Reviews from

in the past

After the original Street Fighter, you would think that the next logical step would be to move onto Street Fighter II, right? Oh, how wrong you would be. Nah, instead, we need to travel to the far future, to the distant year of 2010, where we will get a game that barely resembles Street Fighter whatsoever, aside from having Ken be the main character and by mentioning street fighting at one point. What would result from this would be the strange anomaly known as Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight.

So yeah, as I have previously stated, this game is practically nothing like any other Street Fighter game, and instead feels like a completely separate game that just had the name Street Fighter slapped onto it to try to sell more copies. With that being said, I will judge the game on its own merit, and not for the fact that it has almost nothing to do with Street Fighter. So, all in all, I thought that this game was pretty ok and nothing more.

The story is pretty complex when compared to other games at the time, and this is added with the cinematics in between each world, which are pretty good, the graphics are fine, although they don't look too appealing overall, the music is nothing noteworthy, the control is fine as well, although jumping and firing projectiles can be awkward at points, and the gameplay is kinda wonky, but overall, it works.

The game is essentially an action 2D platformer, where most of the time, you are tasked with eliminating a target on the map, and you will need to do so by running, climbing, and manuevering around several arenas (even some of them repeating), and for the most part, it does work. You do get multiple powerups throughout that allows your shot to get more powerful and have a longer range, not to mention some additional upgrades, which when used effectively can make things easy, but that in itself is a RAREITY.

This game is extremely difficult, not just because of the enemies and their movements, but also the environments that make taking on enemies a pain for the most part, and the fact that whenever you get hit, you lose your powerups one by one, and as anyone who read my Castlevania Adventure review goes, I HATE that shit. Sure, it may not seem that bad from an outsider perspective, but when you actually play it yourself, it is a completely different story.

The other general complaints I would have about the game is that there is no save or password system, so if you don't have save states, you have to go through it all in one go, and it is not that short of a game. In addition, it also gets pretty repetitive after a while. Don't get me wrong, as a Mega Man fan, I have no problem with repetition when done right, but the environments and enemies look way too similar most of the time, and there isn't too much variety throughout, making playing through it a slog.

Overall, while it is a pretty unique entry in the Street Fighter franchise, it does have its problems that make playing through it kind of a hassle, but it still does hold a certain level of quality even after all this time.

Game #70

I take back every mean thing I ever said about Mythologies: Sub Zero

The past future looks really weird.

It's actually not too bad, despite not being Street Fighter at all. I always chose to play Power Blade instead.

A game that has potential but its control scheme is so bizarre and not intuitive at all. The gameplay is decent but the level design is often very frustrating. A game that could use a fan overhaul.

2010 sounds dope as fuck, can't wait

i actually beat this one as a kid. pretty sure everybody plays this game for 30 seconds, goes "lol sTrEeT fiGhTeR?!!" and writes it off. it's actually a fucking cool platforming brawler with great mobility options and a sweet sci-fi aesthetic. warping portal to portal to rapidfire hadouken weird alien dudes to death and do backflips. are you kidding me?

This is a weird game that I bought as a kid because I saw "Street Fighter." It's pretty good.

A fairly difficult, but interesting game that has literally nothing to do with the Street Fighter IP. I can't help but like it regardless.

Put Kevin in SF6, Capcom

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight is... weird. It's definitely not a traditional Street Fighter, but more of a sci-fi platformer where Ken fights robot aliens. The graphics are surprisingly cool for the NES, and the story is absolutely bonkers, but the controls are clunky and it gets way too hard way too fast. It's got a cult following for a reason, and honestly, it's more memorable than a lot of forgettable NES games. Worth trying out if you're into retro gaming oddities!