Reviews from

in the past

Grew up playing this, it was fire, a lot of nostalgia

tem uma gameplay interessante, as cutscenes são legais e fieis ao filme, mas as fases poderiam ser bem mais e o jogo podia ser bem mais explorado, parece q não utilizaram o potencial todo que ele poderia ter e só jogaram no seguro, não tem incentivo nenhum de pegar as BnL coins pra completar o jogo 100%.
a música também faz falta nessa versão

Shockingly agile for a rusty cube.

Super solid childhood game makes you smarter as well

The music when you're on earth with the garbage 👍👍👍👍

Probably the greatest movie tie-in game from the late 2000's. I enjoyed every second of this. Yeah sure 5 stars is a bit much for this but I'm so nostalgic when it comes to this game I played it SO MUCH on my PS2 back in the day. There's 3 entirely different games with the title of WALL-E though. I played the PS2/PC/PSP one and the PS3/XBOX 360/Wii one, I haven't touched the DS one, might consider getting that on 3DS?

Minha infância em um jogo. Foi muito bom jogá-lo outra vez, ele é genuinamente excelente e adapta o filme de forma perfeita, só é meio curto.

Lo recordaba mejor cuando lo jugué antaño. Muy repetitivos los niveles. No le hace justicia a la película.

i am running out of stuff to write for these reviews

Yine geçen yazdığım komşum ile oynadığımız pek çok oyun arasında aklımda kalan birkaç oyundan biri. Tıpkı Ben 10 gibi, Wall-E'yi de ayıla bayıla izlememin ardından sırf onun "oyunu" diye, köpek gibi merak ediyordum. Bunu da az oynamadık.

Sahi bir ara, o günlerde hatırladığım oyunları bi' tekrar ziyaret etme hayalim var, bakalım. O neşeli zamanlarımızı çok özledim, Baran :')

De los mejores juegos que he jugao de PS2 eh, menuda puta barbaridad

My decision to get this game was based purely on the fact that I had played it when I was a young child. Growing up, WALL-E was an absolute favorite of mine. Subsequently, I also got this game originally on PS2. I remember enjoying it well enough. However, now in my early 20's, I decided to give this game another look with fresh eyes. After doing so, it's really just a very average movie tie in game. Not horrible in any grand defining way, but also not anything worth screaming to the masses. Some things that could be mentioned, is how tedious some levels can be when it comes to 100% them. Destroying all the crates in a given level, could take 2-3 attempts in order to get them all without walk throughs. It also does the sin of not having the ability to save and quit the mission upon completing that collectible. Thus, making you have to play the entire mission again. This can sometimes be up to 30 to 45 minutes depending on the length of the mission. I also found extreme issue with the way that WALL-E jumps. It feels extremely floaty and like you lose all control while in the air. Overall, if you are a big fan of the movie or Disney in general, you would probably get something out of playing this game. It's a fun way to experience the story again while having a simple and easy gaming experience. 2.5 / 5.

This review contains spoilers

This game is a good tie in game, that's not as good as the movie. The Story is the same as the movie, like most kids' games are. The Graphics are beautiful, but not as beautiful as the movie though, the world is atmospheric, textures although not amazing are good and make that whole game feel like the movie's settings, same for the models too. The gameplay has you explore the abandoned earth, and the Axiom well finishing levels to continue the story. You can carry/ throw up to 3 things at once, roll around being a cube and there is also a bit of puzzle solving to advance in some levels, the controls also work and flow well, how you would want them to be, you can also play as Eve and she plays just as well, and has really fun fast shooting and scavenger hunts those speed makes these segments not feel like just shooting ranges, the fast speed keeps you focused if you try.
The Music is good too, the copyrighted tracks are beautiful, and but the ones for the game, aren't as impressive as the rest of the game is but fit every scene and helps the experience out too. wallE shows that even amazing films that tie in games can't be on the same level as, can still be deserving of being made as is this very game I played.

A game mainly based on the film also named WALL-E, a film about how humans destroyed their world known as Earth with rubbish and litter, so basically it wants to point out that the main problem is the amount of trash we produce in an year versus the amount of trash that can be recycled, so yes, if you want your grandsons to live peacefully, start caring about Earth and don't be a selfish idiot who only thinks of money and glory.
Ok, so the game isn't that long as expected, but still, it is fun and enjoyable. This game really is one of my favorite game from my childhood, and honestly, it wouldn't be as fun as it was back when I played at my school years. So if you watched the movie, you can basically know what will happen, which isn't that fun. For an 2008. game the graphics are decent, the game isn't hard, maybe some levels take some time to complete. I really recommend this game for children, it's fun and easy to play, at the end of the day it is an E ( E for everyone) rated game.
All in all, a good game, even though I think this game deserved more content and more gameplay variety.

WALL-E is one of Pixar's very best film. This is not one of their best games.


I remember it being pretty repetitive and kinda tedious. I don't actually think I ever made it out of the earth.

Lovable Trash Compactor The Movie: The Video Game

clássico do PS2, uns puzzles divertidos e um dos bons jogos de filmes licenciados da época do play2

Apparently I only had like3 levels left, ive been stuck on one for like ever. It was honeslty kinda diffiuclt to control, especially eve level, but it was still enjoyable

La idea era hacer un juego publicitario y terminaron haciendo un plataformero bastante único con un excelente diseño de nivel, siendo quizás su mayor problema la forma tan torpe en como adapta la historia de la película.

Tentando jogar o máximo de jogos de PS2:

3° jogo: WALL-E

Eu adoro esses jogos que adaptam filmes da Disney que sempre foram bons, lembro vagamente do filme, assisti quando era uma criança, algum dia eu reassisto e lembro o quanto era bom.
Jogo simples, mas com seu charme, pena que se torna repetitivo e cansativo conforme vai jogando, não é um jogo longo, mas exageraram na quantidade de fases.

A música que repete tantas vezes é boa no começo mas quando enjoa não aguenta mais. Acredito que tenha algo a ver com os direitos da música e entupiram ela no jogo, tanto que a mecanica do rádio só toca ela.

Não é um jogo ruim, deu para me divertir, me estressar em alguns momentos, jogo bem ok, não tem muito o que eu falar.

Críticas? Ter explorado mais a possibilidade do que fazer. Não só ficar em puzzles chatos e repetitivos, o problema desses jogos e nesse se encaixa muito bem é como uma mecânica é implementada e continua sendo a mesma durante o jogo todo. Mas é pedir demais devido ao ano de lançamento

Enfim, é bem OK. Recomendo para quem ama o filme, e foi bem cativante e fofo ver a historinha de amor desse filme :D