Reviews from

in the past

Wow, this game is so much fun. The art style is super cute and the story is engaging. Honestly one of the best games I've played in a long time. I really enjoyed the crafting aspect and the combat is the right amount of hard to keep the experience cozy and stress free.

A very cute, humorous and wholesome adventure. I saw people comparing the game to Atelier games and while it gives off a very similar vibe, it is not exactly it. Most of the crafting in WitchSpring R is for the survivability in combat, not for quests and such.

It is a turn based combat with the player their pets, tamed along the way. There is only few fetch side quests, otherwise the entirety of the game follows the main story. There is an option to farm and grind for some equipment, extra spells and such, but I’d assume this would be more important at higher difficulty. I got through the story with only some minor gathering.

The art style of both the game and the UI are very pleasant and cohesive, music and even sound design work very well with the mood too. I hope we get some new instalments, not even necessarily following Pieberry.

Honestly a very underappreciated game. Apparently it was originally a mobile game but you'd be hard pressed to notice. Very good story with both cute and bittersweet moments that pleasantly surprised me. I bought it on a whim but definitely would recommend this to anyone looking for a fun RPG to play. Haven't even done the NG+ content yet but I expect that to hold up. Only gripe is there's some permanently missable sidequests but hey nothing is perfect.

8.5/10 Fantastic game, absolutely loved it. Combat was super engaging and really unique for a turn based RPG. Crafting was fun. Exploration was fun. Beat on ultra hard, some fights were really challenging, I feel like anything lower would have been too easy.

Only complaint was chapter 3 dragged on. Other than that, the story, while not groundbreaking, was engaging enough. The combat is where it's at.

im not far in but from the first few hours i love this game so much

You think the game's about pies,
but it's much more than meets the eyes.
This game is a treat,
and when it's complete,
you'll be wishing for just one more slice.

WitchSpring R had incredible potential and was an absolutely adorable and fun game, but through bloated content and too much melodrama, the game falls quickly from the heights the early hours of the game present.

The gameplay of WitchSpring R combine small amounts of alchemy, simple RPG combat, and overworld exploration to create an addictive gameplay loop that does not overstay its welcome for its gametime, with possibilities to defeat hard enemies early on with the right strategies, enough diversibility that different builds can range drastically, while also having satisfying progression from start to finish apart from the end game where one can be overpowered for everything except the final boss which will prove to challenge even those who grinded excessively.

Combined with its simple art style and music that accompany this, it fits in perfectly as a smaller RPG to enjoy with a childlike adorable story mimicking the style used for children's stories. However, that story begins to drag and grows tiresome very early, as repeating events around the second quarter of the game really slow down progression and cause the story to be stuck at Lalaque village, with a few more segments feeling similarly poorly paced. Too many characters of which some are not very important end up dividing the screen time too wide, especially with some of these elements being repeated too often with some of these characters. I feel a large portion of the middle section of this game could have been cut as it adds pointless melodrama and at some points make some characters feel nearly irredeemable despite their status at the end of the game where they are redeemed. Such as Livya who had done mean things to Pieberry one too many times before she redeems herself to the point the repetition was eyerolling in Lalaque village when combined with all the other repetitive cutscenes in that section of the game.

The characters for what its worth are fun and fulfill their purposes in this very whimsical and childlike tale well, and Pieberry works wonderfully as a lead character to lead this story while learning more about other characters and befriending everyone along the way. I liked many characters, from Livya the tsundere knight, Luna the frost witch, Ralph the merchant, to Vernstein the leader of the rebellion.

As WitchSpring R is a recreation of the first game of the series, I'd say it does an admirable job of presenting this series to new comers and sets up well for its sequels, it just sadly is mired by a lot of segments that slow it down far too much in the middle segment of the game. The first two chapters of this game feel wonderful and if only reviewing that section I would give it a 4/5 because that is how good of a start this game has for leading you into its magical world. Sadly, as it goes on the payoff while satisfying does not justify the bloat in the ending. WitchSpring R serves as a good entry point to alchemy games, and has its own unique style that is fun and entertaining. Definitely pick this game up on sale if you're interested, I know I'll be keeping an eye out if WitchSpring R2 is announced.

Cute RPG where you collect pets / progress through plot. Quite enjoyable, the combat was interesting (Played on Hard) for a while, however towards the end my magic stat made combat pretty much a breeze. Due to the statbooster spam nature of the game, you can make it as easy or hard as you want really.

The best indie RPG I've ever played. Full of soul, positivity and hope. Suyoung Jang is an absolute legend for doing this. The gameplay is solid too, while exploitable and generally on the easier side, it's full of amazing quality of life features that turn based games often don't have the consideration to include. Also, the superbosses are pretty fun to fight early and there's a lot of them. The pets are really cute and fun to collect.

One of the best aspects is the intuitive and natural design. The quest design is naturalistic and mostly contextual. You'll naturally be hinted at a weapon to unlock or a character who wants something that you'll come across if you explore. Collecting everything is rewarding and doesn't force you to out of your way. Crafting and exp gaining are designed in such a way that if you fight most enemies just the first time you'll have more than enough of everything. In addition, grinding is disencouraged in general since you only get combat exp the first time, and it caps fairly early.

The soundtrack is solid, and the visuals are minimalistic but cute. Finally, it's really commendable how as such a small studio, they were able to get this game out in so many regions simultaneously with minimable translation errors and a Japanese dub.

I can't recommend this game enough. It's an RPG made specifically for RPG fans. Any complaints I could bring up would be nitpicks and a disservice to the amazing effort put forth here.

Very cozy, enjoyable, and positive all around, if a little rough around the edges.