Reviews from

in the past

ubisoft never really topped this

The high bar by which I judge any game claiming to be a tactical shooter. I long for a game that could recapture the strategic and tactical feelings this game seamlessly provides.

accurate representation of team fortress 2 casual servers in the year of our lord 2024

i never played this the proper way. i sent in two guys in every single mission but really i only used one guy. the 2nd was just there for faster restarts. and i would go in blind and clear out the whole map solo. that's definitely not how you play this game i think but it sure was thrilling as hell

*i accidentally put this review on the console versions of RS3 without even realizing it

This and SWAT 4 are absolute masterpieces, the main menu themes from both games are memorable and the gameplay too, you can tell by the theme from this game that this is a real rainbow six game, if only after 2010 game companies weren't that greedy nowadays...

kinda rough on the edges after 20 years

A good game, but not as good as the 98 original. Really just comes down to level design and encounter design. There are some truly batshit, what-the-fuck-were-you-thinking moments in a few of the later missions where you really have to flex and rely on unreliable, dumb AI teammates to execute your plans properly. The mission planning menu is slow and clunky, making it a chore to custom create your own plans. Everything else, however, is just good ol strong tactical shooter gameplay.

Finished on recruit difficulty. The game is fun, and forces you to think tactically. The levels are mostly good, although some of the parts with hostages can be annoying.

The AI teams can't be trusted in challenging situations, so you can't make the perfect plan and then watch the execution. (play doorkickers 2 if you want that experience) I found that the best way was to give the easy parts to the AI, and then clear the more dangerous parts yourself.

Played in coop which is a fair bit different from sp, no map squad planning and no story cutscenes (which sucks), but planing and coordinating with your mate throughout the campaign levels makes up for that, and it's not instant game over if you die once as each player gets a full squad.
Levels with hostages and bombs can be a bit annoying and trial and error, as the AI rushes to detonate or kill the hostages, but once you know the locations is satisfying to plan a "tactical" entrance.
Maps are varied and look nice, shooting is good enough, the AI is not rubbish, and the game has lan play.