Reviews from

in the past

Ispirato a Undertale e Doki Doki. Purtroppo, ci si spoilera facilmente certi eventi anche solo guardando la pagina in negozio su Steam.

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just Monika

get stuck at keypad code .. tried everything but still no hope..

Played this a few months back knowing nothing about it and quite enjoyed it!!! While cheesy at times I found its story very fun and the way it plays with the different dimensions of gameplay is really really fun. A very well-realized idea and overall good time. I love my buddy!!

I 100%ed the game and I rather enjoyed it. It was a neat experience and although it feels like it tries too hard to be "edgy" at times it was a blast.
I'll admit I laughed a lot during the bad ending. But the good ending was really sweet :)

This didn't teach me how to make friends.

the meta-indie-game isn't particularly novel at this point but it's still an enjoyable game that definitely has some charm to it

Very cute game. My only complaint is dodge timings are odd, if you're too quick and responsive you get punished.

A bit predictable maybe, but still fun. Nice to see a 'creepy self aware game' but the game inside is actually fun and interesting on its own.

decently interesting meta-""""horror"""" experience with a lot of cool shifts

I remember playing the demo of Buddy simulator, thinking it was a neat little project, and then completely forgetting about it. It was really shocking to see the game on and that it was launching soon.

The game really isn't for everyone, its gameplay is incredibly varied and relies on inserting you into the world. A majority of the game takes place in the style of an RPG, though.

The writing is clever and nuanced, they were almost scarily accurate in depicting a manipulative relationship. It manages to have a good amount of length on it while also being very replayable.

There are tons of Secrets and optional Easter eggs for you to go find that tie the story together, and the game put so much effort into every single tiny detail that i really can't help but be charmed.

The game also has four different endings, and each of them are well fleshed out and honestly feel like a satisfying conclusion. Topped off with a charming art style and gorgeous soundtrack and you have such a genuinely unique labor of love.

The few problems I have with it are basically just nitpicks, things like small cliches, or a few segments that drag out a little too long, but nothing that would make me want to rate it any lower than five stars honestly.

And honestly, it gives one of the most genuine messages I've seen in a game. A message that's not easy to hear but one that is necessary, that no matter how much you love someone, sometimes you just have to let go of people.

It's niche, but it's MY niche.

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Como explicar Buddy Simulator 1984? Esse jogo que foi recomendado do nada por um amigo e que simplesmente me cativou de inúmeras formas. Poucos jogos na vida me fizeram chorar e esse jogo foi um deles, passei a manhã do dia seguinte ouvindo a música de meu final em looping e só pensando que (ALERTA DE SPOILER À SEGUIR), na real, ele realmente não entendia que o que estava fazendo era ruim para nós, ele simplesmente não entendia o ser humano, ele não foi programado para entender os nossos sentimentos. Mas, apesar disso tudo, ele desenvolveu seus próprios sentimentos durante esse tempo de jogo e ele conseguiu sentir-se triste por não ter cumprido seu propósito. Buddy Simulator 1984 realmente se tornou um jogo que levarei por toda a minha vida. Muito obrigado aos devs por essa obra!

so was i the only one that, given the choice, allways named things with swear words, no , just me, ok , i get it, i'm not mad

Empieza bien y se desinfla poco a poco.
Me da pena porque el juego está curradísimo, pero se alarga demasiado para lo que cuenta.

Charming and memorable. Not completely original but well made and worth the journey, topped off with several great ending songs.

Its biggest weakness is the Paper Mario segment, where the game's best aspect (the AI) takes a backseat to a world of quirky characters.

I had a friend like this in high school.

fun game, certain parts were a little annoying, but i think it was executed pretty well.

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Só faltou o missing data [U], esse jogo é muito bom, eu amo os finais

Las primeras horas son la hostia, pero poco a poco se desinfla y no llega a ser de mis favoritos.

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Shelved this for a good reason! -100/10 for killing my dead cat. The trope has been played to death, the fact we can't heal in between battles is annoying. And the main story is forgettable. Play Kinoko pet instead.

I love how this game constantly transforms yet stays in the same space. I love the fact that it actually made me feel like I was playing something special (just like the game that it's most inspired by), even if only in some aspects. The music was a big part of that, I think it deserves a lot of praise. Even though the game does fizzle out a bit closer to the end and pushes its bittersweetness maybe too bluntly, it's still a very pleasant experience.