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Me ha dado lo que esperaba de él por el precio al que sale (29,99 €).

Es un tanto corto (10h), y la mitad te las pasas farmeando porque los jefes son injustos de narices. Mezcla un poco de Bloodborne y Sekiro, que no está mal.

Aún con todo, es mejor que la mayoría de Soulslike pochísimos que nos intentan colar a 59 €

Thymesia is a fairly clear meeting of Bloodborne and Sekiro. It's fast and aggressive, and encourages constant engagement rather than hiding behind a shield. Its parry mechanics and summoned weapons are familiar as well, and anyone who's played the samurai souls game will be instantly familiar. But there is a lot of downsides to this otherwise solid journey.

First things first, reading any review on here as well, it's quite obvious the level design is probably the biggest letdown of this game. There are 3 levels you explore total, with varying side missions within. Each of them feel sort of..unrealized, and maze-like. The starting forest is a sprawling tree house structure, with sprawling ramps and bridges, and the occasional big top. A lot of it looks the same, and the added N64/PS1 era fog doesn't help navigation any. The browns and yellows mush into something that's supposed to feel like a creepy funhouse among the trees, but ultimately fails to have any memorable landmarks or staying power in the mind.

The second level is easily the best of the 3 in the game, but that isn't exactly for the best reason. It is by far the most linear, and therefore easiest to navigate. The design itself is the easiest to remember and recognize for the most part, with each section of the level looking fairly unique, enough to recall where you've already been. The worst part of this stage would have to be the endlessly respawning blood enemies. They aren't particularly hard or anything, but how often they show up becomes more annoying that engaging. The only way to be rid of them constantly chasing you down is to find and kill the mini-boss controlling them.

The third level is what I would consider the most confusing to navigate. Being that its your basic castle and village setting, a lot of it inherently looks the same. But the real issue here, is the verticality. There are several places you have to climb up and down towers, with each floor having multiple doors and paths outward. Trying to keep straight which paths you've taken already and which floor leads to progression is actively frustrating.

As far as the actual gameplay goes, there are a few innovations to set it aside from the other 100 soulslike games that have dropped recently. If you've played any of these games, you know the drill. Hyper difficult action RPG with a punishing xp system that demands perfection, or your xp is forfeit. Like Sekiro, there is no stamina meter. Aside from the norms of this genre, the Wound system is the main gameplay gimmick. Basically, when damage is done to an enemy with your basic weapon, they don't lose health, per se. Their health bar will have sections of it turn green, indicating the wounds they have. When wounded, enemies are vulnerable to Claw attacks, which chip away at the green health, to truly do damage. Enemies will have their green health return to normal health over time, so they can no longer be Claw attacked, if left alone for too long. This encourages constant aggression and attacking. When the enemy is out of health, you can perform a finisher on them. The strangest part of this system is that, unlike most souls games, it works against the player. The player takes damage as usual, no green bar, no Claw attacks. In a game like Bloodborne, it's unique gimmick is regaining recently lost health by attacking, encouraging aggression that way. But only the player has that ability in Bloodborne. It feels unusual that the player in an already punishing genre, has to take down what is essentially 2 different health bars to win, when they can be defeated in a few hits. It isn't as hard or relentless as it sounds in the long run, it was just a strange choice to only make it work against you.

Other gimmicks of Thymesia combat include a parry system, which if you've played Sekiro it works mostly the same here. Press guard at the same time as an enemy attacks you, and you do green damage to them. There are some key differences though. For one, there is no blocking in this game. If you miss a parry, you cannot hold down the button and take some chip damage, you simply get hit. Another strange difference, is that small enemies to not enter any kind of a vulnerable state when being parried. They will continue to attack until the animation is done, so parrying only one attack won't cut it. Both of these differences play a key role in why most players tend to ignore parrying altogether. It's much more punishing and difficult than Sekiro, an already very difficult system in that game. Dodging is simply easier and more reliable in the long run, but there is a definite downside to relying on it alone. The games enemies are built around parrying, there is no way around it. Every enemy right down to the bosses, have a very rhythmic way of attacking you, and a very limited moveset. It's never unreasonable to pay attention enough to these enemies and memorize their patterns, especially since there are so few enemy types in the game, you'll be seeing the same exact sword and shield weilding footsoldiers the entire game. On top of that, parrying is downright better to do, since it does damage to the enemies, opening them up for Claw attacks. You can interrupt your own attacks with parries, as well. Staying very close to your enemies and wailing on them, getting rid of their green health, whilst also parrying their attacks is the key to Thymesia.

The last combat mechanic to note is the other large draw to the game, Plague Weapons. Every single enemy in the game, including every boss, drops a Plague Weapon gem. The more gems you have, the more you can unlock/upgrade each Plague Weapon. These weapons come in all shapes and sizes. From buffs, to shields, to a health sapping scythe. They're all flashy, and probably the coolest looking part of Thymesia. Your second meter, below your health, is your energy. These weapons are what use that energy. For the most part, they are used like a skill. When you unlock a Plague Weapon, you can equip it to one of 2 slots, and by pressing a button, you can then use that weapon, spending energy. It will have a short cooldown, and can be used again. There is however, another mechanic with these weapons. If you hold down the Claw attack, and hit an enemy, you can steal their Plague Weapon. This is a one time use weapon that uses no energy, and is scaled to whatever level you have that particular Plague Weapon upgraded to. These weapons are, to simplify, horribly unbalanced. Some of them are borderline useless, and some of them (the bow) are gamebreakingly good. They do massive damage, both normal and Claw, to anything they hit. It won't be too long before you rely on them above most things.

Like most souls games, Thymesia uses xp to level up a few stats in order to grow stronger. Strength (sword damage), Vitality (health), and Plague. Plague is the most interesting of the 3, upgrading Plague Weapon and Claw damage both, and the one I would suggest upgrading for an easy time. Unlike most souls games however, this game has a proper skill tree. Every time you level up, you get a skill point to use on whatever skill you wish, limited to ones further down a specific tree. Much like some of the Plague Weapons, some of these are very unbalanced. A longer dodge is nice, but gaining health every time you hit enemies with Claw attacks, or kill them, will keep you alive seemingly forever. Several levels can be basically sprinted through without using a single health recovery item by simply killing everyone and keeping your health at max. Pair this with the Scythe Plague Weapon that steals massive amounts of health, and outside of bosses, you'll start ignoring your health items altogether.

Speaking of health items, the last major mechanic of Thymesia is the potion crafting and upgrading. Using items received from mini-bosses and bosses, you can upgrade how many uses a potion has, or how much health it restores. It also can be upgraded to increase the amount of ingredients you can use in a potion, which are used in Alchemy, the main draw of potion crafting. Using ingredients found on certain enemies, you will be able to buff your potions with unique effects and healing boosts. These last forever and do not consume your ingredients even when swapped out for another ingredient. When a combination of 3 specific ingredients are used, you can end up with a secret recipe. These recipes add yet another buff to your character every time a potion is used. One in particular is incredibly broken, and can boost you to max level in no time at all. The recipe you get when combining Thyme, Rosemary, and Mint boosts your xp gained by 10%, or so it says. There is at the time of this writing, a very bad bug with this 10% boost. Say you have 9000 souls at one time, and you kill and enemy that gives you 100 souls. The buff is supposed to give you a 10% boost, so 110 souls. Instead, it gives you 100 souls, plus 10% of whatever souls you currently have, which would be 900, therefore a single enemy giving you 1000 souls total. The more souls you currently have, the more broken this buff gets. Using lots of items that give you souls automatically will shoot your soul count up to the millions easily. I ended the game with 204,000,000 souls, and you only need 350,000 to reach max level.

The last thing I want to talk about are the enemies and bosses themselves. Most are your generic villagers and soldiers, easy to dodge, parry, and kill. There are harder variants around, that have a bit more health and a few more attacks. Every level has a few mini bosses, generally an even stronger version of a basic enemy, with even more health and even more moves. There isn't much to say about them beyond what I've already said. Fairly basic, mini-bosses being the most notable of any of them, which are heavily recycled through every level. Bosses are what shine in Thymesia, aside from a few gimmick fights that aren't really fights. (Dragon God from Demon's Souls is a good example of these fights) The actual bosses are otherwise fantastic, and easily my favorite part of the game. They may not have any groundbreaking designs, but they're fast paced, threatening, and challenging, without being too demanding. And I think that leads me to my absolute favorite part of Thymesia. It's the only soulslike that gets the weight of animations anywhere close to FromSoft levels of quality. Something every other soulslike struggles with, has to be animations. They try to mimic that very specific weight and rhythm every FromSoft game has, making their enemies intuitive to fight, being able to parry and dodge their attacks despite seeing them for the first time. Thymesia mimics this feeling better than any non FromSoft souls game. That being said, the balance of the game, or lack thereof, is obvious when completing a playthrough. The first boss of the first level, is probably the hardest time you'll have here. He is relentless, and has a second even harder phase, it feels like a very uphill battle, since you won't have access to any good Plague Weapons, and your potions will be base level. But the longer the game goes on, the easier it gets. Enemies become jokes, and bosses become minor step stones. And I think that sums up my feelings of Thymesia in general.

Thymesia is a fun romp through some less than amazing levels, not very memorable enemies, and great bosses. Ultimately, the lack of any balance the has game dominates how the second half plays out. Some potions and Plague Weapons absolutely trivialize the game, making it so you don't really rely on any high skill or carefully thought strategies. It feels much more soulslike at first, but the longer it goes on, the less threatened you'll be by everything that dares stand against the Plague Bow. For a $25 dollar price tag, I would probably suggest it to any Sekiro fans, given how similar the gameplay is, but if you're looking for a serious challenge, it just isn't here. With some unique gimmicks and fast paced combat, there are some cool moments with it, but I just don't see myself revisiting this game every year like I do with something as magical and memorable as Bloodborne. If you've got $25 to throw around and are just looking for a new game to blow 6 hours on, you could do a lot worse.

legitimately a better game than Sekiro.

-EDIT- i was a stinky smelly wrong boi. i'm sorry.

this game is still great. in fact, beating this game is the reason that sekiro finally clicked with me going back to it. if you don't like Sekiro, honestly give this game a go. it's worth it. it's a better tutorial than the tutorial for Sekiro. great shit. the devs should be proud.

A Souls-like that leans more toward my favorite — Sekiro. Give me a game where I parry for days and I am there for it. Add a cool aesthetic and a lower price point and there is no excuse for missing this one.

Aún me falta el boss final (mañana me lo paso)
Como primer intento de souls de un estudio indie no está mal, pero tiene muchas que no me gustan.

-La cantidad de hyperarmor sin sentido de la mayoría de enemigos
-Encadenar varios parrys seguidos es menos recompensante de lo que debería en un sistema de este tipo
-El parry en sí no es todo lo preciso que debería ser (aunque le acabas cogiendo el ritmo)
-Los bosses y algunos enemigos élite tienen demasiada vida en mi opinión
-La mecánica de heridas y vida, que aunque es original y a ratos divertida, a veces resulta frustrante

Y más cosas realmente, pero tampoco quiero quedarme solo con lo malo. Hay una buena base y los entornos y la atmósfera son buenos, así que solo espero que la experiencia haya servido para lograr algo más pulido en el futuro

Mom, can we get Bloodborne?
Honey, we have Bloodborne at home!
Bloodborne at home:

Keşke Elden Ring'e geri dönmeden önce bitirseydim dediğim biy yapım oldu Thymesia. Yarım bırakmadan önce keyif alıyorken araya Elden Ring girdi ve daha sonradan buraya tekrar uğrayınca aradaki kalite farkı çok fena göze çarptı. Tabii iki benzer indie bir yapım ile AAA bir oyunu karşılaştırmak pek doğru olmaz. Ama Thymesia'ya dair ilk ana bossun kalitesi (harbiden Sekiro bossu kalitesinde) dışında aklımda kalan bir yanı olmayacak. Yine de şans verebilirsiniz.


Decent soulslike game. It's nothing special, but it is fun.

Definitivamente um dos soulslike já feitos, ele é só divertido e é isso, não tem nada de especial que destaque ele de outros games do mesmo estilo, no geral ele é um jogo ok.

Overall, it's a commendable effort with ample room for improvement in a potential sequel. What I highly commend is its Bloodborne-esque gameplay, which is more aggressive. The bosses are well-thought-out and fairly challenging. The levels are a bit matchbox-sized; however, they have enough complexity to capture that essential soulslike feeling where roaming around and pathfinding is a significant part of the game. It could benefit from more uniqueness, and the parry mechanic needs to be reworked for better effectiveness when granted.

i forgot i played this but it was alright i guess


Impressionante porem poderia ter uma variação melhor de inimigos e bosses mais memoraveis mas no fim um gameplay bem divertida

This is a solid game. I even think that the combat system is great, and I would definitely like to see it expanded upon in a future title with hopefully a bigger budget and scope, as this game is very short, with only 3 levels, 4 main missions and a few side missions that do include unique bosses, however other than the bosses these side quests go the Nioh route of making you traverse the level you already did, but backwards. The bosses themselves were overall very good, with large and varied movesets, but I wish that there was more options with how you can deal with these moves.
The game has an interesting twist on Sekiro's prosthetic tool mechanic, where you can rip a move out of the enemy and use it against them, this was fun and I found it to be very useful when clearing out large groups of enemies, and taking down some of the mini bosses. There is also a twist on the posture mechanic, where parrying dealt wound damage, whcih allowed you to use a special claw move that deals a large chunk of damage to the enemy. Finding ways to integrate these moves into my combos was one of the most satisfying parts of Thymesia.

The level design is fairly sprawling, although slightly subpar, as I never felt much incentive to explore too much due to the lack of meaningful items to find.

Overall this is a solid game, one of the better soulslike's, and this combat system is very fun and has a lot of potential. If your a Sekiro fan I would recommend when it goes on sale, as the current price is quite high for the small amount of content you get.

combatı fena olmayan kibrit kutusunda bir indie souls-like asla 200 tl etmez

One of the better souls-likes out there. fun combat, decent level design, and hits the right tone. Just wish the world was connected instead of separated into individual levels.

Não tenho parâmetro pra falar de soulslike pq esse aqui é o primeiro que eu consigo terminar, mas eu curti bem. Os bosses são desafiadores mas conseguiram me deixar motivado a entender o moveset e analisar a melhor estratégia para atacá-los, a história me parece qualquer coisa mas o combate é bem gostoso de se jogar. O jogo bugou no final e eu não vou conseguir ir atrás da minha platina, por isso e pela falta de no mínimo uma legenda PT-BR e alguns bugs aqui e ali, a nota ficou menor do que poderia ser

Sekiro wanna be com visual de bloodborne, nao tiro a razao de quem achou o parry esquisito porque de fato o jeito que funciona eh torto, mas tem uma skill que aumenta o tempo dele e ai so spammar e pronto, o jogo fica bem divertido e achei solido ate o fim, tempo certo pra n enjoar, areas que nao sao so um ande pra frente por mais centradas que sejam, saldo positivo.

Decent but it looks like an early access game.
You can see that the creators love the souls games, the whole genre. They implemented a lot of great ideas, but they gave their own creativity to give a bit of twist to the genre.
The combat is complex enough, and it's really enjoyable. Sometimes it feels sloppy or inconsistent, but I liked it really much.
There are also some creative bosses.
I liked the initial ideas for art design, and the dark fantasy story.
Too short, basically only a few maps, and you can see the budget wasn't much, because of the reused assets and other parts of the environment. It wouldn't be much to use at least some UI improvement (e.g. dark font styles or something), because it feels so generic.

Summary: If they would make a sequel, keeping the core combat mechanics, but with more levels, bosses, and abit more budget, and more attention to detail, I would definitely buy it!

Edit: I gave it a few more hours and got plat trophy! Altough it was repetitve, I enjoyed the combat so much!

Dropped this one. I liked the obvious Bloodborne influence but the rest of the combat and production values are not there at all.

Lo he rejugado para el Platino, cerca de un año después de mi primera partida.

Lo he disfrutado más, que no mucho, gracias a saber hacer una buena build y ser prácticamente inmortal. Souslike pocho y sin mucha profundidad, pero bueno.

A short fun indie experience that has fast paced combat and very few glitches. The experience is fulfilling and the story is...mediocre. It has to be said that for a gae that follows the bloodborne/sekiro version of combat, the fights get quite easy towards the end and some of the bosses are laughably weak. But the overall experience is very enjoyable and the movement and attacks are satisfying es[pecially the clinking parry.
The story though is nothing to write home about and can make you feel like "let us just get this over with already " at times, which is a weird feeling to have a game worth less than 10 hours.
Still a good game and the combat is worthy enough to carry the game.

If you're a Souls-like guy or girl looking for more of the same, then this is probably a solid experience until the next big thing by Fromsoft or other studios. Thymesia is very focused on parry mechanics and has a neat little life system in which you first have to break the shield of an enemy until you can attack its real health bar. Unfortunately, while the combat is solid enough, it is let down by being very inconsistent with its hitbox, way to spam heavy with enemy attacks, and generally having low enemy variety. The bosses are good, though!

pretty cool
unfortunately short and linear, but if you can get it cheap id say its worth your time

the level design in this game is not good, everything feels like it loops around on itself for no reason and everything kind of looks the same so i found it hard to navigate my way around.

that said, aesthetically it's super cool and while i was ready to drop the game, something clicked after i beat the first boss and i got super hooked. some of the smoothest souls-like combat i have experienced so far, the parrying felt super responsive and it's just fast-paced and fun. honestly very worth going through just for the combat, some really good bosses in there too. i'd love to see more from this dev team

The combat is well designed but feels sometimes a bit unfair, and I don't like the movement in the game (which is very personal) idk it's just okay in my book, and I say that as a big souls fan, but maybe others will appreciate it a lot more than me

Although the concept is inspired by Bloodborne, it seems like the game hasn't quite decided what it will be. Bloodborne-looking Sekiro? I mean, I've seen something similar to this recently in Lies of P, but Lies of P was a production that was just like a real Soulsborne game with its gameplay and level designs. The parry system feels bad, and most of the time you don't even know whether you parry or not. Movements and combat feel cumbersome, which is the biggest minus in a soulslike game. Although the character's ability to steal his opponent's ability with his claw is cool, your job is done until you use it during the fight due to the slow animation. Although the level designs, hub section, graphics and lighting are nice, the game could be much better if it had more enjoyable and satisfying gameplay. Still, it's one of the indies you can try as a soulslike (and especially if you're a PC player waiting for Bloodborne to come to PC :P)

The level design is atrocious but the combat is fun enough to make up for it

Beelining to the upgrade to make the parry windows wider to feel like Sekiro makes the game feel so so much better