Reviews from

in the past

One of the formative games of my childhood, but rather difficult to revisit today. It's still fun to drive around and blow stuff up with a friend, though.

This was my launch game for the PS1. I was gifted it with the console. All I was thinking, aww man a racing game. That sucks. Boy was I wrong on so many levels. TW2 is a really fun car combat game in both single player and multiplayer. The story is campy fun and it's interesting to see you characters backstory and see how their wish gets corrupted if you win. The presentation on the cinematics is really good as well. The gameplay is pretty tight and balanced. The levels are fun and have good variety to them. Overall really fun game.

Replaying in 2023 and this game is still awesome and a blast!

Platinum # 185

A janky and flawed car combat game with a ton of charm. It’s the type of game that’s still fun flaws and all. It might not have the best graphics or even the best controls but the core loop of exploring big arenas and shooting at your foes with a variety of weapons is still a lot of fun.

Besides the flaws one thing that is truly still great are the characters themselves and their endings. Not only are the cutscenes iconic but as a whole the roster is really great and stands out as one of the best in the series. This game really shines with the colorful yet darkly humorous classic style Twisted Metal was known for and it’s not hard to see why this was the peak of the ps1 games.

The maps in particular are pretty good. Not only for their designs offering something a little differnent from the last but I really like the around the world theme the game goes for.

The real meat really lies in multiplayer and challenge match where your gameplay experience can be customized with drivers and the stage. I do wish there was maybe some more options tho.

So overall it’s a very fun game even if dated in some areas.

solid 4/5
(although it’s really annoying you can only get minion and sweet teeth through codes. Thankfully not hard to input)

NEVER play as Hammerhead, holy shit

This is still one of my favorite games all these years later and the best in the twisted metal series.

Mais do mesmo, novos carros, mesma premissa, o fator novidade se esvai e sobra basicamente a necessidade de mais jogadores pra se divertir.

Really fun game with unique gameplay, but unfortunately, both the visuals and controls have aged poorly, so it can be pretty difficult to properly enjoy this game.

much better sequel that is still fun to play

(This is a snap judgement "review", so this doesn't necessarily reflect my thoughts on the entire game)
So, I tried a Roadkill run on easy, and got a couple stages in, then found out I couldn't beat the game on easy for whatever reason. Oh well, I just restart on medium and chose Twister instead.
I genuinely couldn't get past the first stage with them OR Roadkill after I gave him a shot again, and with the proper strategy i found out. I was getting really annoyed, then I decided to try out Warthog and see how far I could get. Got to stage two after losing a life on the first, and I was feeling pretty confident.
Theeeeeeeeen I lost my two remaining lives and got a game over. And since there's no continue system, back to square one on the title screen. I promptly said "screw this" and decided not to continue the game any longer for the sake of it and my own patience.
TLDR; AI is really damn hard and the game doesn't let me beat it on easy even tho the first one did. Ugh.

My friend got this game before I did so obviously it was rubbish and the first Twisted Metal was way better but then I got it so I immediately pivoted and this game was amazing and the original Twisted Metal was for saddos and that's what being a thirteen year old is like.