Reviews from

in the past

i come to this game to sink time. does that job good

é... essa porra ficava travando.

shout outs to every classmate i watched play this during class in high school that prompted me to also play this during class

The game really blew up back then and I couldn't see the appeal tbh. I always thought that it was fucking boring. One thing I like about it though is the skins in this game are fucking hilarious, so this gets one star from me

literal shit. go in, get a little bigger than last time, and get eaten, repeat. so fucking boring.

gameplay gets a 1.


Let me guess:
- You played it in ground school.
- Were young.
- Nothing better to do.

That one game I played for an accumulative 5 minutes when it was big.

Just checked, this game is still online goddamn.

I mean... it's I guess..

This barely qualifies as a game...

uma merda ne sejamos sinceros

Well at least it used to be fun on school pcs. 0,5/5

When I was like 10 me and my homies played this shit at school and when you named yourself "cherry" or something like that your circle would become a picture of a penis