Reviews from

in the past

The transition period between the 6th and 7th generation of consoles was a weird one. Many publishers and devs still saw the previous generation as a lucrative part of their revenue, leading to a lot of cross-platform titles that were, in actuality, entirely different games developed by different teams. This is only one such example.

Our story follows Sam Fisher taking on his most dangerous (and technically illegal) mission yet: infiltrate a criminal organization, get in good graces with their leader, and dismantle their greater plan from the inside. Now Sam must balance performing criminal acts to stay on the terrorist's side, while leaking intel or making decisions that benefit the NSA. The story is framed from the recollection of Sam Fisher on the run, on a phone call with the leader of the NSA. You get different cutscenes and equipment loadouts between missions depending on how hard you sway to either side of the meter, or due to the kinds of actions you take. It's not a bad idea in concept at all, but the execution is admittedly mixed. I feel like you're supposed to know these terrorists a bit better than you do. The ending caught me completely off-guard because some kind of romantic relationship had blossomed right under my nose, apparently.

Having the meter too far to either side can lead to moments where you may feel obligated to do evil/good objectives to balance things out. Letting the meter get all the way to one side is supposed to force you to do something drastic in order to swing it back, but this only happened to me once in the penultimate mission. All it forced me to do was reach a certain point on the map before a timer ran out, and I shit you not, that same location also happened to be the exfiltration point for that mission, so any potential inconveniences this may have caused were null and void. I was done there anyways.

As for gameplay, it feels just like Chaos Theory, with a few additions here and there. Story gripes aside, it allows for some excellent setups for missions, bringing Sam Fisher's espionage skills into criminal operations. You've got a train heist, a prison break, a hotel that's under fire and intermittently losing power, and more. It's a strong lineup, lots of opportunities for improvisation and usage of all your tools. Still didn't bother to use the split jump even once though. That thing is still fodder for trailers and the back of the box.

It's still kinda surreal to me that this game is considered the secondary version of Double Agent, because it was made by the series' A-team, Ubisoft Montreal. The primary version of the game was made by Ubisoft Shanghai, the series' B-team, and released on the 7th generation of consoles. It may be more of the same from his previous outing, but I think Ubi Montreal did a bang-up job with this one. Now I'm off to see what the advent of the HD era brings to Double Agent.

This version is very different from the next gen one, but its decent. It's supposed to emphasize how much Sam is aging.

While being a much better game than the 360/PS3 version, in general, it's still not that good, the missions are all forgettable and bland, this version develops even less of the villains and the JBA Hideout segments which were actually interesting in the other version, is now definitely the worst part of this game. Gameplay wise being just filled with traps and cameras and story wise making no sense, you can have alerts and knock out guards while being the new recruit? What?

Also, if you can, don't emulate this on PCSX2 it has some obnoxious lighting bugs, play it on a actual PS2 or the XBOX OG version.

Excessively linear and scripted as SC is, but also very clumsy because of PS2 controls. At least it had a couple of decent missions and a nice gimmick with explosions causing power outages.

My first real game, even if it was the Wii port of the cut down PS2 version I played originally.

Not much to say specifically, but yeah, fun game, got me into gaming in general, and I wanna be Sam Fisher when I grow up.

El Agenta Sam Fisher, increíble el juego y la jugabilidad, me flipaba este juego, sin duda para PS2 merece la pena, recomendado.

Great stealth action game, the only one in the franchise I honestly liked.

A middle of the road entry in the series. Most people say it is the superior version of the game compared to the other systems. On Wii it controlled fine, and it is as fun as usual to be sneaky. The shadows on the Wii are really bad though. I never felt like I was in the shadows. The final boss is also pretty terrible.

It's a decent game, but not one you feel compelled to go back to in the series. One and done.

It's aight. Some fun levels, pretty good lighting for the time.

The first and only Splinter Cell game I ever played and was a very cool game. Love the stealth vibe and use of shadows, also, the ability to choose between "faction sides" was a nice idea in the story. Very good game, maybe someday I dive deeper in the franchise.

Version 2 is weird, it's a lot closer to Chaos Theory in terms of gameplay and the levels are set up a lot better in my opinion. I do love the HUD in this game even if it's a little jank. Something I missed a lot in Version 1.

However, even though the story is the thing I care about the least....How do they make it significantly more inconsistent and filled with plotholes? It's kinda insane.

Though, one thing I do appreciate is how this version is visually much darker and in that sense more of what I want from these games.

The levels in this one are significantly better than V.1 and in that sense I do prefer this over V.1 a ton and would actually consider this among the best of the series.

Well, it's better than the Ubisoft Shanghai version at least, since it's effectively just more Chaos Theory.

Essa é a verdadeira e DEFINITIVA experiência de Splinter Cell, um jogo que divide muito o público pelo simples fato de existir uma versão diferente dele lançadas pra PC, PS3 e 360, enquanto o Gamecube, Xbox e PS2 receberam a versão melhor, o que foi um pecado e um erro enorme cometido pela Ubisoft.
Considero esse jogo o segundo melhor da franquia, todo o enredo e a reviravolta na história do Sam é muito bem contada, a gameplay deste game é a mesma do Chaos Theory, então, é algo mais polido e sem problemas igual o outro double agent.
Uma pena que empresas cometem erros graves e decidem por si mesma vender uma versão extremamente ruim para os consoles mais modernos naquela época e estragar totalmente a experiência de história, enredo e até mesmo gameplay.

this game is so fuckin ass. content wise it feels like DLC for chaos theory, lots of reused assets, lots of similar level designs, etc. story wise it feels completely half baked at best and at worst it can feel insulting and misogynistic. gameplay wise it feels like we've regressed. chaos theory's brilliant C.T.E system feels completely unpolished and unfinished in this game. just a total mess front to back. but at least its not as bad as the ubisoft shanghai version.

I don't agree with the people who say this is more Chaos Theory. The tone is entirely different. The whole plot feels a lot more weighty, especially some of the more consequential choices and the betrayals. I've replayed this at least four times, including the hardest mode.

this version of the game is more fun to replay than the xbox 360/ps3/pc release.

this version was made by ubi montreal whom developed splinter cell and chaos theory.

It shares alot of the same mission setup as the 360 game but features gameplay more in line with chaos theory.

Overall though its pretty weird in that the missions do feel "B" quality and I mean that in the good way. This was obviously a much smaller team with fewer resources than chaos theory so the game doesn't really aim to change the basic gameplay established in chaos theory. Its more of a remix of chaos theory style gameplay with the the ideas being developed by the Shanghai studio for the 360 version.

Its worth playing for fans and its much more repayable than the 360 version, higher challenge and more options for skill play in the form of difficulty that requires more stealth and less gadgets.

Minha porta de entrada à série.

I'm sure it's fine on other platforms, but this was unplayable on the Wii.