Reviews from

in the past

Like many DS games, this one is very different compared to other platforms, and I like the artstyle and top down view a lot more compared to what I've seen of other games. They made it into a puzzle solving game on the DS where trash blocks are thrown/placed in certain areas to either create paths or eliminate enemies.

I'm similar to Wall-E because I also live surrounded by garbage.
The difference between us is he has rizz and I don't

i'm giving this game an extra .5* since I believe this is the second game i have ever played lmao
I cant say much about the story since I haven't watched the actual movie in a while but from what I recall it's about right.
The puzzles are neat and are quick enough to never overstay their welcome, and EVE's levels are pretty fun, so much that they made them a multiplayer mode.
There were a few areas that could absolutely destroy the frames, although that was probably because I played it on the DS.
7/10 game, very nostalgic for it and this was my first time actually beating it lol

fuck you wall-e and your shitty psp puzzles

Surprisingly fun game, though it is kinda weird how the game becomes a third person shooter near the end.

Definitely one of the better Pixar games, although there are still a few hangups (but they're not as bad as previous games).

The game itself is a fairly short 3D platformer with elements of Frogger and some fun flying levels.
It's very easy to cheese this game by going just out of view of enemies.
They can just stop attacking you if you go far enough away, and you can even kill them before the game recognises that you see them which is pretty funny.

There's a variety of collectables; Suitcases, Radios, "Wallops" (the "E" in "Wall-E"), Sketchbooks and Souvenirs (which are mostly characters from Toy Story).
Suitcases unlock "Appearance Upgrades", Radios unlock "Additional Sound FX", Wallops unlock multiplayer maps, but I'm not sure what everything else does.

To be honest I don't know how to view or use the stuff you unlock with collectables so I didn't bother getting them all. Even looking
online for help in trying to see what everything unlocks did not help.

You also unlock images and videos.
Image-wise, we get film renders and concept art from both the game and the movie, which is pretty cool, but the videos you unlock are cutscenes from the game.
Everything else is already there on startup.

You might have fun playing this game since it's only a few hours long but I don't really think it's worth getting 100% in.

This was frustrating as hell for little me but looking back it's on point for a movie tie-in

Simplesmente perfeito e divertido! As fases no espaço são criativas demais, só não gosto na parte do lixão. Super divertido usar o laser, era satisfatório demais pisar em cima dos botões enormes também. Devo ter zerado umas 3X na infância.

"WALL-E" (PS2) Review: Nostalgia Goggles Edition

Alright, let's take another look at "WALL-E" for the PS2, shall we? Now, while I might've been a bit harsh in my initial assessment, let's not forget that nostalgia can be a powerful thing. So, if you're feeling a bit more forgiving and want to give this game a solid 5/10, then who am I to argue?

Sure, the graphics might not be cutting-edge by today's standards, but hey, they were pretty decent back in the day. And while the controls might be a bit clunky, they're not completely unmanageable once you get the hang of them.

As for the gameplay, well, let's just say it's not going to win any awards for innovation. Collecting garbage and navigating obstacles might not sound like the most thrilling experience, but hey, it's all part of the charm, right? And those minigames? Well, they may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they add a little variety to the mix.

In the end, "WALL-E" for the PS2 is like an old friend – maybe not as polished or refined as you remember, but still capable of bringing a smile to your face. So, if you're feeling a bit nostalgic and want to take a trip down memory lane, give it a shot. Who knows, you might just rediscover why you loved it in the first place.

Rating is that because sometimes, nostalgia is worth its weight in gold.

Nice my favorite movie has a mediocre game lol

The part where it becomes a 3rd person shooter halfway through was the coolest thing ever as a kid

Did not expect to hear MGS3 music in WALL-E.


I've had this game for a long time but never got around to playing it until now. Wall-E is one of my all-time favorite films, so I was excited to play this game. Licensed games, especially Pixar ones, can be really bland but I actually had a fun time with this one. It isn't a great game as its own, but being in this world is a lot of fun and spending time with these characters is always a plus. Missions can feel a little repetitive at times and EVE can be a nightmare to control, but nevertheless I enjoyed the video game version of Wall-E! Not offensively bad like other Pixar games, but something suitable and a good few hours.

A confusing yet boring mess, WALL-E has it's good moments, but they're buried under a pile of bizarre and broken variety.

Full Review:

The PC/PS2 version is a pretty simple collectathon level based 3D platformer that can be completed in a few hours. Nothing ground breaking and it is a PS2 game of its era, so expect some jank from strange collision detection, awkward jumping physics, and somewhat blocky textures, but it gets the job done and it still manages to retain a good amount of charm from the movie. I have played the PS3 version of WALL-E and that plays like a much more expanded game with even more collectables and more complex puzzle mechanics (and you get to play and fly around as EVE more) but haven't finished it, so I might update my review in the future if I end up finishing that someday.

They really turned my boy into a marketable video game

My goblin brain never really asked why they give a garbage disposal bot a death ray

Eve ile uçup ateş etmek biraz keyif verdi.

wall-e kills so many guys and feels nothing

me diverti muito quando era criança

i don’t remember much but i loved wall-e so much

Decent little collectathon.

Tony hawk wishes he had sick half-pipe tricks like this game

this is the gta san andreas for the kids that couldn't get gta san andreas for the ps2

Наверное самая любимая из игр детства. Без какого-то там лютово душилова или однообразия. Даже сейчас можно залипнуть, если не проходить на 100 процентов

Grew up with this game on ps2. Always loved how this game expanded upon the story of the movie and added its own little twists. It also replicates the look of the movie very well. Then again, pixar movie games are usually on the better end of licensed kids games from the 2000s