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in the past

The best final boss the Kiseki series has ever given us. This game gets too much hate because of Act 3 and I do kind of get it, however, let's not act like Act 2 of Cold Steel 2 doesn't exist. I believe that Act 3 was fine overall because there were still a lot of good moments. Other than that, this game was amazing and I am excited to see how Falcom can topple the best final boss fight they've created for the next game.

Kondo you fucking madman I love you

Mr.king recon is right
while this one follows suit with 2nd game bad! Really enjoyable except for act 3 slog blah blah KONDO IS A GOONING GOOBER the end payoff was the best out of all them while it does have flaws as long as Van is there = Peak

I love pretty much every character here except for Elaine and Rene I'm still neutral on both, maybe the third game is where I'll like them haha... Story is great all throughout (I dont really get the act 3 hate apart from like 1 scene) and the ending I adore, the battle system is the best It's been and was genuinely balanced/difficult early-mid game but then the game gives you cetus phantasma and you just get to carpet bomb the whole game with renne/agnes from that point onwards.
Music is the same as kuro 1 fine with some bangers.

After having sat on this game for a few months I can safely say my issue with it is that it feels like a DLC expansion to Kuro 1 (a la Like A Dragon: Gaiden, I assume) that got padded out into it's own game. That in itself isn't a huge problem to me, but the fact that it's a whole ass JRPG length game is. I spent 75-ish hours here and really feel like the whole story of this game could have been told effectively in half the time--maybe even less.

That being said, there is still a lot about this game I like. When the story is allowed to happen uninterrupted, it's (usually) pretty good. Kuro 2 does a great job of fleshing out a number of aspects of the world further. Even if this game does not do much to move the needle further in the overall story of the series, the general worldbuilding of the Zemurian continent has been one of my favorite aspects of the series since the moment I hopped on Sky FC and I'm glad to see the writing team still has this much attention to detail to the land they've created. In the character department, I think there is much work to be done regarding the overall cast and the group dynamic the Solutions Office faces, but individually several of my more liked characters had a ton of good stuff. There weren't many bonding events in this game but whenever there were they were definitely quite the treat; it makes me more confident of the future of the series in that regard as it's always been one of the series' greatest strengths. I'd like to give special shoutouts to Quatre, Renne, and one of my underrated faves Shizuna. With Renne in particular, Kuro 2 feels like a natural conclusion to her series long character arc. I obvs know she'll be back for future titles but her arc has been so damn good this whole time and I really appreciate what they've done with her here. I can't say the same to every character however. There was a lot of nothing done with a number of the cast. Elaine especially is an egregious example of this. Kuro 1 made her into my favorite character in the series just like that, and it disappointed me to see how little she was utilized here, especially with how much she was marketed in the months leading up to the release, and even with how the game's prologue went! One of my gripes with this series is characters just being used as static set pieces sometimes and overuse of that was definitely a knock on the overall quality of the story. The way a number of characters were utilized just frustrates me in general. To compensate for the story it's clear Kuro 2 tried very hard to be Reverie 2 in a number of ways but just couldn't land the way that did. It just doesn't work nearly as well with what they were doing.

Somewhat of a subnote, but the Calvard games have had the best gameplay in the series as well, these games play sooooo fine and I think that's one of the reasons I'll give some of the nonsense in this (and Kuro 1 too as I much as I love that game to death I can't pretend it's infallible) a semi pass. It really feels like as of this story arc Falcom has perfected the gameplay for the series, its so great seeing the progression of the formula of the series and I only think it's gotten better over time. After starting good too!! I'd really say that Kuro/Kuro 2 has a case to be made for being the best combat system ever put in a JRPG. That combined with how much I love the setting made this a much more easy to go down experience and I have nothing but high hopes for how the rest of this series goes in this department.

Sub-subnote: ah shit this was supposed to be a quick thought and ended up a whole paragraph

Would I call this game bad? I don't know how to answer that if I'm being entirely honest. Kuro 2 is undeniably the definition of a hot mess; it has a lot of great, fantastic even, aspects about it, but at the same time sinks to lows the series has maybe never seen before. This game was very clearly rushed, it could have been so much more had Falcom given it the proper time to cook. I haven't even mentioned the poorly implemented time travel mechanic (if you could really call it a mechanic). There was a lot of good concepts introduced here but never really had the chance to develop them properly. I really wonder how we'll view this game in the future, especially with Kai no Kiseki coming later this year. If the series goes further downhill this game will be chastised to no end, but if Kai ends up being goated I hope we'll just look at this as an intermission of sorts; maybe just a recharching/cooldown period in a string of banger games.

I'm definitely anticipating Kai very heavily, and it's probably safe to say it's the game I'm most looking forward to releasing currently. I'd definitely optimistic about how it'll be, cautiously so, but I know Falcom's writing team has it in them to create something amazing with what they've done, even if I still think this was a very shaky experience. With Cold Steel 4, Reverie, and Kuro 1 being as good as they were, I am very willing to let a sub par game slide as a bump in the road if Kai is a return to form. I know the writing team has that dawg in them still. The extra year given to work on it is the main fuel for my optimism.

Van've rocked my world time and time again. Get it done Spriggan, I know you've got it in you.

This review contains spoilers

Kuro no Kiseki II is a sequel that exists for the sake of existing. The game is padded out because it’s essentially one chapter that could’ve fit in Kuro no Kiseki 1 and is padded out to over 60 hours by reintroducing past character arcs and building on them, or exploring side characters that might have been half-baked in the first game. The game’s main focus is less on the progression of where Kuro will go next, and more on developing the current cast and past existing characters. As a result, you can find a lot of great character scenes, for main cast, side cast, and even the NPCs, but it doesn’t contribute to the Calvard arc on a grand scale.

The gameplay is improved with EX chains which are basically Team Attacks brought back but with two characters only, and the ability to use Arts in field combat. That’s essentially it. Very minor tweaks.

I was excited for this game and wanted to love this game as my other diehard friends, but just actually being able to read and understand Japanese, therefore the plot which nobody really talks about on backloggd, that the honeymoon phase quickly ended around 25 hours in when I hit Act 3, which is possibly the worst thing that has ever graced the Kiseki franchise. The characters die every five steps they take in the story, character betrayals through CS4’s “The Curse 2.0” is in full effect, and then the entire 15 hour journey throughout the chapter is retconned and never happened, and instead of clapping that it was great and had you on your feet, it would make you say “Thank god, it’s over” and then the game follows up with a small break and then the finale concludes the game within like two hours with a very short final dungeon. I’m just shocked how they handled that because The first 40 hours or so of this game was extremely solid and the world building is so strong and all the hints were there to who the main villain was, who the secondary main villain was, but they needlessly padded out the game with the third act.

I still like the game as I like the Kuro cast, but I think Kuro 1 is honestly the better game story-wise. Emotional-wise, this game is built on top of Kuro 1’s strong foundation and Hajimari/Reverie’s foundation.

I have a full English summary of the game’s plot, sidequests, and NPC journeys here:

But for anyone who comes across this backloggd and wants a truncated summary, I can explain it here too that you can share with friends:

Van investigates a serial killer case with Elaine involving the Desire Gang group, leading them to meeting a red Grendel (Grendel-Zolga) with its own Hollow Core AI named Altera and he proceeds to kill the two. Agnes’s Genesis triggers and rewinds time, letting them live by choosing different decisions based on the premonitions of their upcoming death. Swin and Nadia join to fight against Grendel-Zolga and join the Spriggans as proxies for Van in Edith as he leaves the city to investigate “Almata’s Legacy.”

Meanwhile, Maribel from Marduk reaches out to everyone that their new virtual reality space, the Marchen Garden that can fully recreate and replicate locations, smell, sound, and touch was hacked by an unknown entity, and Van and his helpers are tasked with clearing and fixing it floor by floor from time to time.

In Chapter 1-A, Messeldam, Van meets with Judith, who is filming a movie with her rival actress Nina, and brings Quatre along with them. Van runs into a boy named Luka who is being chased by the mafia and his suitcase reveals photos of a Genesis, and that it belonged to his father. The father went missing and the boy wants the group to find his dad. Meeting up with Judith and Quatre, they raid a building owned by Zect Arms, who supplied Almata with its weapons and find nothing related to Almata’s legacy, but find incriminating evidence of the company. The group also has two Gralsritters join their team, Celis and Rion. They discover that Almata’s Legacy is actually the Eighth Genesis, and the father, named Glasgow used to be a former Almata member who drove the truck that contained the Reactor Weapon. Driven by guilt, but inspired by Van and his friends, he intends to pay his time in prison by using the knowledge he has on Almata and other groups for good, but is killed by “Luka” who reveals to be a boy by the name of Ixs.

In Chapter 1-B, Edith, Swin and Nadia team up with Elaine and investigate constant Orbal power outages. Their investigation leads them to an abandoned sector in the Darklight District where they find a reconstructed Aurora from Kuro no Kiseki 1 that summons reject Grendels called Demi-Grendels that can’t be defeated normally. The team is killed countless times no matter who they bring in additionally to help, but eventually they team up with Walter from the Society and Zin from the Bracer Guild and destroy the Black Aurora. The Hollow AI accompanying Grendel-Zolga named Altera is thought to have stolen the data code that makes up Elysium, sharing the same code base as Lapis, who had recently fallen into a coma and she vanishes from the scene.

In Chapter 2-A, Langport, Van helps Aaron deal with the Heiyue Civil War by stopping the Lai family rebellion. Shortly after however, Fan Lu is arrested on reports of “tax evasion” and Gien Lu is poisoned. To make matters worse, a new martial artist from the Lai family is seen leading the remaining remnants of the family named Gouran serves as Spriggan’s antagonist. Shizuna appears before the group, asking for their help to take her to the Sea Cave for an odd job she picked up, but they refuse. Kasim from Marduk teams up with Van as they investigate the Sea Cave as well, claiming that the Marduk AI has deemed the area to be a Red Zone Area and to intervene. The group find Gouran holding a Genesis fragment, and Shizuna aids Gouran as part of her contract against the group. The fragment, however, is taken by a third party from a girl named Jolda who can slip in and out of the darkness to teleport. The group realizes that Cao Lee is in fact behind everything and with the help of Society Anguis Lucrezia and Shizuna who decides to join the team, they raid the Langport Station to stop Cao as he holds Ashen hostage. When they arrive, Cao reveals that he planned everything so that he could reinstate the Lee Family back into Heiyue and the other Heiyue heads (Fan and Gien) are unable to stop Cao due to concerns of dividing and weakening Heiyue further in the public and underworld eye. Cao however does give the group the Genesis fragment.

In Chapter 2-B, still in Edith, Towa Herschel joins Aramis temporarily on an international exchange. Swin and Nadia use their connection to join Aramis High as short term exchange students and Agnes tours them around the school, and everyone gets acquainted with Odette and Albert. They receive an e-mail from “C” who tells them to explore Aramis. Initially, they think it means Aramis High School and do a bunch of side quests to help the school out. However, Odette and Albert are killed by a C4 planted in the Science Lab room and the timeline is reset, allowing the Swin to stop the threat. However, a group of anti-immigrant radicalists take over the school and hold immigrant students hostage. Towa attempts to leverage her position in the “Zemuria Opinion” to have their concerns be heard, but a terrorist unswayed shoots at Shinyon, a black-haired student. Towa tries to protect her, but is killed, and Shinyon is killed as well. The timeline is reset, and Swin is able to prevent the mass shooting from occurring by taking out the radicalists the night before. However, upon arriving to school, remnants of the Organization “Garden” attack them. With Renne and Kincaid’s help, the group discover that C’s message literally meant a statue of Aramis and they discover an underground ruin and previously undiscovered landmark that was pivotal in the Calvard Revolution. They reach the Basement and find Altera hiding out and summoning Demi-Grendels. The group defeat her and realize that she didn’t steal Lapis’s power or code base, but she is Lapis herself, but they are unable to reach her as a masked man claiming himself to be the Garden Master appears and is revealed to be Nadia’s deceased brother, Ace, who leaves with Altera.

In the following chapter intermission, both teams combine and are invited out to a resort on Nemeth Island with every organization, both good and bad. After beach activities, the group discover strange altars not used in the typical Aididos worship and discover an abandoned Church not too far off from the resort. The next morning, the group find Ixs and is lured into a trap meeting Elroy Harwood, who betrays the Society and kills everyone on the island through Poison Gas. In the reset timeline, the group manages to outwit Ixs and ask Harwood his intentions, but is put through a death game where since they know of the poison gas, they can’t tell anyone or he will detonate it anyway. He tasks them with doing a tour of Nemeth Island to discover its origin and secret. The group gets killed countless times but is saved by the timeline resets and discovers that the island was the base of operation for the previously dangerous DG cult, a satanic cult that denounced the current religion of worship and wished to recreate the world with demonic god entities. Renne is subjected to a Pieroma Grass, and her suppressed trauma surfaces, along with a dormant personality of a boy in her abused youth, taking control of her body. Together with the other Society members, the group push Harwood back and Renne is given back control of her body and is able to fully move on, and is a little embarrassed that Agnes now knows the truth behind her past. The group find tombstones and decide to create a proper burial spot for all the children that were previously kidnapped and experimented on for the DG cult’s scheme. In addition, Quatre’s past also comes to surface as he is brainwashed by Harwood and is empowered by the altars on the island, taking an angelic form known as Quatre-Angelis. Harwood explains that Quatre is a Vessel of the Gods, meant to house the demonic god entities as he was experimented on to have his sense of self and personality inhibited and removed. The group is able to stop him and bring him back to his senses and delve into the undergrounds of the island, discovering the Gate of the Ghost World, with Harwood using the Genesis fragment to trigger a summoning of a demonic god. The group is able to stop this thanks to Renne’s strategy and are barely able to stop it from manifesting into the world. Swin then double crosses the team and steals all the Genesis except for one, giving it to Ace, as his promise with Ace is more important than his relationship with Nadia and the Spriggans and they all depart.

In Chapter Three, Nadia leaves on her own to search for Swin and the group receive a tip from Bermotti after doing sidequests with Towa to head into the Darklight district. The group find Ashen with a Genesis, who is distraught and has her memories eroded into thinking Van and Aaron killed Cao and they’re both killed by an unknown assailant. In the timeline reset, they get the help of Shizuna who tells them that Kurogane is on a secret mission unknown to even her and they discover that he’s aiding Ashen in killing the group. They manage to snap her out of the erosion with Shizuna’s Spirit Unification and take the Genesis off her hands. Van receives an e-mail from Bergard asking him to meet down in the ruins, but he is killed by Celis who is distraught that Bergard died trying to save Van. In the next timeline, he tries to enter the subway through other means, by Ashrad also is eroded and has a mission against Van. Rion, the only one uneroded, aids Van in escaping.

After more countless timeline resets, they are saved by the other Spriggans and fight against Ashrad and Celis in a recreation of Oracion through the Marchen Garden. Celis, eroded, is swayed by her sense of justice and responsibility and attacks the connection between her and the Garden Master, freeing herself. Together, Rion and Celis activate their stigma and escape the Marchen Garten with the group with Celis apologizing to Van. The following day in Van’s office, the group is ambushed in his office and he suffers gun wounds before being killed by a C4 being thrown into his room. Time resets to two days prior, and instead of looking into what Bergard has sent him, he investigates the anti-terrorist remnants who demand to have their forces released from custody. They find out their next attack is the Grand Prix race at the Grand Circuit where they witness Maxim racing against Athrun, and both are killed when their vehicles blow up shortly after the race. They reset time and find out that Athrun’s car was bugged and they handle the terrorist group, but discover that Athrun and Maxim still die. Lastly, they find out that Maxim has been corrupted, and is led to believe that Athrun is Paulette’s boyfriend and has been domestically abusing her, intending to kill him. They prevent this and he drives away to the Dirke Memorial Park. They stop Maxim and it’s revealed that Yume was the first person eroded and the cause for everything as she didn’t like Athrun, and drops the Genesis she’s been holding on to. The next day, Van survives the office attack, and finds out it is Marduk who ambushed the office. Van also discovers that Kasim, Feri, and Risette have been eroded, and is subsequently killed in many time loops trying to find a way out. They manage to eventually get through to Risette and Kasim, while Feri needs encouragement from the memories of Aida to break out of the erosion. T the group can talk to Walter and Lucrezia, who tell them that Harwood rejoined the Society, and that Walter is in charge of watching over Ixs and Jolda. That evening, the city is under fire by the army, and an airship crashes into the group, killing Van and the others.

Time resets back to after the Maxim incident, but before Feri and Risette go rogue. The group discover the source of the erosion for the army going rogue at the Hotel in Saiden, where Naje and Esmeray are eroded into believing that Sherid has colluded with President Gramheart and that he needs to be brought to justice. The girls kidnap Professor Hamilton and Princess Zita and escape on an airship. Through Professor Cronkite and Hermes’s help, they are able to snap the two out of it and discover that their distortion was just a relay point, and another source has been detected at the 11th Army Division’s base. They find Demi-Grendels there and Bracer Alvis and CID Agent Kaela, both eroded claiming that they were ordered from the higher ups to arrest Gramheart for treason. The group stop them and find out that Cody is leading a coup to take out Gramheart. Meanwhile, Zin and Kilika are eroded and create Shard Bodies separate from their main body and are revealed to be the ones who helped stage the coup. The group manage to defeat Zin, Kilika, and Cody with the help of basically everyone, including Cao, Gien, Ashen, and Gouran coming to their aid. However, they are too late and the Garden Master completely envelops the city with the Crimson erosion which disintegrates everyone affected by it. Nadia appears after being missing for the entire chapter, giving Agnes the 7th Genesis before dying.

Time resets all the way back to the beginning of Chapter 3, effectively erasing everything that had happened up to this point, but the cast somehow find that all the Genesis have been returned to them minus the one that the Garden Master has. They head to Ventaille District and inspect the Dirke statue and get a weird sensation from it with Agnes mentioning that the Aramis statue had a whole ruins underneath it. The group go to the Dirke Memorial Park and with Lucrezia’s help is able to cut through space and find themselves inside the “Vanity Garden”, the Garden Master’s true hideout. Swin is revealed to not be erosion at all and is doing this out of his own free will as long as he recognizes that the Garden Master is Ace.

The group push back the Garden Master and Grendel-Zolga, who reveals that Zolga is in fact a nobody, and is simply a simulated being that was within the Eighth Genesis. The Garden Master himself tries to kill Nadia and Swin betrays him thanks to Zolga’s help, and doesn’t recognize him as Ace. The Garden Master’s true identity is Auguste the Thinker, one of the four pioneers that were pinnacle to the Calvard Revolution. He reveals that a civil war resulted in him dying, but that a certain cult existing at the time (The DG Cult) had revived his consciousness and he had been able to witness everything up to the modern day. It is said he received a body to inhabit from Melchior, based on the data of the Garden’s strongest, which was the Ace of Swords. The group defeat Auguste who laments being unable to rewrite history and redo everything from the past hundred years and the Vanity Garden start to collapse. Swin and Nadia are sucked into a hole when they try to save Altera, and the real Ace appears to save them and purifies Altera back into Lapis for them before saying his goodbyes and thank you to Swin and Nadia. In this new timeline, Cao and Ashen are able to reconcile properly with Aaron’s help, Maxim and Athrun race fairly with no biases, and Celis, Rion, and Van meet up.

In the final act, it’s revealed the Genesis have stopped functioning and technically, Agnes’s request is now fulfilled, but she stays along as Van’s assistant because there are still mysteries that need to be solved regarding the Genesis’s connection Mare and Grendel and he needs the extra help. Shizuna offers to be his assistant too, but Van immediately rejects her. Going downstairs, Agnes, eating breakfast is thinking of Van, potentially trying to confess, but she doesn’t and Van asks what’s on her mind but she doesn’t say anything. The Aramis art festival finally happens, and Van is given the choice to either spend it with Elaine or Agnes. When the schoolplay starts, Van leaves and heads to Triton Mall, responding to an e-mail from “C”, but he finds Nina, the acting leader (they don’t actually have one) of the Iscarions, who intends to take out C herself. However she relents and lets Van handle it and the group is transported to him. Agnes tells him to reflect on his actions for trying to burden everything on his own again.

The group enter a portal, discovering that the Genesis stopped functioning because its very “concept” and power was being used to sustain the space known as the Octradium. They defeat Harwood, Ixs, and Jolda who have snuck in and Harwood tells the group that the two kids have joined as Enforcers of the Society.

Van and the group reach the top and figure out that the identity of the man in the black coat, “C” is an existence between the letters B&D, or rather the reverse, D&B, aka Dingo Brad. The Eighth Genesis is a device revealed to observe humanity’s sin and faults, and that the past deleted timelines through the resert were merely a byproduct of its observational abilities and that Dingo was the person who was “stored” in the core of the Genesis before he died due to the Eighth Genesis being connected to the Orbal Network to monitor it. He thanks the group because the Eighth Genesis fell into the Garden Master, Auguste’s hands, and he became a puppet in his quest to redo history. However, he states he can do his original purpose now, and turns into Grendel Zolga Sin who intends to defeat the group, and by doing so, will be able to converge all the dead end timelines into the present as that is what the Eighth Genesis wills because it will reach the “Final Observation”. Grendel-Zolga is able to transport the users all throughout time to fight recreations of past villains, but he is ultimately defeated by the group. Lapis is able to bring Marielle in thanks to a certain someone (Rufus). Dingo reunites with Marielle before telling the group that this observation the Eighth Genesis was looking at isn’t the final one, and there’s one more after. Agnes realizes it has to do with the notes she saw in the beginning of Kuro 1 asking someone to obtain all Eight Genesis before it’s too late.

The game ends with the group rushing to the last act of the schoolplay and a surprise visit from Fie and Rixia join the performance. In the basketball court, Agnes wonders what their next move should be because the connection with the Genesis, Mare, and Grendel is still unanswered. She also attempts to convey her feelings to Van, but knows she will lose to Elaine and essentially doesn’t.. Yume wishes to dance with Agnes, and then with Van afterward, with Shizuna asking that Van dance with her too, and Renne asks for one after. Fie jokingly tells Elaine that she has it rough as there are so many opponents she has to deal with. Elaine denies Fie’s teasing and Van goes running at everyone, concluding the main story game (without DLC).

In the free-DLC update which is accessed through NG+:

The group are at the Marchen Garten, still surprised it’s still hacked. Elaine is uncertain about the cause. Agnes says that it should’ve all stopped because it was the Garden Master and the Eighth Genesis’s fault.

Mirabel comes through as a projection to the party, testing the mic if it’s working, and saying that new areas have been unlocked and she’s analyzing the Garden with Lapis. Nadia is surprised and Lapis tells her it’s because it seemed intriguing to her, and Mirabel bribed her with sweets. She explains that she learned two things, one is that outside hacking influences are no longer affecting the Marchen Garten, and that there’s some kind of unknown information structure in the virtual world. Mirabel explains that it’s the direct cause for affecting MK’s system and Renne thinks it must be Auguste’s backup plan by planting this. Van and the group decide to start investigating and are surprised that they have two additional guests joining them, Zin and Fie. Fie had just come back to the Republic and made it in time. Zin says he’s arrived to make up for the fact of orchestrating the coup during Act 3, indicating he remembers the events now.

At the end of Floor 16, they discover the origin point of the hacking. They find a space, or a gap between the Floors. According to Lapis, these coordinates are unmistakably the origin point. A voice enters all their heads, saying “Van Arkride, The False Demon King”, and the antitheses of the Final Boss from the first game during the events of the Pandemonium appears. A being that is its opposite. It calls Van again the false king and that it is the real one, the “Faceless White Demon King Metatross-Zion”. Van says that it can complain all it wants about him being the fabrication all he wants after it goes down and the group fights it.

After it’s defeated, it loses its color and darkens, and Rion says it’s incorrect for it to be considered the Demon Lord as it calls itself the true existence of everything. However, Van calls it simply just a recreated existence that’s an irregularity within the Marchen Garten. Celis follows up saying that the real one was used once by the DG cult and Rion calls it the Apocryphal book Ezeru, with Judith saying it was a forbidden tome that contained madness. Van knows it very well because he was forced to read it every single day as a prisoner when being experimented on by Gerard. This forbidden book was used by Auguste as the basis to hack Marduk and gain access to the Garden. Mare appears also to confirm that it is the unknown information structure and it has lost its purpose as it has gone berserk.

They defeat it again, and it vanishes with Lapis confirming it. Agnes apologizes to Celis and Rion for being unable to retrieve the Ezel book, but she reveals that they already have the one real one from the DG cult and it was in Bergard’s hands.

Mirabel appears as a hologram congratulating everyone, asking what the rundown was. Van asks if he can explain later and if they can all go. The group comments that the technology for the Marchen Garten wasn’t bad as they could meet with anyone from any distance as if it was the real thing if it didn’t fall in the wrong hands. Mirabel says they can have the place to themselves now that it’s all done until they can reset the Garten back to its original and update it.

April 12th, at Triton Mall, specifically, Triton Tower, a radio discusses the Aramis Art Festival and that there will be an important announcement by the President the following day. Professor Hamilton can be heard talking that things have gone a lot sooner than expected, thinking it’s thanks to Cronkite, or rather President Gramheart. She is seen watching what happened in the Octradium where Dingo says he’ll leave everything to Professor Hamilton. On the radio, there’s an announcement of eastthe ern expansion of Calvard to create a Space base. Professor Hamilton is shown holding Dingo’s hat and is revealed to have picked it up shortly after Van left the Octradium, thanking him for his contribution, and now they’re on schedule to being able to make it to “that time”

To be continued… Kuro no Kiseki Final Chapter!

La trama podría haber sido mucho mejor, pero es un juego muy disfrutable. Las 30 horas que dura tienen momentos muy de relleno (el capítulo 3 zzz), pero otros momentos muy guays. La pelea final es un locuron.

This has some of the best moments in the series while also being bogged down by one of the worst chapters in any Kiseki. This is coupled with most of the game feeling like it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, instead feeling like bloat to churn out another game. As much as I love Swin, Nadia, and Renne, who were done so much justice here, I will never forgive this game for giving us another CS4 moment where so much of the story is dedicated to half assed mind control fuckery. That being said this still has some great moments with fragments and the final segment being huge standouts.

as much as i don't like a lot of things that happen in act 3 and some in act 2 side b, i still REALLY enjoyed this game and everything else apart from what i said was sooo good

so much peak but so much shit at the same time my brain can’t take this

this game is more kuro no kiseki and it did that.

its hard to give it a larger rating because its more setup for kai and this game will go up or down depending on how good that game is.

This is probably the first Trails game where the gameplay is just straight up full on better than the main story. All the side quests should've been replaced by what happens during the Connect Events, and Acts I and II could easily be cut since 90% of the plot happens during Fragments and the Finale.

I loved when Van and Elaine had sex at the end of the game, my eyes couldn't believe it. Falcom truly stepping up their game, truly peak fiction, peak gaming. I'm kneeling so hard right now as manly sweat from my eyes runs down my cheeks.

Thank you for such a masterpiece, Falcom.

It's my own fault, really, for thinking this series was picking up again. The story starts interesting and exciting and just falls away into the toilet as the stakes go down and down and down. In the end the writers' inability to just let characters go has become a millstone around the neck of the series and has been for a long while now. I'm just going through from habit now, and I can't recommend this series to anyone starting anew anymore.

And as a side note - a game that looks like this should not be performing this badly on a Playstation 5. This new engine really is terrible.


On one hand, the story barely advances the overall trails plot and act 3 drags on for A LOT
On the other, it has the second best gameplay in the series and a lot of great character moments. Also fragments is one of the best chapters in the series.
So, even though i think it's a pretty good game, i can fully understand why someone would find it underwhelming.

that multiculturalism propaganda tho

peak fiction, they finally made Zin playable through an update

Update (Finished the main story and EX content)


Not as good as Kuro 1 act 3 definitely drags the whole game down, if Falcom can make the finale of this arc just as good then Skys arc will finally be surpassed

Watch Sam Farrons playthrough for english translation he's the goat

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Kuro 2 from the beginning was in a weird place stuck behind the launch of Ys 10 while also needing to lead into and set up Kuro 3 without too big of a cliffhanger despite being the second game in the series. This results in a game clearly reflective of these necessities, one whose position is one of the most unique in the franchise with it being closest to Sky FC but at the same time acting as a second entry. Compared to the past second entries the overarching story isn't driven forward in terms of long lasting events but instead driven forward through the cleaning up of the after effects of the previous game to set the stage for the 3rd entry resulting in a game entry closer to a 1.5 than a 2.

The place this approach has the biggest downsides is the characters. Due to it not wanting to progress the overarching story too much most of the main cast are put to a standstill in terms of character development (outside of quatre) and because of the need for this standstill the main antagonists have no real connection to them. In order to get around this standstill and allow for personal motivation for the cast, Swin and Nadia were brought back to help carry the emotional weight of the story. However, due to them being gone for a third of the game, they don't have as much development as they could have with Swins arc having little to no time to develop. Nadia and Swin and being in contrast to the twins whenever it was around were handled well but still could have been expanded if it got more time although it did get a nice conclusion in the final connect event. Although the main cast is put at a standstill it doesn't mean they are stopped more so just putting a limit in their progression. This is best seen in the final connect events with almost all of them setting up or further cementing the character's arcs for the next game. Although the main cast didn't get as much attention, one place that did get good development was the supporting cast. Characters like Cao, Ashen, and Kasim all got more fleshed out while others like Gouran, Mirrabelle, Hermes, and Dominique all got their role in the story going forward properly established. In terms of antagonists, it's in a weird position since the closest thing to a central antagonist is the 8th genesis itself, something that can't really be considered a character. In order to allow the genesis to function, the role of antagonist switches between oathbreaker and the garden master. Oathbreaker and the twins end up being interesting antagonists whenever they are on screen but in the grand scheme, they are mainly in the story to introduce the Twins while establishing oathbreaker as a real threat going into the next game. With the garden master although he feels like a constant threat and the background of his character itself is interesting since he gets introduced so late in one big info dump and with him mostly operating in the shadows he is a pretty weak antagonist. Although his character does help to give a bit of development to Swin and help show what genesis’s time travel does, his lack of screentime puts him on the lower end of antagonists in the series.

The actual plot of the game from the get-go was in a weird position due to the limit it has on affecting the overarching story and although it stumbles on some story beats it effectively accomplishes the cleanup and setup it needed to accomplish. Up until chapter 3 is pretty much entirely dedicated to clean up and it does this well by it tying up the loose ends that needed to be resolved and most likely wouldn't have much of a place going into the next entry (genesis collection, dg cult, and its survivors, Van leaving Aramis, zecht arms, garden). Chapter 3 is by far the most criticized part of this game due to its execution. While none of the routes are bad with the latter ones having some of the highlights of the game and them all fleshing out various characters the sheer number of them combined with the lack of actual plot progression happening in the earlier ones can cause the game to feel very tiring. The focus on time travel in this part also doesn't help with its potential consequences not being introduced until after making it feel like one big deus ex machina throughout this chapter removing any feeling of tension. Although it's not handled the best story wise the genesis and its time travel abilities are effectively introduced in this chapter and although a bit too late setups potential consequences of it for the next game. The final chapter however is able to wrap up the story effectively with it providing some nice resolution to the 8th genesis and C while also giving some hints about the next franchise. The central theme of anyone being possible of committing any sin if their viewpoint is changed is interesting and although it was handled decently well from chapter 3 onwards it missed out by not having incorporated the pre chapter 3 stuff into it more

The ost is solid with it having fewer lows and is more consistent then Kuro 1 but never reaches the same heights. Although Koguchi Singa and Sonoda are all better then they were in Kuro 1 Jindo was the highlight of Kuro 1 while all of the songs he contributed are great not as many reach the heights as the best of Kuro 1.

While not much of the gameplay has been changed the little things they do add fix most issues there were with the original. The turn bar being fixed makes the battles easier to understand and plan ahead while improvements to stun with the chain attack feature give the battle a better progression flow. The transition from field based to turn based is still amazing and the addition of arts still keeps it simple while also making it more viable for non physical attackers. Although it fixes almost all of Kuro 1s issues the turn based part of the combat still isn't as deep as hajimari but everything else about it is probably the perfection of turn based battles with its improved on the field aspect making it one of if not the best combat systems in the series

Although the game is in an awkward position and has some missteps everything it accomplishes well is still to the level of the past entries and with it being a sequel to Kuro 1 it is able to ride off the foundations laid into a game very much deserving of being in the series although one of the weaker entries.

act 3 eliminates half a point because finale is so fucking peak it just doesnt matter how bad act 3 was

This game was a RIDE. Let me start by saying I love this group of characters so much man and the character writing here just made that love stronger. The story overall was interesting. It introduced a story mechanic I thought I might hate but I ended up thinking it was pretty neat. Won't go into detail for spoiler reasons but yeah. It deals a lot less with the over-arching Trails plot than the previous game, but I didn't mind that as I felt the story was mostly focused on building up our current group. And boy, there were some great moments for them. I thought the side quests in this was a bit of a step down from Daybreak but the connect events were amazing. Good gameplay got even better, and the final boss was SICK. Probably my favorite one in the series.

Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction.

Truly peakest of peak! Can have Renne, Agnes , Nadia , Swin(I missed Nadia and Swin sooo much after Hajimari/Rev , Need the whole picnic gang back soon!) and Van on the same team. Best of the peak 100000/10 Would recommend. The best Kiseki of all time just like kuro 1
and out of the 12 games, peak cast FR! Def excited for Kuro no kiseki 3 soon ^^

While obviously not as good as the first, I would still place it as like, the fifth best Kiseki game and that says a lot considering act 3 REALLY drags, like SERIOUSLY. Fragments in this game is my pick for the single best chapter in the series, Renne, Quatre, Swin and Nadia were all done extremely earnt justice with the coolest final boss in the series. Overall the good significantly outweighs the bad, but the bad is absolutely there and cannot be ignored. This game has the same effect as Sky FC where the cast is so good and fun to the point where the nothingness of act 3 can absolutely by carried by how well written and enjoyable they are

the first half was so good but the second half was sooo so bad...