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in the past

Ghost Recon Future Soldier is set in the year 2024 where the Ghost Recon squad needs to shoot people and invade numerous countries for some reason.

(i stole this description from a youtube video cuz it's the best way to describe the plot)...

shortly story is boring af

Optimization is awful, i played half of the game with frame drops...

I think the only fun part of the game is to take down the enemies by using tactics with the ghost recon team idk what their name is cuz story is shit af, from now on i call them "ghost recon team" cuz it sounds cool,
actually the reason I played this game was because the game looked cool, but you shouldn't play it, it's waste of time.

Gallant Thief mission is also fun cuz i feel splinter cell blacklist vibe in it.

Me sinto como um genuíno soldado do futuro, fazendo umas spec ops em lugares aleatórios ao redor do mundo enquanto brinco de usar minha manta de invisibilidade parcial pra dar sinc headshot em otários ao som de alguma ost genérica/apropriada/nula, pra depois passar a enfrentar outros macacos brincando de invisibilidade e ter o cu comido por certas sessões muito bem planejadas no hardcore.
Jogo divertido, gameplay muito decente e uma IA as vezes pau no cu, as vezes funcional. Só queria mais partes com certos brinquedos que aparecem muito pouco, tipo o bot dos mísseis.

The gunsmith was way ahead of its time.

I truly felt like the Future Soldier

Its ass, dont waste your time.

Great game but ubisoft is dead for shutting it down

Para um ghost recon antigo foi mto bom

A superb "tacticool" arcade TPS experience. Just a very fun time if you're simply in it to enjoy the combat and the cinematic look and feel of it all, as it very frequently manages to feel like a movie and looks the part too, with some cool stylistic choices and quite pretty graphics at times. It's even fairly challenging, which is not what I've come to expect from a mainstream shooter played on medium difficulty. It requires good positioning and thought, especially during stealth which is probably the most enjoyable method of getting through a level.

It's definitely not the smoothest experience on PC though, as it really doesn't run that well with frequent FPS drops, occasional stutters and just an inconsistent framerate overall. In engine cutscene segments/scripted gameplay moments also sometimes lack random sound effects which does make the game feel jankier than it is. Even then I really didn't find all of it that intrusive and I really am quite picky about this stuff, so it's not something to be put off about.

Basically, as long as you take a minute to unlock the framerate and get your full refresh rate (PC Gaming Wiki) and push through the first 2 levels, which aren't the best in my opinion, you're in for a very fun time!

good game especially if you are a fan of the Advanced Warfighter games.

Simple but effective. The shooting is rewarding, a lot of destructible cover helps.
Manages to keep some tactical shooter flavour while being very linear and built around spectacle.

Terrible pc port. Overrall a decent game. The story is forgettable and it got some forced loud moments that I didn’t like. Movement felt weird and the cover mechanics as well. It was cool however that you could turn invisible and it’s not a bad stealth game.

According to my 360 achievements I was very close to finishing this game but I have absolutely no memory of it at all. Literally nothing.

Joguei com o cérebro desligado só pra passar o tempo, e isso foi muito bom pra mim deu pra distanciar dos problemas do game, deu pra sentir o gosto de video game de novo.

Sobre o jogo, a gameplay é padrão da geração dele, porém os gadgets são divertidos (principalmente o drone), controlar os ghosts também é legal, dá uma diferenciada. O modo splitscreen dele poderia ser coop, isso ia ser muito bom também.

A história é uma mistura de clichê com exagero, tem momentos que o diálogo parece que é feito por adolescentes, mas acho que o foco era pra esse público.

O gráfico é ok pra época dele e trilha sonora é muito boa, aqui dou um destaque positivo. Por fim, como eu gostaria que a ubisoft largasse mais a fórmula dela e focasse games mais lineares.

One of the best sprinting animations in the history of videogames.

Advanced Warfighter was one of the first games to really push the new next-gen consoles, but also evolve into the tiring Ghost Recon franchise. Future Soldier has huge boots to fill, and it does a good job by evolving the series even further. The game finds a balance between stealth and action, plus throws some cinematic scripted events in to keep things exciting.

The story is pretty much what you would expect from a Tom Clancy game. Full of politics and pretty dull. You are a team of four Ghosts who are helping the Russians put the “good” president back on the seat. There’s not much to it, and even the banter between the ghosts isn’t fleshed out as well as it could have been. You’re here for the action and Future Soldier delivers well. I was most impressed by the new recon elements. First off, you have camo that makes you practically invisible. This can only be used when standing a while and crouched or prone. Enemies can still spot you if you get too close, so this isn’t cheating per se. On top of this you get a nifty little drone that you can control in the air or turn into an RC car for ground recon (with a pulse blast!) In the air you can tag targets and figure out where the enemies are and study patrols without the frustrating trial and error of figuring it all out yourself on the ground. The drone is a lifesaver and one of the best gadgets ever implemented into a Ghost Recon title.

The coolest thing in the whole game are the sync shots. These allow you to tag up to four enemies and at the same time take them down quietly. This eliminates the frustration of having to take everyone down yourself or use useless commands. The friendly AI in this game is some of the best I have ever seen. You can tag enemies above in the drone and the ghosts will quietly move around and position themselves for the sync shots. The only problem is that if you do four tags you have to be the fourth.

Sync shots and active camo may be lifesavers for recon, but there is action thrown in. To prevent diving into action unwanted the game will tell you where enemies can see you, so you get a few seconds to find cover before getting discovered right away. However, the game some times forces engagement on you because enemies will be clumped to close together for stealth sync shots. This only leaves one option and that’s open firefights. You aren’t penalized for this at the end of missions because the game encourages sync shots and stealth kills.

I did find the campaign, toward the end, became repetitive and less exciting because there are less scripted events and more of just non-stop shooting. The difficulty spikes all over the place in these later levels leaving you to do many checkpoint restarts due to dying. Thankfully you can “die” three times and a team member will revive you. I just found the first half of the game was better designed and more exciting than the last half. There was less and less recon and more running and gunning which isn’t what Ghost Recon is famous for.

Besides these few complaints, I do have to say that being able to fully customize your guns is an awesome addition to the series. Instead of just choosing people and stock weapons you actually get to decide each part of the gun. Trigger, stock, magazine, side rail, under rail, paint, muzzle, gas system, barrel, everything. Most items are unlocked by completing challenges during missions. Other than this the only thing to go back for is multiplayer which is what Ghost Recon is famous for.

Multiplayer is pretty much like the campaign and just as fun as past GR games. There’s not much to really say except that GR multiplayer isn’t really for the typical Call of Duty fan. At least there’s co-op here for buddies to sit around and play which can actually make the game a lot easier and more fun. The visuals are amazing and the PC has extra detail thanks to DirectX 11 support so it looks way better than the console versions. There are tons of visual detail on the PC version, but you will need a really powerful rig (GPU no more than 2 years old, and a high-end dual-core or quad-core CPU for full detail).

Overall, Future Soldier was a long wait, but we get some great new ideas like the gadgets such as active camo and the drone. Sync shots are a life saver and there are some pretty awesome scripted moments in the game. The story is typical GR dullness, but we get a lengthy campaign with challenges to complete, and even fully customizable weapons. I highly recommend this to any GR fan or newcomers who love stealth action and shooters in general. Just expect some difficulty spikes towards the last half of the campaign.

eu amo esse jogo
trilha sonora muito foda
vc fica invisivel
sincroniza tiro.

I only remember this game because of the very first mission where i think it had some invisibility mechanic

Horribly dated, clearly chasing the CoD and Battlefield clout that was rampant in 2011-2013 and is all the worse for it. Has some interesting ideas, but they've since been improved upon with later Ubisoft releases. Fun to hear VAs that you know as your squadmates tho. Can't see myself coming back to complete this, was only a few missions in and it was starting to get repetitive, and the gunplay really is barely serviceable.

We take on the role of an elite soldier tasked with a series of dangerous missions. Future soldier, as the name suggests, focuses on the latest military technologies. Players can use prototype weapons that can be tested in the single player campaign and various online multiplayer modes. Advanced weapons and equipment you can use on the battlefield include machine guns, turrets and also tools such as night vision or a small robot that can detect enemies behind objects. For those who like to tinker with weapons, the game developers have included a gunsmith system that allows you to create rifles and pistols from dozens of different parts. The effectiveness of newly designed weapons can be tested on a training map. Missions are set in different parts of the world, including Dagestan and Zambia. The future soldier system is inspired by classic games of the genre. Future soldier strongly emphasizes group combat, you can use the synchronized shooting system to eliminate opponents by marking them. Another advantage on the battlefield is the optical camouflage feature that makes your character invisible when lying down or crouching. The single player story mode lasts between 10-13 hours.

it might be nostalgia, but this game felt smooth and the split screen wave gamemode used to be super fun, the campaign also felt unique

Ахуел и до сих пор не выхуел

I want to say this one is underrated. I really enjoyed the way this game controlled and the campaign was hilarious to play with friends. The online wave-based survival mode was decent!

the banter between the main cast was ahead of its time

Um bom jogo de tiro em terceira pessoa, é interessante modelar as armas etc, tirando isso não tem coisas tão memoraveis nele, mas diverte bastante, tirando alguns bugs aqui e ali, vale bastante a pena jogar.

Très bon multi, mais mort trop rapidement

Recuerdo que la historia estaba guapa y la progresión también, había un montón de mejoras y todas eran bastante guapas