Reviews from

in the past

It's okay for a licensed game, but there are a lot of frustrating moments where the game wasn't very well-designed.

i paid 40 bucks for the collection with this and the aladdin genesis game in it and to this day i have never felt more ripped off in my fucking life

I know I played it. I recognize the Google images. Beyond that, I have no idea.

this game would be tight if it wasn't so hard

I think this game is the first game that made me break a controller back when I was a kid. I hate it and love it at the same time.

A segunda fase sempre foi uma merda!

This sure is a 90's movie tie-in game.

Game is beautiful and matches the music and movie very well and can be really fun to play but the game is incredibly hard for it's target demographic and a lot of people never make it past stage 2. Can't say I ever beat it.
You could tell Disney was involved with the game like Aladdin. It's matches the movie as much as a genesis game could.

I think this is the version of Lion King in Disney Classic Games on Switch so I'll mark it as Mega Drive/Genesis. I played on Switch though.

One of my top three favorite movies is the original Lion King. It's just beaten by Good the Bad and the Ugly and La La Land. The game is fun, but I don't think it's the perfect adaptation. Granted, it's a platformer, but I do think that there could've been more levels that were in the third act of the movie like a Can You Feel the Love Tonight level. I also thought the game didn't have enough spice to it. It had the characters and world I absolutely love, but the game itself didn't have much to it. While the levels are still fun, it's nothing great. This is pretty much an average, forgotten platformer polished in Lion King to make it more memorable and more fun. I enjoyed the game, but not as much as I had hoped. Aladdin is definitely better. I can't wait to get the new Classic Games bundle with Jungle Book.


Schöne, bunte Optik und toller Soundtrack, aber sack-schwer und als Kinderspiel vollkommen ungeeignet. War eins von 4 SNES Spielen die wir besaßen also mussten wir trotzdem durch. Sind aber nie weit gekommen.

Christmas Morning '95! Played this for most of the year and never beat it. So much fun.

This was rad when I was kid but replaying it as a teen and adult never hit the same.

Gostava bastante quando criança e ter conseguido terminar depois de ter crescido me fez criar um carinho muito especial por esse jogo apesar dos seus problemas com dificuldade. Eu não vou esquecer dos momentos que tive jogando isso. E EU ODEIO A FASE 8

Gran juego que nos compro mi padre, totalmente pirateado

Pretty decent for a game in which you play a lion, would defo appreciate a bloodier version where you can rip the heads off of other animals.

Yes it's hard, yes it's unforgiving at parts and can result in tension headaches but i still have nostalgia for this game.

why the fuck did i ever play this for more than 3 seconds

too bastard hard but i remember playing a ton of it bc i didnt have very many games

Como plataformas es muy divertido, las mecánicas funcionan bien y la música es pegadiza. Eso sí, es difícil como él solo, incluso para los estándares de la época.

Broken game, but broken in a way that beating parts makes you feel good

Lembro que minha fita desse jogo queimou, mas de boa, foi depois de ter zerado bastante vezes.

Did remember beating this game vaguely. Screw log jumps.

Beautiful game with ridiculous and unfair level design.

Incredible graphics and animations, horrible level design, the later levels are just not fun, only pain.

Another great game for another great film. It was my cousin's favourite game for his Megadrive.

Bad gameplay: weird jump, enemies with strange hit boxes, lame attacks and weird stage layouts. This game is a huge "no"!

I sorely miss video game tie-ins to movies like this. A fantastic platformer, and probably helped inspire my ongoing crusade for more games where you play as non-humanoids. Spent hours and hours on this as a kid, could always breeze through the first 3 levels and then start to struggle immensely. But I got through and beat it several times back then, and it always felt like a huge accomplishment. Revisiting it as an adult in the Disney Classic Games pack I had a much easier time with it, although some levels are still a bit challenging (Be Prepared especially). Love how colorful it is, and how they translate the film's score to 16-bit sounds. The stampede section blew me away on a technical level as a kid. Great game

O número de estrelas é o mesmo número de fases que uma pessoa normal consegue jogar nesse jogo