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The worse DLC for AC Origins. If I had to describe this in some way, I would say that this is basically a 10-hour version of the base game. It does continue the main quest line with a separate story, but that's pretty much the only new thing this DLC brings.

Nice lil continuation of the main story

dlc içerisinde yeni hiçbir şey göremedim, hikayesi ana hikayenin devamı bunun haricinde öyle özel bir olayı yok açıkçası

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It's a very interesting story if you care to know more about the origins of the Brotherhood. You recruit new members and get some betrayals. It gives you a new small area to explore.

Short DLC overall - regarding story, side quests, and exploration, - but pretty enjoyable to play. It also unlocks some nice weapons, mounts, and outfits.

Plus, you get to meet Aya (Amunet) again.

Un dlc correct mais qui contient peu de contenu.

não é nada absurdo ou totalmente diferente do conteúdo normal, mas serve bem pra matar a saudade saca. Não recomendo jogar ja seguido do jogo q fica desgastante, eu dei uns meses pre testar isso e foi dahora cara, mas vale os 12 real que eu paguei mesmo, não compensa o full price.

If you're in the mood for a bite-sized Assassin's Creed: Origins, then this is for you. It probably serves more as an origin to the Assassin Order than the base game where it felt like an afterthought. The new area doesn't have anything new to offer that you didn't already see in the main game. The outposts and camps do feel a bit better designed to support the three main ways of playing, i.e. warrior, ranged and stealth. Perhaps I only feel this because there's less of them but the ones there do seem more interesting to navigate. It's a solid DLC but it's not particularly exciting.

achei curta, poderia ser melhor, mas é muito bom ver o bayek como mestre assassino, e a reputação dele na ordem, maravilhoso, amunet retorna ainda mais linda, a história não é grande coisa, mas o importante é o que aquilo acrescenta pra lore e é magnífico.

Esta bueno pero la historia es medio meh. El final viendo el origen de los fundamentos del credo fue top 3 cosas más hermosas que vi en mi vida. Te amo assassin's creed

More of the same, which is a good thing for Origins. A newish setting and a lore-heavy story keep it fresh enough that it doesn't get too samey.

Uma DLC bem "ok", mas não é de todo ruim.

Interessante e até bom ver o bayek como um mestre assassino e PRINCIPALMENTE a aya como amunnet, gostei do destino de ambos.

More of the same gameplay as in Origins, but in a new area. The story sees Bayek struggle to establish his brotherhood of Hidden Ones to combat the Order of Ancients, but its beats are relatively tame. While the open world and content is just as good as before, it's also more of the same and Origins was already a long game, so it might not hold your interest all that well.

It's an enjoyable experience going throughout the world

More AC Origins, it was nice seeing what Bayek and Aya were up to after all those years, seeing a more establish order, but the actual story wasn't that great, very one noted and with a weak plot-twist, I wasn't crazy about the base game and I'm not crazy about this DLC.

hidden ones is a soulless cash grab that really doesnt need to exist, curse of the pharoahs is better

I was more excited to start the Hidden Ones DLC. Sadly, it didn't live up to my expectations. It was a short experience and the story was cliche. You see it coming right in the beginning.

I wanted more information on how the Assassin's Creed group was started. You get a couple side characters to recruit but then you never see them again. There's no relationship building. It was flat.

i played this almost two years ago and don't remember much of it! i suppose that says it's neither good nor bad, just unmemorable.

This should have been apart of the main game and been the actual ending!

100% of trophies earned; all quests completed. It's more Assassin's Creed: Origins, but as I loved the base game that's no bad thing. There's some interesting expansion to the story and well-designed encounters, especially the sizeable fort in the centra of the map.

Although this is more of the same, the tale of the born of the Creed makes an otherwise dull experience somewhat passable.

It's definitely one of the better Assassin's Creed DLCs until that point, which isn't saying much at all. The main story, while it feels like a very fitting epilogue to the story told in the main game, it still is detached enought that it does not feel like it was cut from the main game. It's a good addition to the lore, especially in exploring how the early Assassin's/Hidden Ones operated, and definitely a must for the series fans.

The problem is that Sinai is rather a dull place. Like much of this DLC, Sinai also feels more of the same, with the similar arid mountains and surprisingly unintentersting urban areas. The gameplay also does not have any changes, which is a shame since they could've definitely incorporated the idea of apprentices into a more concrete gameplay mechanic (i.e. summons from Brotherhood). Still, one cannot be complaining too much considering the amount of content and quality it offers with its price.


More of the same, but with Origins that's not a bad thing at all, story was pretty great too and serves as a great epilogue for Bayek. I liked the ziplines but it definitely could of used another new mechanic like maybe bringing back Brotherhood's assassin recruits, could've worked wonderfully here.

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
DLC's - Ranked
2018 - Ranked

Não sou muito de terminar DLC, mas me encantei pelas do origins, não to tão decepcionado eu curti bastante esse pós fim do jogo, o traje do Bayek é um máximo e a ambientação em Sinai também é muito bonita, pena que é muito confusa e pequena, sem permitir tanta exploração assim por la

Um dos problemas pra mim dessa DLC é que ela é bem curtinha, em 3 horas tu consegue terminar ela facilmente se jogar direto, mas a historinha é maneira e vale a pena pra quem é fã de AC, tem uns pontos levantados que se tornam cruciais para a saga toda