Reviews from

in the past

a true survival horror roguelike

terry cavanaugh is a fucking genius and i am a fool for not playing more of his games.

super hexagon caused my credit union to freeze my card because i sent the 75 cents for it to GOG.COM's tax evasion account in Cyprus.

super hexagon kept me going with quick and infuriating calculus study breaks in my freshman year of college.

super hexagon feels like going on a jog with bionic legs.

For only having 6 levels, this game has an insane amount of replayability. Beating any of the levels are super super satisfying.

the best way I can describe this game is its like that feeling you get when driving while it's snowing, go play it, it's a fun and simple time

Todo acaba fluyendo en un ciclo que nunca termina...

No hay vida ni muerte, cielo ni infierno, solo hay lineas, lineas que dan vuelta, todo da vueltas y vosotros... tambien... dareis...


This game is really well made, and it's a fun arcade game with some really good music.
There's not very much content though, and while it does take a lot of practice to beat the game, you'll probably find that most of the time is just practicing the last level, because the other ones are all easy compared to that one. Actually the last one is kinda unfair I'd say. But anyways, it's still a great arcade game that's fun for a while.

"Appall begone" game! Lean your "grapes" and "blunders" in this children's learning game!

I’m not good at this game at all, but I have to admit something about the visuals and music are really appealing to me. Dunno what it is. Shoutouts to Chipzel.

i have 41 hours in this for some reason

You can play this game with one hand, that means you can have the phone on the other in case you get a seizure (which is very possible playing this)

i try not to too heavily factor my own (lack of) ability to perform in a game into my unscientific numerical rating of it, but HECK my brain cannot handle very much of this. that aside, it's... probably a nearly perfect game?

i'm deeply convinced that majority of gamers are actually masochists too shy to admit it

I know I played this one but I don't remember anything about it other than it was hard

Hyper Hexagoner is honestly one of the most fun stages I've ever played in a game and I wish I could continuously play it without it switching over to Hyper Hexagonest 2 minutes in.

A really tight well designed smart phone game that I'm terrible at

Video Game Heardle got me interested. Still not sure this is worth logging. The game takes a minute - literally one minute - to "beat." What does the rating even mean in this context? Great music, though!

Who could have thought basic geometry could get so intense?

In Super Hexagon, yiu play as a triangle translating around a hexagon at the center of the screen. Lines, parallel to the hexagon's sides, will come from the edges of the screen, and you have to dodge them, using the left and right keys. Your objective is to survive for 60 seconds or longer.

It sounds simple enough, and that's because it is. Super Hexagon is a masterpiece of minimalism, a game with a simple visual style, that's easy to understand and control, but is devilishly challenging, and that will have you spend hours trying to master it.

This is one of those games in which you are going to suffer embarrassing defeats in your first attempt, possibly not making it to a fifth of the 60 second goal the game expects of you. But it's also one of those "one more try" kind of games that have you playing for a while, and before long, you'll be moving to the next stage.

Of course, a lot hinges on whether you enjoy the chiptune soundtrack that accompanies each stage. Personally, I feel like it enhances the experience a lot. It's also very enjoyable: I even listen to it outside of the game. But I can see someone immediately giving up on the game because of its music.

Not me, though. I persevered, and I witnessed the end. I have very fond memories of chilling with this game.

such a simple game has no reason to have taken 80 hours of my life, but this was my mobile game of choice if i got bored in high school. i enjoy the fast moving shapes i guess.

Don't show this game to Markiplier (he tends to flipping rage)

one day science will invent another shape

I can't play this anymore I developed a slight epilepsy