Reviews from

in the past


When I was around 9 years old, the website I played this on tried to desperately warn me by saying I needed "nerves of steel" for this game. I didn't know what those words meant. 2 minutes later, shit made me freeze up so bad that it felt like brain paralysis. The first episode of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People was downloading in the background. My family was in the other room, blissfully unaware of what I just stumbled into. And there I was, absolutely frozen in my chair. Presumably, taking a mental note that I should probably be more careful of the internet from there on out. I proceeded to do some research on screamers, memorized how a couple of them looked, and vowed to never be tricked into seeing them ever again.

A couple months later, my friend put headphones on me and started playing that car coffee commercial. I jumped out of the chair before the jumpscare even happened, knowing full well what this was. My research... paid off in the end.

I haven't just mastered you, you fucking piece of shit of a browser game. I've mastered how to dodge them all.

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It's the scary maze game, what else is there to say? It's a short maze game where you get jumpscared right at the end when you're focused. It's kind of clever how the last path is narrow so you have to lean forward only to then get hit by the jumpscare.

That said, the novelty wore off very quick. It was good while it lasted, and now it's just a footnote in internet history.

Colorblindness Rating: A
There's no problem here.

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Genuinely genius to have the jumpscare play like slightly before you actually touch the red thing so this was still able to get me lol

As a wee one, we remember playing this game as a goof while on a play date with a classmate of ours. We played it mute (we're sure SOMEONE out there would get mad at a child version of us for that one!), and had fun discussing how silly it was that there was a video game that only existed to scare you. (Bear in mind, we were too young to know stuff like Silent Hill or Resident Evil existed yet.) Then we ate a cupcake afterwards.

A third of that 1.5 star rating is for the cupcake. Another third is for the conversation. And the remaining third is because, well, we just can't say no to it. Make no mistake; this game is uh, pretty dogshit? It's an unwinnable game that exists to cheaply scare you, oh noes. But it's a very fun game to discuss because of its hilariously unique spot in the internet zeitgeist of yesteryear, even if the game overall is just completely fucking nothing as an actual "game"--somehow even less so compared to stuff like Super Press Space to Win Action RPG 2009.

Play it once, get your cheap scream/giggle out of it, ruminate on it a little bit with a buddy, then go about your day. Not exactly a compelling video game by any metric, but it's at least fun to talk about. That's The Scary Maze Game experience, baby!

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Made my brother shit himself playing this.

But now here I am wondering what if I had been the one shitting themself? Is this game fun...or actually cruel?

The Scary Maze Game is very similar to games like Sonic.EXE, both of these games came out years and years ago, and really appeased to a child demographic.

This is THE screamer game. This is the most famous, most popular, most known screamer out there. Now is it good? No. Not at all, but you cannot deny this was quite big for these internet horror games for the time.

And despite being 20 years old now, there's still remakes coming out, people making their own versions of it, which show how its impact really lasted a long time.

The game's really bad, but it does have a strong part of indie horror culture.

Overall: 2/10

A necessity of early online culture. Yes this thing only has one trick and once it's spent you can only try to enact it onto someone else to wring any sort of further mileage out of it; but getting scared by this thing was like a trial of time - we all had to go through it at some point or another. Nowadays it's cheap and stupid but in its day this shit was character building.

si vas a jugar esto acercate bien a la pantalla asi tenes mas pulso

aver no no creo que entre AY LA PUTA Benu sos un pelotudo te dije que esto me asusta que pio te pasa??

Meu primo teve que cagar de porta aberta por conta do trauma disso

So if you're not a fan of the words PEAK FICTION, GOAT, RAW, FIRE, click off of the video, because those are gonna come up like 50 times in here man. I can't help it, the weights are off, on some Rock Lee stuff, the weights are off.

back in 2006 I made a friend of mine play through this game as a prank, once he got to the end he started screaming and punched the monitor in fear, it's all good though because he ended up pissing his pants right after

"Its just a prank, bro"
Fuck you, your child is 5 years old.

The Scary Maze Game, and the rest of these weird "jumpscare made to look like something simple and safe" games from the early 2000s were so obnoxious. Only thing worse was the slew of videos on YouTube of people snickering behind the camera while they made their young children, or grandparents, or whatever play them and then burst into tears.

Save that for people who can appreciate a it, is it really that hard? If you're not both laughing, it wasn't a prank- you're just an asshole.

I blame this game for making them popular.

1 Star because I got scared.
2 Stars because I got a victim.

I finished the game and nothing happened

I remember being surrounded by my brother and his friends while they egged me on to play it. I was very skeptical. My brother would never want anything to do with me so I knew there was something up about this little game. Next thing I know I'm getting traumatized by creepy pasta esque shit that I was consuming at the time. I screamed so hard. I was so freaked out but I couldnt let anyone see me cry so I laughed it off. Then we started watching california girls music video and playing games on facebook. good times?

Therapist: So tell me, where did it all started?

My grandpa said he wanted to “show me something funny” on the computer one day, and it was this :(

It's all fun and games until you have to buy therapy for your kid

"Misafir çocuklarına hediye ettiğim oyundur, gitsin annesine ağlasın, umurumda değil!"