Reviews from

in the past

cara, isso aqui foi algo muito inesperado e que me pegou de jeito, principalmente quando terminei e subiu a conquista, me fez refletir.

no please no stop with that nobody asked for it PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP
you motherfocker stupid bitch get some real pussys and dicks

Jogo curto, de graça e com um mini plot.
E Pt-Br, joga ai

im 43 and lonely and this is deep

Let's put it this way.. it takes you longer to read this review than beating the actual game.

eu nao lembro ent n tem como dar nota

Gosh this was bad. At least it was bad enough to laugh at some parts. This extra stereotypical girl who loves shopping and learns cooking so that she can feed her baby boyfriend is hilarious.

I'm not sure whether the author has ever talked to a real woman but it was definitely written for people who never had.

Carpe Diem is about a young man named Jung having one great day with a girl named Ai. It’s very simple and sweet. And I did not see that ending coming!


The art is very crisp and clear. Ai is the only character shown, and I really liked her appearance. She has two cute outfits.

The backgrounds are also really nice with good depth. You’ll see a couple different places depending on the choice you make.

Sound Effects + Music

The background music in Carpe Diem is pleasant enough. There’s just one track that loops. It’s low but upbeat and fit the tone of the story. The only additional sound effects are the fireworks in one scene.

Gameplay + Controls

As this is strictly a visual novel there’s no gameplay at all. You make one decision. The controls are straight forward: click or press enter to advance the story.


Given that there’s only one decision to make with three options, you could play this three times to see where Jung and Ai end up. It ultimately doesn’t change much though. Carpe Diem only took me about 10 minutes to get through, and it was quick enough to see how the other two choices affect the story. I did end up with a favorite path, even though they all have the same ending.


Carpe Diem was a good introduction to visual novels for me. I found it from a list of free visual novels for beginners. It was the shortest one, so I gave it go. It was a good way to spend 30 minutes (all three paths) and I’m glad I gave it a shot.

Straight up something M. Night Shyamalan would write.

sla me deixou carente ent assim

A very short visual novel. And by short, I mean I finished it in 6 minutes. It's free at least, so there's that. The visuals were nice, the story while short was at least decent with a sorta twist ending that makes it feel somewhat relevant to today, all complimented with some nice music.

You think with the tag line Carpe Diem this game wouldn't feel like a waste of time, but that's exactly how I felt about it. I'm sure this would make for an interesting premise if it was fleshed out more or given more stakes, but right now it feels like a concept of what a game could be. Even the story and dialogue just feel rather underwhelming in such a short time because there just isn't anything interesting to it. Points for a neat idea and free game, but nothing else aside from that.

Поиграл, встал из-за стола, подошёл к окну, закурил... Много думал... Плакал...

Mudou minha vida, porém me ofendeu.

it's free and 10 minutes long max (I even went back and chose the mall first) and it's not offensively bad or anything (so giving it a 1/10 which is "worst ever" on vndb feels too harsh) but yeah it just has no value beyond the funny achievement name on Steam

Carpe Diem é a síntese de uma obra de arte fleumática que ascende ao perpassar do tempo, e no fenecimento encontra a transcendência de seu jaez, sua estrutura é frugal mas sua visão é Incólume e sine qua non a agrura de sua jornada, apesar de perene no remate se esteia.

It has a message, which is always good for a visual novel, but between it being remotely a visual novel, the message is awkwardly and awfully exposed, and nothing is relevant, whether this is a visual novel or a piece of text on the screen, this is bad.

Interesting meta visual novel that takes less than 30 minutes to finish, definitely recommend it to anyone who's into VNs in general.

it's pretty neat but very short

Com relação a pergunta final dessa visual novel extremamente curta, minha resposta é: Não sei, e nunca vou saber.