanca. Mint-Berry Crunch is also a really great party member if you use him strategically.

more of good thing was, in fact, a good thing

Absolutely ADORED this DLC, one of my favorites to date. The inclusion of my favorite characters, Nathan and Mimsy, being apart of it made it so good. The 1980s slasher movies theme was perfectly done too