Reviews from

in the past

No se que pueda decir para hacerle justicia, aparte de recomendarlo con toda fé.
Lo que si voy a decir es que, o por como funcionan los dialogos, como están distribuidos por la pantalla o por cómo el juego trata el movimiento, genera una experiencia donde nos la pasamos recorriendo toda la pantalla con la mirada y no podemos pausar a reflexionar. Con decisiones tan inmediatas y constantes, donde por momentos sentía que el juego me hablaba directamente. No podía hacer otra cosa que "crear" con mis respuestas la historia más idílica posible.
Sobre el epílogo ¿que más decir? de las resoluciones más duras que puede haber.

A neat little playable graphic novel. I enjoyed the story but this one felt like one where the user interaction did not feel necessary.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

había olvidado este juego. lo jugué hace un montón y solo diré que nunca había conectado tanto con personajes que no ves y en menos de una hora de gameplay

eso sí del epílogo entendí entre poco y nada

Ultimately not much of a game but still an interesting and engaging experience that touches on some pretty heavy themes. Unfortunately the story is left very vague, but it is specific enough for you to pick up on the major themes of regret and isolation among the drips and drops of backstory that you get.

A short and quite melancholic game with simplistic design and good soundtrack.

Three Fourths Home does actually hit a bit close to home; not too much but there's still the relatable story of moving away from your parents, temporarily coming back and knowing how things has changed while you're gone. Arguing with your parents over things that in the long run might not matter.

It's one of those games of its time, back in the mid-2010s when the genre of experimental games were huge; for example Kentucky Route Zero and other "mechanic-less" games. There's not much to this game other than the story. But beyond that, there's also the feeling of actually driving through this storm; not knowing when you'll arrive to your destination. If you dig deeper, there's something in that metaphor.

The game is shorter than the 2 hours I spent in-game, this is the time if you want to get all the achivements. In total I'd say the game takes around an hour to finish if not less.

I recommend this game, maybe not at full price but definitely pick it up and try it out on a sale!

Its... Just awful. The gameplay is next to none-existant which normally wouldnt be too bad as this is supposed to be a visual novel style game... Except theres no real visuals to speak of outside of muddy greys on whites.

The story is also awful, pretentious and just not fun as it just makes you want to slap every single character involved in the story for being so uppity and whiny. Its just bad.

as a lot of ppl pointed out, having to continually press the ZR button to get the game to play is kinda annoying. that being said, i really like this game. the story depicted is not THAT deep and sad but it did get to me a bit and i ended related to the main characters on some point, the minimalistic artstyle is something i can appreciate, and the music played by the car radio that reminds me of night driving in GTA IV/V was the small thing that finally make me love this little game. the epilogues were a great addition.

Minimalistic, story-driven games can be quite memorable and fantastic. The lack of gameplay requires you to have a laser focus on the story and characters, and the subtle gameplay can bring a visual element that no other medium can provide. Three Fourths Home isn't one of these, sadly. While the visuals are striking and minimal, the story and writing have so much potential, but they are let down by a short and disappointing ending.

You play a teenage girl named Kelly who is driving home in a violent storm in rural Nebraska while talking to her family on the phone. Gameplay consists only of holding down a button to continue driving and choosing a few dialogue options. Holding down a single button for the entirety of the game is a really dumb idea. It introduces hand cramps and constantly breaks your focus on the story. You can honk your horn and turn off your lights, which is entirely pointless, and you can't move the car at all. You can also choose to turn the radio on and off. There is no spoken dialogue in the game, but this requires you to make up voices and visuals for the game in your head. This may sound really dumb to most people, and some might argue that you should just read a book, and in this specific context, this would be a better medium for this story.

Choices in dialogue don't seem important at first, but your response to your family plays into how they react to you on the phone. I guess multiple playthroughs could be worth it as there are a couple of different endings, but with how mundane the gameplay is, no one will want to sit through the hand cramps to make it worthwhile. I had issues with the controls, causing me to choose the wrong option as well. You need to skip through dialogue with a button to advance each line while holding down another to keep driving, and some times you wouldn't know that a dialogue option would be coming up and you would just advance forward.

See, with minimal games like this, you need some sort of gameplay hook to keep it interesting enough. Three Fourths doesn't do this at all. The mom, dad, and brother are all interesting characters, and you slowly learn about this family dynamic through this phone call. You learn about why you "ran away," what kind of person the dad is, whether or not this is a broken home, etc. The dialogue is tight and interesting enough to keep you glued until the end, that is, if the hand cramps don't send you packing first. I also wish more was going on visually. Occasionally, a background object will be brought up in the conversation, but it's just black-and-white visuals without any type of payoff. The visuals, gameplay, and everything else are just an excuse to call this interactive story a game, and it does the bare minimum to qualify as that.

Most games like this have a story that ends in sudden tragedy to flip the entire thing on its head and stun the player, but this one doesn't really do that either. If it did and the pay-off was incredible, all of this could be worth it, and there are plenty of games similar to this that pull that off. As it stands, Three Fourths Home is a well-written story in a terrible game with an even worse gameplay mechanic.

one of the most boring games I've ever "played" , you need to stay with RT pressed the entire game because it moves the car and the dialog, it's so stupid and that's the only button you press besides choosing a dialog. The story is poor too, kinda just did it in the end for the gamerscore

The ending and the epilogue hit me like a ton of bricks.

Three Fourths Home is basically a phone call simulator. It's a very short game. I liked the story "the drunkard". You can choose if your partner is a boy or a girl because of the pronoun used, nice touch on the game.

This game is not for everyone. Why is it you ask? it's a walking simulator without walking. Just kidding. I stated that because a lot of quote unquote walking simulators are narrative heavy games. And I can say the same for this game. The whole game happens in a span of one phone call. While the character and I guess, 'you' as the player is driving through a storm. So perhaps it's a phone call simulator? I played on the Nintendo Switch and you had to hold down the ZR button the whole time to progress the conversation. It was cool at first but it got annoying it just felt off, I guess they were going for realism. Coming from Firewatch which is a legit walking simulator game, just wanna point out the controls. In Firewatch it felt more natural. In this game it did not, and the whole game depended on conversations and the control and button scheme made me kinda press the wrong button thus making me skip a dialogue that I haven't read yet. Anyway that was just a tiny nitpick for me. I really like the art style of this game, it's very minimalistic. Also it has a knack for tiny details like let's say while you're talking you mentioned something like a building you passed by and then suddenly that is reflected in your drive, you see that very building in the background as you drive past by. Really cute. Since it's a narrative driven game of course the focus here is the story. I mentioned it isn't for everyone because of this very reason. Kudos to them delivering quite a heavy story in just a very short time. I think that's impressive. Short synopsis no spoilers. You play as Kelly as she just moved back to her parent's house, she's driving home as a storm picks up. And she's talking to her family as she is doing so.. I won't spoil it here but lemme just say I personally wasn't able to relate but I was still able to feel it and get emotionally invested. So yeh I enjoyed the writing of the game. Also play with earphones, you'll feel it more. I say give this game a try if you got curious.

my hands got tired from having to hold the right trigger down the entire time

What the hell were they thinking when they decided to create a visual novel that YOU HAVE to keep "d" (or the right d-pad button) pressed all the time?

The story is not that great. Being honest, it was tough not to stop playing the game in the first minutes.

You realize the game is not that great when the epilogue is better than the main story lmao

In a nutshell: you can find free games on Steam that have better mechanics and richer stories.