Reviews from

in the past

i sure do love spending all my playcoins on find mii

One of the absolute coolest features of the 3DS, where you traveled by other nerds in public, and got their miis to show up and help you out in a few minigames. Shout outs to all my gold pants homies at Nintendo for having all the puzzle pieces and being absolute beasts at Find Mii.

this gets five stars because it motivated my awkward teenage ass to actually socialise and i'm sure it was the same for many people. i loved going to far out places and cons, and there was something magical about going somewhere far out and getting some of the same miis you got when you last went there. also every morning at school me and my friends would use each other's streetpass miis to play some streetpass quest

the absolute rush of going to my first con and getting 100 new streetpasses after living in a small town and only ever streetpassing my brother is a gaming experience that I can never top

One of the 3ds's best features as a console. the games lacked a lot of depth, but the fact that you got them for free, and teh way they made you interact with people, was something truly innovative that should have been brought back.

Social media should just be mii plaza

i have a collection of 5 lonks

the con streetpass scene was fuckin bumpin. i met so many people thru this lil nothing 3DS feature. it was fun and i loved the lil games i could put my lil dudes thru and all the puzzle pieces i had to get and i have absolutely nothing to show for it now 🥲

I got a streetpass the other day and Ive been thinking about it ever since

there needs to be like, designated meetings or something

Interesting proposition, that proximity-based social gaming thing. However, it's 2013 and I don't live in a metropolitan area.

streetpass fell off after they added all those stupid dlc games. i never played them i was just jealous bc i couldn't buy them

I miss the time when Nintendo gave even a remote shit about the user experience. The Nintendo 3DS remains probably my favorite system as far as an "era" goes, for Nintendo's efforts in pushing socialization with almost every 1st party game offering effortless local wireless multiplayer, and a good number offering huge download play such as Mario Kart 7, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, and Mario Party Island Tour; usually these came with restrictions but MP:IT allowed you to play entire party games with no restrictions (even if that game is scuffed, the minigames were solid anyways)

You cannot tell me with a straight face that things didn't go massively downhill after Iwata passed. I'm not saying the man is perfect or whatever but in the landscape of gaming both then and especially now, he felt like the last remnant of pure enthusiasm along with Reggie for literally anything they're doing. Nintendo Directs lost all their value the moment they stopped doing skits, this is what things like Sony's State of Play fail to understand that makes them a laughing stock every time they have one, but Nintendo fans seem to not realize Nintendo's own directs have been just as shallow ever since as well.

The Nintendo of today is a far cry from the Nintendo that did this, and it's depressing every time I think about it. A Nintendo console should strive to be more than just an underpowered vehicle for a handful of exclusives, and they've utterly forgotten about that; when even features like the Mii maker are buried deep in menus and are never used for anything.

I've always loved video games for as long as I can remember, but the 3DS made me realize you can do so much more with a platform than host exclusives; but just as quickly as the efforts came, they left, and they'd rather you forget about them.

Finally, shoutouts to Pretendo, for attempting to revive the Miiverse messageboards and online services; leave it once again to fans to keep alive the best of Nintendo when Ninty can't be assed to spend a few bucks on the Windows XP server in the janitor's closet.

The closest thing to friendship I had as a kid lol

The many sleepless nights I had as a young teen grinding for play coins were all worth it to be able to flex that dark emperor helmet

why doesnt anyone use streetpass anymore :(

the state of euphoria I got seeing that green dot on the 3DS

I got a StreetPass tag the other day. Yeah, in 2023. His name was Aden or whatever amd apparently he's a big fan of Yo-kai Watch 3.

This has nothing to do with StreetPass Mii Plaza as a game (if you can call it that). I just thought you guys would like to know about that.

Imagine getting 60 pings for random people that magically break into your 3DS whenever you go to a McDonalds

Streetpass was the coolest thing the 3DS ever did, loved using this over the years

BRING THIS SHIT BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have to imagine this is better when u live in ny

J'ai pu croiser M_newvegas sur ma place streetpass et mon dieu même son Mii possède une calvitie.
C'est très fort !

was one of the few early 3ds gimmicks to be actually kind of cool.

Probably pretty fun if you live in a city. But I live in a hick village.