Reviews from

in the past

Very fun roguelite that I can see becoming very popular in the future (with the right updates and refinement of course.)

One of the best games in the genre.

A luxourious and comprehensive roguelite game. Combat that rivals the best in the genre and a progression syste that does the same.
Game is chill as heck, the score is gorgeous gameplay is intense af. Great game

Astral Ascent is extremely confident on its combo-system that it decided to throw comprehensibility and readability out the window, in order to make sure that your dopamine is at an all-time high.

Surprisingly, Astral Ascent loves to hammer variety. Every single move has its own unique utility. Some are for mobility, some strike vertically, some leave a tornado for a short amount of time; it's fun, stupid and is even furtherly customizable by an element and sub-stat upgrade system that makes your moves furtherly unique. UI and UX unfortunately suffers due to the wonky implementation of this system. The recent update also gave all four playable characters two additional unique weapons that shift their playstyle. The game also encourages the player to engage with its hard-mode system, providing higher difficulty for its seasoned players.

The game also throws a lot, by a lot I do mean A LOT, of progression systems at the player. You may like it or not, but it's progression system feels just right, only ever relying on a single meta-currency.

Astral Ascent is fresh. While it may not be a perfect game, and it obviously wears much of its influence on its sleeve, Astral Ascent presents so many options that each and every run feels chaotic and experimental enough, that it embraces its roguelike roots fairly well. If there's anything else that I can say, it's power-fantasy done right, provided that you find decimating your screen with dozens of particles alright.

In the moments where Astral Ascent comes together, it absolutely deserves to be mentioned right along with the inspirations that it so clearly wears on its sleeve. However, it struggles to maintain that quality all the way through, and does not always execute well on some genre staples in a way that severely undercuts its overall potential.

Starting with the good: Astral Ascent's core combat, movement, and enemy design is an absolute delight. Every fight feels responsive, beautiful, and high-octane in a way that is really gripping, and its difficulty curve is surprisingly good, offering some very clear ways to learn and improve on its combat at all times, without being overwhelming to start. It runs a good balance of making you feel competent, while still always having the carrot of even better skill and harder challenges for you to chase.

Unfortunately, outside of its stellar core loop, Astral Ascent's quality lags heavily. To put it simply, Astral Ascent is very broad, offering a truly staggering amount of unique content, spells, and storylets. However, this commitment to breadth really undercuts a lot of what it is hoping to achieve. Individual boons throughout a playthrough vary from totally gamebreaking to completely and utterly irrelevant. Truly, the amount of times this game offers as a reward a "10% chance for X effect" where x effect is something totally minor will drive you mad. The result of this was eventually realizing that a grand majority of the systems here just aren't rewarding enough to care about, and the game is more fun if you don't think too hard about your build - and genuinely, the difficulty rarely punished me for this kind of thinking. This is a serious disappointment in a genre that boasts games like Hades and Dead Cells, where building your character carefully and intelligently over a run is one of the major thrills.

The story suffers almost the same problem. There is an absolute glut of characters here, most of which we do not get to spend enough time with to really care about, and the presence of four main characters who's engagements in the story vary wildly only serves to further muddy the waters of relationships and stakes. The game has a lot of cool character designs and worldbuilding ideas but they are totally buried under the sheer weight of the game having to balance the need to maintain a relatively breezy pace while still giving everyone time to shine. Despite my best attempts to read everything and really invest myself, the story was something that also fell away the longer I spent with this game.

In all, Astral Ascent is a very impressive second outing from Hibernian Worlds, in that its peaks are very reminiscent of the greats it has clearly modeled itself on. Unfortunately, it is a game that feels the whole way through like it would've benefited greatly from some more aggressive editing to isolate only the parts of it that were good. As it stands, its a little bit bloated, a little bit unfocused, and a lot bit shallow. Good for a jaunt, but not necessarily a favorite.

The last game I play of 2023 is a great one, a very well polished, fast and fluid roguelike with some really cool boss battles. Fun metaprogression and upgrades, spells are fun to use and the enemy variety is pretty good. My biggest complaint with the game is the grind in the late game, other than that its pretty damn good.

Best roguelike since Hades

Um roguelike fenomenal com gráficos atordoantes, o enredo é divertido e cria personagens com personalidades e visuais incríveis. A jogabilidade é ótima mas demora um pouco pras engrenagens começarem a girar, não fui muito fã do fato de derrotar o boss final não parecer recompensador.

O jogo é muito divertido, possui gráficos lindos, jogabilidade frenética como esperado em muitos roguelikes. O único problema é que ao derrotar o boss verdadeiro não ser nada recompensador.

One of the best rogue likes I played so far, very in depth gameplay and fast-paced combat

It was all good and fun until I realize I should win the game 6 times to see the ending. And you should win it on higher difficulty every time (you can only get the real ending with destiny 6 or higher). First time I beat the game it takes me I had arround 12 hours gameplay. After that each runs took me 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes to win (I was using cheat engine so I finish them quickly) and get the first ending after 18 hours of playing. And guess what this game have 17 endings. One for each character (4) + one for each zodiac (12) + one for final boss (1) in total 17. It’s the only way to 100% the game
It’s a good game when you play it because you want to beat it for the first time. But after that it will get boring
My game version: 1.3.0
Here is a link to all ending. It start from 44:49. Check the caption for more information

No puedo decir que no me guste, es precioso gráficamente, las batallas contra los bosses son interesantes, las habilidades también... Pero no me han entrado ganas de acabarlo tras echarle 20 horas. He estado apunto varias veces, pero el boss final se me atragantaba. Y no es eso lo que me ha echado para atras, la batalla es incluso más impresionante y bien hecha que el resto, pero... no se.

Me aburre la absurda aleatoriedad de habilidad, pasivas y demás. Me desespera que no puedas construirte una build como tal si no tienes una absurda cantidad de suerte. Y aun así, haces algo de más daño o pones 14 estados alterados a la vez, pero tampoco mucho más.

Los hechizos consiste en ponerte los que mas te gusten y luego hacer un "Random bullshit go" cada X segundos, a cooldown. No te preocupes si quemas, enfrías, poner nubes, electrificado, o cualquier otro estado alterado. No cambie tu gameplay realmente, solo hace que el enemigo sufra más daño y punto. Tú céntrate en esquivar o muere rápido.

Cada vez que me ponía a jugar me lo pasaba bien, peor al acabar pensaba: "¿ha sido esta partida dif a las 10 anteriores?". Y la respuesta es que aun siendo divertida, no, no lo ha sido. Ni un ápice, y eso que no tenia nada igual, absolutamente todo era diferente. A mi me ha cansado, pero aun así lo recomiendo.

It's a (almost shamelessly so) Hades inspired roguelike. The gameplay is top notch, with loads of metaprogression, good combat and overall game feel. Boss fights are the particular standout with each one being super unique and fun to learn. What is less good as everything dealing with the writing/story of the game. It tries to do the Hades thing with worldbuilding and storytelling that evolves on each run, but the characters aren't compelling enough, the writing isn't sharp enough and the voice acting ranges from "ok" to not great. That said, I enjoyed my time with the game wholeheartedly. I ended up seeing the credits roll and beating the true final boss after about 11 hours, but I'll probably continue playing it on and off.

mix between hades and dead cells
extremely good until the last section imo
after that it kinda gets repetitive but I mean that's kind of part of the genre so whatever
I expected a little beyond a cutscene in the true ending tbh
boss fights are extremely good
combat is sex if a bit dry on the loot
I recommend it if you are already into the genre

amazing roguelike with a really fun gameplay and progression, a lovechild of hades and dead cells

I haven't really gotten around to actually finishing this one the game from what I've played tho was pretty fun, while from the surface it may look like a Hades clone, and well it kinda is after all the game has a pretty fun spell casting mechanic which really sets it apart

Eu achei esse jogo graças ao Tiktok, comprei numa promoção, e além de LINDO, as mecânicas são fáceis e fluídas. Até o presente momento sempre existe atualização para o jogo e nada que quebre ele, balanceado e numa dificuldade gostosa de jogar, vale super a pena.

Cool action roguelite, very much following the hades formula, but as a sidescroller with different playable characters.

The combat is fluid and reactive, but lacks impact, and enemies sometimes stack together and become unreadable jumbles. I did like the 4 spell system though, building your somewhat random personal combo each playthrough was fun.

The pixel art is good, but can feel a bit basic at times, and I didn't end up caring much for the story or characters. The intro cutscenes for the bosses are pretty well made though !

I enjoyed playing through this, but I don't feel like pushing this game much further than the 6 successful runs necessary to get the ending.

I like the character variety, the combat is alright, but I feel the per-stage rewards tend to waver into very meh.

um estilo de jogo que gosto bastante, é um jogo divertido igual qualquer outro do estilo (dead cells, spiritfall, hades)
porém depois de um tempo começa a perder o interesse.

acho que tem bastante falhas que podem ser corrigidas futuramente, como o combate aereo ser uma "mecanica" do jogo, porém é mal executado.

vale a pena pra perder algumas horas.

Like all good roguelike/lites getting that busted luck-sack build on a run after 20 duds is just…. muah

VERY underrated rougelike, like, literally never heard of this before I saw it

lindo, tema e estrutura de jogo perfeitas, diverso nas builds e personagens, difícil na medida certa, uma maravilha!

While the art style and story is a little generic for my tastes, the combat is well developed and fun to play.

Still in early access, the game's a hell lot of fun, the gameplay loop is great and the art, both visual and musical is simply amazing, i'm letting it stay until further updates but it's a fantastic game

Fast-paced platforming with a clear yet complex rogue-like system. Absolutely loved the world built around it, and the bosses were a joy to encounter.

it's an okay game; the combat felt off to me, and the characters were lifeless outside of their portraits since the art detail was traded for fluid animation

Missing a hook to really differentiate it from its peers, but the gameplay is solid, challenging, and fun enough for what it is. At times, it feels like a training tool for working on platformer micro which can be hit or miss depending on what you're looking for out of it. Personally, I found it fun. Beat up to D15. I might continue later on, but I don't have much desire to try and beat D100, which sounds like just a fucking lot for very fucking little.

An enjoyable action roguelike with satisfying combat underscored by spectacular pixel animation. I found the sheer number of upgrade systems, unlocks, difficulty modifiers and talent trees a little overwhelming, but I can see how someone might really click with that much breadth. The UI is also a bit clunky, especially in co-op. Beyond that, Astral Ascent is a fresh take on the formula with a lot of content and excellent boss encounters.