Reviews from

in the past

in this game pyro has an incendiary rocket launcher and soldier has two shotguns how rad is that

deleted my review of this by complete accident. gist of it was that you shouldn't buy into the common sentiment that tf classic is just "tf2 but worse" - it still has an active, if small, fanbase nowadays for a reason. the goldsource engine movement makes the game more chaotic and the map designs are super cozy. it's probably better than tf2 cuz it wasn't updated into oblivion. plus medic is soooo much fun to play in this one.

edit: as of today i have decided that this will be replacing my team fortress intake. join me, my fellow conc jumpers, in the old school tfc discord.

nothing has ever come close to its combination of speed and skill ceiling which reached so high the gamers had to be confounded and scattered across worse games

Classic. Anybody wondering what came before TF2 it is this game. Team Fortress Classic is an amazing game for the time and I wish more people would notice it. Sadly this game has a price tag and is not worth buying unless there is a sale. The characters are sadly a bit less memorable. The game works the same as TF2 but it has some different modes and guns since it runs in Gold Soarce. You will enjoy it if you like TF2.

Sorry - I just don't really understand how you could play this when TF2 exists. It was fine for its time, I'm sure.

It’s a fun game to play when you’re bored

Something to look back at, but not something to get back on. The servers have limited amount of players. Most I've seen were 2 players. So nothing good. The game's dead. I imagine team fortress 2 still rises up at the top, either way, in it's time it was a great game, Graphics are the same as half life, the first. bunny hopping, jumping, moving fast, everything was fun back there

tf2 but on goldsrc and its fucking bad

If you're new from TF2 this game is a bit different from that, but other than that its a really fun game

plays kind of like ass but it's fucking team fortress

Being the game that helped thrust the class-based shooter into the spotlight I don't see that many people talk about Team Fortress Classic. Perhaps that's a given considering it's age, but even nowadays it's gameplay is unparalleled by any other modern class-based shooter and is truly a product of it's time (in a good way). The movement is sleek and each class serves their own purpose, and as with any other Valve game the amount of custom content that has been produced for this game over it's 24 years of existing.

Interesting to see what Team Fortress used to be. I don't find it fun though.

i think bruno mars wrote a song about this game that was pretty popular in 2010 or so

oh you love to refine your reflexes and decision making? i have spent over 10,000 hours dying to grenades on dustbowl

after replaying it sure it does have its flaws like everyone having shotguns and explosives and that team reconiction is near imposible but if you see past that,this game is amazing that is from the 90s,extremely complex and experimental for its time and it inluence what its likely to be my favorite game of all time

strong 8 to light 9

damn kinda sucks glad there is a second one

doesn't age well but was good

Wish I could say that I am good at both Team Fortress 1 and Team Fortress 2, but that's not the case. I have tried to play this game a couple times and I am just...Not that much of a fan.

It's still a decent time tho, and it's cool to see all of these different game mechanincs that I'm so accustomed to in TF2 but in a different much older version of that game.

I do want to mention one thing tho...All of these dudes have like the same voice. In the TF2 comics they established that the TFC Pyro is a woman......Which is weird cuz the Pyro in this game has a deeper voice than mine.

Fix your shit Valve.

Biggest strengths:
- The quake-like movement is awesome and it makes TF2's look like a Call of Duty clone
- Grenades, although annoying to many players, are pretty varied and useful, such as engineer's EMP grenade that destroys enemy buildings, or the classic concussion grenade that you can use to jump
Biggest weakness:
-The classes just aren't as well balanced, some of them like Pyro feel completely useless

Playing Team Fortress 2 for thousands of hours makes it very, very difficult to click with this... at least its gameplay is based on the masterpiece that is Half-Life.

It doesn't have the crazyness and charisma of its "sequel" (at this point more its own thing since TF classic was originally a Quake modification), but it plays alright and it's fun...for the first half an hour, personally.

It's crazy to think that 2Fort does not come from Team Fortress 2...

Team Fortress, mostly known as Team Fortress Classic is the predecessor to everyone's favourite team-based shooter, Team Fortress 2.
Originally a Quake mode that got turned into a mishmash of Half-Life 1 in the GoldSrc engine, this game plays pretty much like Team Fortress 2 surprisingly enough, it obviously doesn't have the same level of depth but the idea is still here, the class we all know and love are here even though they all have a shotgun for some reason, but yeah, this game is rough but it's good as a historical piece?... I'm not sure how to say that but this game is rough and not very fun to play, and it only has about 30 people max at the same time playing it, so at this point why not just play Team Fortress 2, but if people enjoy this game then they shall enjoy it.

Though if you are a Team Fortress 2 fan it's worth checking it out for a few minutes and trying all of the classes to know how they originally played and how they could've been in a terrible timeline where Team Fortress 2 was a generic war shooter.

It's kind of a hate-it or love-it, if you love GoldSrc then you'll most likely get a kick out of it, but if you don't particularly care about it then it'll just be a rough mess.
It's important to note that The Classic from Team Fortress 2 is the only "unique" weapon from Team Fortress Classic that came back in Team Fortress 2.

Kein Schwein auf dieser Welt spielt dieses Spiel mehr aber ich liebe dieses Spiel mehr als CS 1.6

Pretty solid game. I came from TF2 so this game was a bit weird to me but it was interesting. I never really felt like playing it too much though but it is definitely a good game.

there is no funny lime green burning flames hats in this game, i can’t play it