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in the past

Within the grand pantheon of Obsidian RPGs, I'd like to think Tyranny ranks highly among them; it's probably even better than 2015's Pillars of Eternity. The premise of working as a law marshal for a totalitarian overlord does a lot of the heavy lifting here, though the combat is also substantially-improved over PoE. Ditto with the companions, with the caveat that it feels like only one or two get a satisfying, emotionally-resonant arc. Even a rushed 3rd act can't really dampen this experience.

Great introduction to the old school RPG and to Obsidian style. Simpler and easier than Pillars of Eternity and more fun, at least for me. But practically they' re the same.

An intriguing world and compelling premise not quite entirely wasted by micromanagey combat.

I kinda liked it and disliked it a bit at the same time. It was so unique, I'd recommend people who like isometric RPGs to give it a try.

Too bad we are not getting a sequel!

Si os gustan los RPGs donde el combate consiste en parar cada dos segundos y dale órdenes a un grupo de 4 personajes, este es vuestro juego. Bebe muchísimo del rol más tradicional con un montón de armas, stats, numeritos y todo eso que puede llegar a agobiar. Pero si eso no te pasa, dale un repaso, porque lo que dice que tus decisiones importan es cierto. Puedes ser un cabrón y aliarte con el enorme repertorio de cabronazos que pueblan el juego, y ser una persona medio decente y entonces tendrás a varios ejércitos muchísimo más poderosos que tu en tu contra, lo que prefieras.

Como cosas malas destaco que el final es bastante abrupto, y que los compañeros son bastante meh. No he podido utilziar en todo el juego nada de armadura pesada para nadie porque no hay nadie que pueda llevarla y no sea peor para el que la armadura ligera. Solo hay un guerrero como tal, y no le puedes quitar su armadura por razones de historia. Asi que GG.

Pero bueno, quitando esas cosas, creo que es un buen juego si te mola este rollo.

this game has one of the worst combat voice lines ive ever heard

I really liked Tyranny! I do wish it was longer, but even so, it managed to get me very invested in this setting. It also had some pretty fun combat, and lots of replayability given the 4 different paths you can take.

It's fine. The premise gets dropped halfway through and the game becomes like most any other tale as a result. The lore's great, but the game hardly pays attention to it.

It's a good game. Defenitelly has some rough edges, but its system of choices it's very fun.

El mismo problema que con el pillars, pero el sistema de magia y personalizacion de hechizos es MUY bueno, mucho mas claro a la hora de armar personajes

This game feels criminally short for how much I loved the world, the characters, and the combat. It isn't often that I enjoy RTWP but the magic is so explosive and satisfying to play with that I grew to really enjoy it.

I know this game can feel a bit half baked, especially without the added story DLC to breathe more life into the game (similar to PoE admittedly) but honestly Obsidian crafts such intriguing worlds that it still gets a near perfect score from me. I only wish there was more, y'know?

Um jogo excelente. O CRPG que consegue picos altos em cada categoria que se quiser avaliar. O combate é muito bom, a história é boa, os companheiros, escolhas e consequências, a customização do personagem e do gameplay. É curto, o que também não é problema ele é excelente no que quer fazer e faz valer seu tempo e dinheiro.

How many games do you get to play as, legitimately, the villain? Wild game in the mold of Tides of Numenera, Planescape, Disco Elysium

Now this is more like it.

An old testament style cRPG about absolute power, both literal and figurative.

I should have known what to expect from a modern Obsidian game: shallow mechanics, horrible party members and boring combat, but at least your decisions matter and the writing is good because that's the only thing they are still good at. Well, it turns out I was wrong because the setting and story are mediocre, but the way it's presented in is even worse.
I'm not gonna lie, there were parts of the game that I enjoyed, such as spell crafting and some battles, but these sections were few and far between and not nearly enough to justify playing the entire thing.
The introduction is simply horrible, the first act and part of the second are filled with exposition like they were trying to cram a wikipedia article about their setting into the game as fast as possible. It feels forced and unnatural when every NPC needs to tell the player their life story and the lore of the land.
Imagine you meet someone from Mexico and after exchanging greeting the first words that come out of his mouth are a detailed chronicle of the Mexican Revolution that lasts 30 minutes. That's how it feels to interact with NPCs in this game, and the cherry on top is that they rarely say something that's actually interesting.
I enjoy reading, but I don't like it when writers try to jam the entire setting down my throat as soon as the game starts, especially in the fantasy genre which tends to be super generic and exposition heavy.
At the end of the day, I believe Tyranny is a mediocre RPG, even though I went in with diminished expectations, and life is too short to play stuff like this.

Tyranny is a pretty fantastic CRPG with the branching narrative that Obsidian is a master of. Plenty of factions to side with or against and shape the character you want to play. Highly recommend.

The definition of missed potential. A dark, complex world based around a fascinating premise and bolstered by memorable characters... is wasted on a game that's really just average. The game offers multiple paths, but each one of those is rather linear and rail roady. The game ends right when it feels like it's starting. And the game as a whole lacks even basic things like companion quests. The best part about the game is the wiki style dialogue system where you can just hover over a word and learn it's meaning, I'm glad Obsidian carried that over into Deadfire.

Great setup, good execution would love to see a sequel that improves on the good things

I like the idea of ​​the plot and how it has been applied in certain aspects (especially getting power with the coils, artifacts, etc) but I didn't think I had many options (I don't know if I've handled the levels of brutality and loyalty wrong or what but instead of being able to resolve conflicts by talking and gaining followers the game has forced me to kill them all). The protagonist gains power but does not improve further. Beyond this, the game is quite soporific, not in small part because of the industrial amounts of text that get thrown at you. It doesn't seem very realistic to me either, it's all very pretty, with big names in different colors that you have to read, all very ethereal, I don't know how to explain it but it doesn't feel like it should. I would like to see a second part made by another developer, with more kleptocrats, genocide, politicking, philosophy of war, etc. especially now with the Ukrainian war and the juxtaposition between a professional army and a conscript army.

One of my all time favorite RPGs. There are so many choices and such a rich and interesting setting. Shame we'll never see more.

I love CRPG but I can't get immersed into Tyranny's world and I don't know why.

stopped playing due to extremely long load times.

Yeah it's just kinda OK. Still hate real-time with pause combat so that's doing it no favors here, they attempted to improve the system relative to BG by having timers show for rounds but that still doesn't get around the general clunkiness of it, but they also doubled down on the worst parts of it by having yet more hard to target and track abilities and the fights take FOREVER.
I can't make any huge comments on the story since I only got through act 1 and a bit of act 2, but it's alright. They managed to make the whole evil empire and factions system work well and not make good choices abundantly obvious, but the dialogue is still a little to game-y at times due to that system.
Overall, I'm gonna drop this one for now, but it'll probably be worth it to you if you like real-time with pause combat.

A little too edgy, a little too comfortable, a little too simple, a little too involved, a little too bleak, and a little too much of a power fantasy--truly I have never played a more mixed bag than this. The only thing clear-cut about it is that the beastman stuff is mad racist

Estuvo mas o menos, lo jugué hace un tiempo ya, pero me acuerdo que tampoco me encantó, ni lo disfrute muchísimo. Cumple la función de entretener.

This was the next effort by Obsidian's team that brought us Pillars of Eternity, which was a flawed game which I really enjoyed, and I was very excited to see an evolution on that fantastically clever formula. That however, is not so much what you'll find here. Tyranny is so incredibly derivative on Pillars of Eternity, I could go find my old 2015 review of it, copy and paste it here, and it'd serve just as good of a purpose aside from the fact that Tyranny (in just about every way) feels like PoE but less.

As a feat of storytelling, Tyranny is absolutely fantastic, at least in its first (and mostly second) act. The way it manages to make factions that are objectively fascists and anarchists trying to work to subjugate a land in their own selfish ways come across as sympathetic and human (except when deliberately not) is masterfully done. The companions you meet during those times are well portrayed advocates of each side of the conflict and all bring very engaging voices to the table.

However, that is where my praise of the narrative stops. Beat for beat, point for point, this game has virtually exactly the same pros and cons as Pillars of Eternity did with only a few very small exceptions:
- This game had fantastic earlier companions with the latter half feeling mostly like underdeveloped and shoe-horned in afterthoughts, whose only real characterization is revealed through dedicated efforts of talking to them (the only actual dedicated companion quests are in the Bastard's Wound DLC, and that's only for the first half of the companions (who were the best written already, quite frankly)).
- The game starts out with a great narrative but really peters out its pacing in the second act to just come to a screeching halt in the 3rd.
- The writing for the plot and characters, as previously stated, is great! I just wish it were better fleshed out.
- The combat engine and the way stats work are still the same fantastic evolution on the old DND CRPG's, where every stat is valuable for every character.

I really, REALLY hate saying it, as this was a game I wanted to adore, but this game feels half-baked in almost a Double Fine fashion. If the game didn't have achievements, I woudln't've even known that there was a 3rd act with how short it was compared to act 2. It feels they pulled the name "act 3" out of their ass, slapped it onto the last quarter of act 2, and called it a day. It feels like there's a real act 3 that just never made it into the game, and that shouldn't be how a story leaves your audience feeling. On top of the other fault of pulling your character in a direction that (at least I) seemed totally contradictory up to that point in the narrative and forcing them down that path, assuming every player would want to do it. The game's even been out for damn near a year and there were 2 or 3 main-plot pieces of dialogue that just have dummy text or obviously missing parts (it's a NPC_texthere.txt type of message or literally says that it's dummy text). The game runs just fine, but for a game so focused on its story, I was very surprised on the number of unmissable errors still in it.

This is a game I wanted to like so badly that just really threw itself away in the 3rd act. I really did not foresee my main narrative improvement on PoE for Tyranny being that it incorporates your Keep/Home Base thing better into the story.

Verdict: Hesitantly recommended. This is probably the most halfhearted recommendation I've given for a review on this site (at least that I can remember). With all the new narrative hiccups this makes, there is really no reason to play Tyranny when Pillars of Eternity is a much more complete experience. At the very least, PoE gives you more time to settle into (and then out of) the narrative purely by virtue of being longer and having more party members. Unless you're really dying for another good CRPG and haven't played Pillars of Eternity, I'd say Tyranny is far from a must-play in the genre.

I really could not vibe with the combat and really disliked it to the point it turned it to the easiest setting. However the story is really great but tappers off towards the end and feels unfinished overall.

definitely not as strong as pillars of eternity, but undeniably very fun and charming! it's HEAVILY focused on gray morality and you have to work very hard to act in a truly good way, and even then you're going to have to make some morally gray choices and not everyone will be happy.

Excellent story on power, corruption, laws, and use of words. Great opening sequence that builds the world, makes you feel important (you're not in the grand scheme of things), your choices effect the world and characters and faction and regional opinions of you, and it allows for more replay value (as do the four story paths). Your role, both for your rank and past in your wider faction and as someone with power in a conquering army, allows you to be seen as important to other characters, especially the rank and file, in conversations throughout the game. Giving you a role, options, and way of speaking to many people that isn't common in RPGs.

While there is a more hidden more heroic path where you can try to unite the fractured factions to rise against your former army, most of the plot-lines take a much darker route. Even when you try to do the most good you can, you can not finish without your hands having blood on them. As you learn about and potentially take over your own faction from another high ranking commander while falling into the same traps that slowly lead to their undoing by wanting more power or thinking that you can do some good and maybe one day you can rise up against your evil overlord if you just keep trying to make the best out of the orders you are given.

Interesting setting. Good music and acting. Spell creation varied and simple. Great party members.

Poor character art and most talking portraits are just the character models. Combat just isn't that fun, with the more unique feature of combo abilities based on character relationships being fine but not enough to make things interesting. Trainers are a poorly handled addition and make an already bad skill system even worse.