Reviews from

in the past

I've seen this being described as a game you have to meet halfway, but it ends up requiring a bit more from the player's side. That's to say, it asks for the player to do multiple playthroughs to get the most out of it, but it doesn't hold up its end of the bargain. For one, the story, once pieced together, isn't really that captivating and feels like some jumbled ideas that weren't fleshed out. One of the 'bad' endings was much less underwhelming than the main one. Though its a short game and you can get the hang of it after a couple of runs, the gameplay starts to drag with each playthrough, requiring a lot of back and forth with little variety. The latter half can be more tense, though the difficulty can be almost entirely removed by glitches where enemies disappear. Similar bugs occur, and coupled with low-res textures here and there, the game feels somewhat unfinished. The atmosphere is done well at least and is pretty unsettling.

First things first I really like the artstyle, and the first hour of the game... but everything after that is just not really that great.

The story of the game is pretty generic, and you know all the secrets after like 10 minutes or so, so there is not a lot to uncover here. The game also tells you it has a lot of endings and all your decisions matter... which is false because in reality it has only like... 3, and they don't even differ from each other that much.

The game has a lot of problems with it's design. In the first half you follow a certain goal... but it doesn't really matter that much, because you achieve that goal anyway even if you do nothing. So what was the point of figuring out stuff, in the first half of the game, in the first place? Maybe the game should punish me somehow if I DIDN'T do that... but no... the same thing happens everytime. And here we get to another problem; if you die, you get one bad ending... and get thrown to the beginning of the game... and to get back to the point where you died you need to run around for another 15 to 20 minutes. This is not fun or scary, this is annoying.

Another problem is that the game tells you shit about one of the mechanics that is important in the second half of the game, which is hiding from the enemies. You can only figure it out by pure luck, no hints whatsoever.

"Uncanny Valley" is a game with a lot of potential and great looking artstyle... but the generic mystery and bad design really bring it down for me.

Awkward dialogue, two interact keys so I always have to press two different keys to see if I can interact with things. No hook that makes me want to keep playing.

I have no clue how to feel about this. I got two endings: one of which was obviously bad prompting a replay, and the other where I just backtracked to an area and it just cut to credits.

Do I even play anymore? I got away and the character is alive. Of course, I probably missed a few hours of content, but why would I go back to that?

The game has a good art style, I am a sucker for the pixel approach. But as a story? It has a good setup but what's really going on dosent need to be in this setting or style. There feels like clashing tones in narrative and style with this game.

I can't say it was bad but I'm probably never going to play it again.

kept wondering when it gets scary and then it was over

It’s uncanny how unfinished this game is

Игра, которая начинается после половины прохождения. Это 2D-экшен-выживалка с агрессивными роботами, но, прежде чем приступить к этому геймплею, нужно будет полтора часа бродить по одной и той же локации, читать записки, выполнять неочевидные задачи с помощью гайда.

Uncanny Valley is a side scrolling horror game with nice pixel art. Unfortunately the pixel art is the good thing about this game…

It sets itself up as some super scary in-depth survival horror game where every single action you take can change the story with multiple possible endings to see. But it delivers on none of these things.

You just walk from room to room occasionally picking up an item or talking to someone until a confusing ‘nightmare’ cutscene happens. The story barely exists and what little story you get doesn’t really make sense.

Uncanny Valley demands a lot of work from the player with no satisfying rewards. You’re better off just watching a playthrough…

It's boring and confusing. The art style doesn't do anything for me either.

I think I need to try this one again but its just so many branching stories that make no sense and have very poor UI