Reviews from

in the past

Finally got around to this game, and I am sad I didn't get around to it sooner. Fast action with tight controls, super satisfying

Well worth the price

Amazing game. Bought this in a bundle on Humble Bundle for about 20p and oh boy I loved it. Challenging gameplay and mechanics you have to learn. I played this game on the Hardest difficulty first and I'm so glad i did, it made me realise how easy "Hard" was and set me up nicely for the Speedrun achievements and learning the levels and the best way to beat them. The Speedrun for 45 minutes was a very nice challenge that i thoroughly enjoyed practicing for.
Great game, Great value for money. One of the best 100%'s i've done. 10/10. Will miss playing you.

fun, challenging and immensely satisfying with a very retro and distinct artstyle
prolly the most underrated gem, this game absolutely FUCKS OH MY GOD

Fast paced, noisy, violent and legitimately difficult sidescrolling shooter where you leave entire rooms covered in blood and guts.
Simple concept, but sometimes that's all you need.

Кроваво-грязный футуристически-индустриальный Ад бросает Вам вызов минимальной сложностью «Hard» и единичной попыткой на прохождение каждого уровня, невольно вызывая умиление с искренности чувства собственного достоинства людей, ответственных за производство данного трай-контент очарования.

Good sprite art, functional gunplay. But very one-note and shallow. It's no HOTLINE MIAMI.

too committed to the "rip and tear" bit, to the detriment of making it fun.

My very first impression was fantastic. It was fast and brutal. I had that unique adrenaline feel of Doom. Unfortunately unnecessary platforming was introduced. I knew that was going to drag the experience down for me. Then it showed off instant death mechanics. Getting smashed by a trap or sliced by a giant saw. I can see people liking this, but not me.

Coming from Butcher after playing it's de facto successor Carrion is a miserable experience. And that's saying something, because Carrion itself is not a good game. But in it's light, Butcher feels so, so weak. It's a game that relies almost entirely on an aesthetic it's successor both replicates and improves upon. And for me, that just makes me look at the gameplay of Butcher more intently, and dang, this sucks.

Essentially, Butcher sells itself as a kinda hotline miami-y, kinda doom-ish blend in a 2d platformer with free aiming, and its awful. It's not quite as bad as the comparable my friend pedro, but its thoroughly uninteresting and by the time you've finished the first level the game is already out of tricks. Whilst on a basic level it's quite similar to some game's i've liked - frankly, young me put way too much time into Armor Mayhem - There's fuck all depth and the lethality is so high on both your and the enemes side it just turns into peaking out behind cover constantly.

This ties in particularly badly with the game's other core problem - it's difficulty. Despite the game doing its absolute darndest to try and seem tough and cool, it's really not. It's mostly just kind of annoying. Enemy AI is so weak and your weapons are so powerful that you can pretty easily just murder everything if you take your time and dont overextend. At the same time, if you do, you die stupid quickly.

It's just kinda lame. The game's vibe seems to encourage high aggression, but ultimately the really bad difficulty balance encourages very conservative, boring play, and rewards you with a full level restart if you dare to try to have fun. Whatever you do, there's nothing like movement tech or really oddball weapons to master anyway, and the console versions have un-removable lock-on aiming, so have fun corner peeking i guess.

To be slightly fair, the aesthetic does work here. Butcher is remarkably grim, as one cyborg's rampage to murder the rest of mankind should be. Whilst the effects arent as great as they become in carrion, and the character sprite's are bizzarely tiny for no good reason, its thick and outright nasty throughout. It's also arguable this grimdank vibe works much better here than in Carrion, which whilst also grim is also aimed a bit more sympathetically to the creature. Its only real problem in Butcher is that it has like, 3 shades of brown on offer for every sprite in the game and when human sprites are so small it's very easy to lose track of them. Kind of crucial for a game which requires fast reflexes. Also god help you if you decide to turn on the CRT filter included. May as well smear vaseline all over your monitor.

Maybe if i'd played this in 2016 on release i'd have seen some value in it, but at least now, six years later, it feels like a game that offers basically nothing of value, that's own schtick has been thoroughly superceeded and that game itself is only decent at best. It's far from an ireedemable game, but also throuroughly not worth bothering with.