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Wii Sports Boxing Results Music for 10 Hours

i mean.... theres not a lot here but I can't deny playing wii sports for the first time with my family are treasured memories.

Shitting on niggas no matter what

did u kno this came with console?????

Such a good launch title, really made you feel like this next console was going to be a good blend of something old and something new.

I'm rating this very high mostly out of nostalgia. I actually tried to speedrun this game a couple of years ago, and it was really fun!

Played out of necessity, stayed for the soundtrack. Stay golden, Wii Sports ❤︎

holding a wiimote and nunchuck and standing in the middle of your living room is literally the most enjoyable experience of all time disregarding even playing the game. The rubber protector thing for the wiimote alone was like a toy in itself. All of these games take place in perfectly idyllic isolated worlds populated by spectators that don't care about anything outside of the game you're playing, the UI feels like an ad for a new community college or smth... I don't know whether it's the fact that I was a child when this was released or if this actually is the perfect distillation of the innocence of childhood in game form. Feels like a demo for real life

i am a fucking baseball demon do not test me you goddamn pussy

It makes me feel so old to finally get to say this but this is one of those games where you really “had to be there” - never have I seen a video game so able to connect different generations of family, with everyone /actually/ enjoying the game play. Wii Sports confirmed making video games a household name. It wasn’t the start, but it definitely was a solid nail in securing that video games, regularly seen as just an activity for boys and young men in the Western world, becoming something that a whole family could participate in together. Even my own very traditional abuelita joining in and waiting her turn to use the system so she could bowl.

It goes without saying that the physical gameplay of “actually” playing tennis and “actually” bowling was groundbreaking for the time and had everyone interested. We didn’t care that it was “just” bowling or “just” baseball. We didn’t care that games that were just playing a sport have been released since the Atari. It was the mechanics, it was the true visual view of answering “what will the future of gaming look like?”, and most importantly it was the way it brought all of us together.

people dont like playing wii boxing with me because i take my shirt off

Jokes aside, genuinely probably one of the most important games ever made

As a bundle compilation of how the Wii remote could be used, this does a great job. Everyone knows how these sports work in real life, and translating that into a game like remote really helped introduce people to the gaming like control scape, and really allowed for lots of people to experience games; even if alot of said games where not particularly "main stream." Beyond such however, Wii Sports is just really well put together, climbing the ranks to fight harder opponents, endlessly playing against freinds, and the many practice games make the game feel very complete, especially considering its bundle status. If anything, I would have liked more golf maps, but given how distributed all quality of all the games turned out to be, I can overlook it.

Good fun, the controller gave up trying halfway through every tennis match but still.


how is a tech demo one of the best games on the wii

wii sports bowling announcer be like : "Wow, Nice Cock!"

If you've never played this game, you're lying.

The game where your 12 year old nephew humbled you as he effortlessly schooled you in Fake Baseball and Fake Boxing, sports you watch religiously in your daily life.

Matt still haunts me in my dreams.

i am GOATED at tennis dont even TRY to play against me i fry those cpu's asses like fried CHICKEN (i live in kentucky)

A certified hood classic. This is a great pack-in game for the Wii that showed exactly what was special about the Wii. The game also just oozes with charm. Each of the sports are also fun to play, especially with family and friends.

The only game my grandma can beat me at.

Unironically one of the better games on the Wii.

holds a special place in my heart. always good for a laugh. you really just had to be there in 2006

Matt powerscaling matters and I'm tired of pretending it doesn't

i remember when i was younger i would always ask before playing games because i was a baby and thought i needed to ask my mom before playing a game my older sisters owned but when my sisters got a wii for christmas and i saw wii sports i needed to take matters into my own hands and play it because the wii was so cool to me

One of the best pack-in games to come out and show what the Wii is capable of with its motion controls in different sport disciplines. It makes for a great multiplayer experience as it is usually played while creating and customizing your Miis and it is quite accessible for newbies. Outside of that it doesn't offer much and nowadays it isn't the game I would go to first for that experience.